The Barrier of Two Comforts

We live comfortable lives in the western world. Our homes are our castles and we seek to be left alone and undisturbed there. At the same time, the Bible commands Christians to “Go” and tell others about the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the best ways to accomplish this command is to go door-to-door and present the gospel. I see two barriers here which disrupt the comforts of the Christian and homeowner alike.

First, the homeowner desires not to be bothered while at home. The mere fact that someone would knock on their door to talk about religion is abhorrent to them. This disruption of their comfort could cause an otherwise nice person to slam the door in a stranger’s face, even if the stranger bares the gospel message. This vitriolic behavior–from one who assumingly loves his comfort more than his eternal destiny–makes many Christians hesitant to go door-knocking with the local church. Some do not evangelize in any capacity at all. How much should we consider the homeowner’s comfort, especially considering the urgency of the message we have? After all, this is a matter of heaven and hell, life and death; it is a spiritual emergency. Shouldn’t we lay aside aversion to discomfort in light of the gravity of the message? I would say yes, until it becomes clear that we are casting pearls before swine. (Mt 7:6).


The second barrier is the comfort, or should I say, the excuses, Christians have to avoid evangelism. We do not want to face the disapproving face of a discomfited homeowner who needs to hear the gospel. It turns out we love our comforts more than the Lord Himself. This same Lord declares in John 14:15 – If ye love me, keep my commandments. Shouldn’t we be willing to give up our small comforts for His cause? After all, consider how great a comfort He gave up for you. It was the songwriter who said:

He left the splendor of heaven
Knowing His destiny
Was the lonely hill of Golgotha
There to lay down His life for me.

My friend, isn’t that Love? And yet we cannot leave our comforts to obey His command? There is a lost soul who awaits your visit. I encourage you to endure the disapproving face at the door and the rejection of the gospel message you deliver for a greater cause – the cause of Christ. (1 Samuel 17:29)

While we enjoy great comforts in the western world, Bible believing Christians should consider giving those comforts up for the love of God and obedience to His commands. Ponder this thought: He has chosen you! He could have made the stones cry out to share His word, but He chose you! As for the homeowner, the telemarketer, the door-to-door salesman, and the political surveyor all disrupt his comfort with far less important messages. He will survive. If we go, and if we give up our comfort to tell him about Jesus Christ and His saving grace, he just might hear the greatest news of his life. Trust me, it would be worth it all.

Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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