Isaiah 6:1-7 is one of my favorite passages as it reminds us afresh of who God is and who we are not. Isaiah beautifully captures and communicates his view of God relaying to us God’s highness, holiness, and rightful place: lifted up. What’s more, the very sight of God leads Isaiah to see himself for who he is, a man of unclean lips, and one in need of forgiveness. After God purged his sin, His next question was, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” Isaiah’s immediate response, “Here am I, send me.”
Pastor Sexton of Crown College of the Bible once said, “A low view of God will never convict us of our sins. A low view of God will never motivate servants to go into his vineyard to give their lives to telling people about Jesus Christ.” So I ask, what is your view of God? Do you remember the day you were saved and the joy that filled your heart? Do you love Him with all of your heart and soul for what He did? Weren’t you excited to tell someone about the burden that had been lifted and of your certainty of heaven? Were you ready to tell others about your testimony? I did, and it was joy divine.
Why is our view of God and our faithfulness preparing and going out as a soul-winner so important? First, souls hang in the balance and time is uncertain. Jesus’ parable of a certain rich man and his barns proved this point (Luke 12) and, as a reminder, Christ could come back today! Second, we are in a spiritual war and Satan is doing everything he can to run out the clock. He doesn’t have to do much if he can keep Christians apathetic, unappreciative, and unfocused on the great commission. In our absence, cults are faithfully filling the gap by spreading their false doctrine, confusing the truth and making God’s plan of salvation a lie.
Why should I be worried about my soul-winning flame dying out? The simple response is that God is not pleased with our disobedience. Jesus didn’t almost go to the cross, kind of die, and almost rise from the grave…no, He gave it all. So why should I give Him less? Look around you. Our nation today is in turmoil and spiritual darkness. Absolute truth is hard to find and even our laws are scoffed at, ridiculed, and shamelessly broken with no enforcement or consequence. Who will reflect the Light in the darkness? Who is on the Lord’s side, and who will faithfully proclaim the truth?
In closing, I have three questions regarding soul-winning for you: If not you then who? If not here [where God has planted you], then where? If not now, then when? God has given us a priority within His greatest commandment. Love Him first, dwell on His word, prepare and pray. Second, allow Him to use you in spreading His word. Jesus demonstrated that His greatest love was for souls through His passion and compassion. How about you? A former pastor once told me that our faithfulness in soul-wining is an outward reflection of an inward condition. What is your view of God?
Mike F