Cheering for Brandon and Respecting the Office of the President



Episode 88

When Brandon Brown won his race in fall of 2021, he couldn’t have known that his victory interview would become an international phenomenon used in the culture war to express disapproval of the media and disdain for the president of the United States. The minced oath has even made its way up to the White House. While Christians may share an antagonistic relationship with the current administration, is it appropriate for them to join the throng and use the phrase? What do the scriptures have to say about the office of the president and how we are to interact with it? Join us on this episode of the Removing Barriers podcast to hear our take on it and chime in.


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I personally believe that President Joe Biden is God’s permissive will for the country at the moment.

Thank you for tuning in to the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m Jay and I’m MCG, and we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the cross.

This is episode 88 of the Removing Barriers podcast. And in this episode, we will be discussing the viral phrase let’s go Brandon, on our duty to respect the office of the President.

Hi, this is Jay MCG, and I would like for you to help us remove barriers by going to and subscribing to receive all things removing barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and help us keep the mics on, consider donating Removingbarriers a Clear View of the Cross.

We’ll start by Jay giving us a background and origin of the phrase. Back in October of 2021, there was a race car driver by the name of Brandon Brown who won his race, sparked 300 race. He won the race and everyone was excited. And he was being interviewed by NBC reporter Kelly Stavist. And she asked him how he felt, what were the emotions behind his win. And he began to talk about how he felt and thank all of his helpers and sponsors and things of that sort. But in the background, there were a group of spectators chanting the F expletive and then the president’s name. And they were doing it to the tune of the popular crowd chant. And they were clearly heard saying F Joe Biden. However, the news reporter said that they were saying let’s go Brandon. And to anyone watching, it was obvious that that was not what they were saying. It became a viral internet meme, and it became also a political slogan. The question is whether or not she actually heard what they were saying and just was feeling for the President and hiding for him, or if she perhaps misinterpreted what they were saying. And that’s the question. Whatever the question is, the majority of people have reacted an agreement, taking it running with it, making it a viral slogan, viral internet meme. And it became a chant in opposition to the sitting President, which at this time is Joe Biden. And it was also an indictment against the media who always runs interference and covers for Joe Biden in their coverage of the news and their coverage of what he says and does. And so it also became a chant that expressed how the American people are disenchanted and disapproving of the media, which they call legacy media now. And so that’s the background of the let’s go Brandon chant.

So the question that I have when I think of let’s go Brandon is whether or not the reporter understood what was being said. I don’t have a question about that because I think she heard clearly what they were saying, but she was just covering for the President. But MCG, do you think that the reporter misunderstood the chance or was she just covering for the administration? Well, in order for any of us to know 100% whether or not she was covering for the administration or she misunderstood the current, we would have to get it from her personally. And believing that she’s being honest, I can speak for myself personally when I first heard it, I didn’t actually heard nor discerned what they were saying until I actually listened a little bit more intently and heard what they were actually saying. So I think that there’s a chance that the reporter heard the chant, heard the cadence of what the crowd was saying, and assume because based on the circumstances, based upon what she was doing, that they were saying, let’s go, Brandon. That’s a possibility. At times, your brain works tricks on you. You can hear something with a certain chance that you can put whatever you want to put there. As long as they have the same cadence, it will fit. So think about it. I’m a reporter. I’m trying to get Brandon Brown to do an interview. I have producers in my ears or someone else in my ear talking and telling me when they’re ready and all this stuff, the cameraman giving me instructions and all this stuff. Basically, she was multitasking and she heard a chant or cadence, and she could assume that they’re saying, let’s go, Brandon. Now, as you said, that chant is pretty popular at sport arenas and stuff like that, and it’s not very popular as sport arenas until probably this year for folks to be cursing the President in their chat. Now, I could hear this and I could put whatever I want to put in that I can say, let’s go Lakers, let’s go Raptors. I can put whatever sport team I want to put there because it’s the same cadence over, over and and over. So I believe that she probably heard it. Her brain played a little bit of trick on her. She’s trying to improvise on the moment. And she said something that wasn’t what the crowd was saying. I think she realized afterwards. But I would give her the benefit of the doubt initially as to what she actually heard.

Here’s my thing, right? That race wasn’t the first time that chant was that the crowd was chanting that phrase. That wasn’t the first sporting event. It had happened in the months prior, September, late August, and different College football games. And so it was like little tenders of fire here and there, but it really didn’t catch fire and blow up until this particular instance where I think she was covering for them. And if she were standing right there and it was at the point where the cars aren’t running any longer. So she can’t use the excuse of the cars driving by as there being too much noise. If she couldn’t discern what was being said. In addition to that, many of the chanters were not just singing it. They were shouting it without any kind of musical intonation in their voices. So in my mind, to misconstrue what they were saying is in my mind, of course, it’s only my opinion. It’s unlikely. I think she heard what they said and was just covering for what they were saying because it was during her particular piece. And so she had to, I don’t know, play it off or kind of explain it away because you can’t have that kind of thing being chanted on a live broadcast of some sort and not address it. That would be on her. I think she did the best she could to try and twist it to make it seem like something less offensive. But I don’t think that she misinterpreted it at all. I think that what she did was deliberate.

You might be right, Jay. I’m not saying that it’s out of the realm of possibility that she was covering for the administration. But I also have to say, though, that a group of people saying something in cadence is easily misunderstood. One and two is usually hard to understand what they’re saying. Think about it. Have you ever heard a choir singing and can’t really make out what they’re saying? Yes, but here’s what I’ll push back a little bit. I think that if it’s a cadence that you’re familiar with, it frees your mind from having to focus on the music and allows you to divert all of your attention and focus on what’s actually being said because you already know what the tune is going to do. So you can focus on what’s being said. That can be an argument for why she would have heard them even more clearly, because it’s a cadence that everyone knows that everyone is familiar with. She didn’t have to focus on the music, of the cadence or of the tune. She could just focus on what was being said. Yeah, but the logical conclusion would be Brandon just won the game and the chairman for him. I think that’s logical as well, or at least within the realm of possibility, that she was simply saying this is most likely what they’re saying. In my mind, there’s no reason to assume that they were fans of Brandon. Of course there is. He just won the game. The race. Yeah, of course there is. I suppose.

I’m not saying that it’s not possible for her to cover for the administration. We have seen reporters do that all the time. I’m not saying that there’s a possibility that she wasn’t covering for the President. No. Covering for her network, which is hard to say because she was what MSNBC. That’s an incredibly difficult argument to make for anyone to believe, simply because we know that the current media, the legacy media, has a well established, well proven track record of covering for the President for the administration. Well, not even for the administration, for the party, covering for the party, explaining for the party, and simply co towing for the party. And so I don’t know, I’m completely skeptical that it was something that she misheard and was simply misinterpreting.

So why do you think the phrase became so popular? I think precisely for that reason. Number one, it’s a meme that exposes itself where the media exposes itself. The media trolled itself that day, where it crystallizes what the media does to the American people on the daily peeing on the American people’s shoes and calling it a rainstorm. This is what actually happened. They take it, they spin it to be something positive when it’s actually not something positive, when it’s not something real or true. Let’s go, Brandon. Is not true in the sense that that’s not what they were saying. And it’s the same thing that the media does day in and day out. For example, let’s think about the riots and the unrest that was happening in the summer in 2020, the protests that they socalled, mostly peaceful, literally. There’s a reporter from CNN telling us that all these protests are mostly peaceful and there’s a building on fire behind him. It’s that whole thing of peeing on the boots and telling you it’s a rainstorm type of thing. And the media, the lies and the gas lighting and assuming that the American people are stupid, that they can’t see what’s happening, that’s exactly what happened. It was crystallized in those few seconds in that clip where they clearly said the expletive toward the president’s, the anti Biden chant and hearing her say something that was completely different, completely wrong. Everyone knows it. And I think that’s why it went popular. I think that’s why it went viral, because the media expose themselves. They trolled themselves.

Yeah, I would agree with you, except I think that it was a mistake. I think she truly made a mistake and understand others think differently. But I think epitomized three things. One, the fake news narrative, this is what happened in media says something totally opposite. I think also if it is true that she was protecting her administration, this was definitely a protection of Joe Biden’s and his popularity and everything that right wing pundits say towards the President, whether he’s meant to decline or his popularity numbers or whatever. I think you can make an argument, of course, that they were protecting the President. And also I think this is one of the other reasons why it went viral, because of the vulgarity that is involved, being able to infer vulgarity without actually using the phrase or using a vulgar term cause it to go viral as well. Because people who are too, I guess, high class to actually use the F word towards the President would not have a problem saying let’s go, Brandon, which to me is as vulgar as saying what they were actually saying. But because you can hide behind the phrase, a lot of folks will find themselves being comfortable saying it when they would not actually be comfortable to say the meaning behind of it for those three reasons. I think that’s why it went viral.

But the thing that’s on my mind that mostly here, though. And one of the reasons why I chose to do this as an episode is because a father called into the show with President Joe Biden and his wife, First Lady Joe Biden, on Christmas Eve, and he used the phrase to the President at the end of the call. Should we as Christians be using that phrase? Because I think the sad thing about this father was that in his defense, he said that he was a Christian. Was this disrespectful to where the President. Oh, yeah, absolutely, it was. And I’m sorry, the reason I’m laughing is because when he actually said the phrase, the President agreed with him, and I thought if there was anything that you would not agree with, it would be that phrase. He literally said, let’s go, Brandon. I agree. And I thought, you can’t say that it’s about you. It’s another one of his many gaps. That was very funny. But the fact that the father used that phrase to the president’s face and then backtracked and said it was just a joke and that he’s a Christian is obviously not funny, because as Christians, we are exhorted in Scripture. We are commanded in Scripture that our speech should be full of Grace. True. We are not to use vulgar language. The scriptures are clear on that. And when it comes to talking about or talking to the people that are in authority over us, which the President is, the scriptures are clear on how we are to speak to them. We are to render honor to whom honor is due, as it says in the Scriptures. I exhort, therefore, that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving us thanks be made for all men, for Kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all goodliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who will have all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time. Whereonto I am ordained a preacher and an Apostle, I speak the truth in Christ, and I lie not a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and Verity. When the Scriptures tell us that, it’s clear that instead of cursing the President, as this particular phrase is, we are to be praying for him, we are to be speaking of him in nothing but honorable and respectable terms. And this father did not do that. He set a poor example for his children, for the country, for everyone that was paying attention. And that’s just not something that Christians should be doing.

Yeah. And sometimes, at least to my close friends, I can be somewhat of a jokester. I can take things and make jokes out of them that quite honestly sometimes should not be made fun of. But I would not have done that to the President. I think that was grossly disrespectful to the President, whether or not he was joking or not, whether or not he had a right protected by the First Amendment to say it or not, he should understand. And I agree with you that he did set a bad example for his son, who is the reason why he was on a call with the President that night. They were tracking Santa or whatever they were doing and stuff like that. And the President took precious time out of his day to do that. And I don’t think that’s something the father should have done, whether or not he’s Christian or not. I think he just made it worse by claiming Christian, because now you just put in gasoline on fire of people accusing Christians of being crass or vulgar or whatever the case may be. And to something you said, Jay, I’m actually glad that the President doesn’t even know anything about the phrase or at least appear not to know anything about the phrase. So I think it was one of the best examples the President could have said, I agree. When he say, let’s go, Brandon, the President say, I agree. I think that was a perfect answer. What else should he have said? Should he have gotten angry? That wouldn’t have looked good? Should he have scold their father at that point? I don’t think that would have looked good. So I think the best response the President could have given was, I agree, let’s go, Brandon. And I think the President has a lot more important things to do and to think about than to know a viral phrase out there. I’m actually glad you didn’t know about it.

This phrase is different, though, because it’s not just an antibiote enchant. It’s also an indictment against the media as well. And with the culture war being white hot as it is, it’s an ongoing thing. This is not something that he could afford to not know as the President. And so I think that his response was it was one of those I mean, what do you do? Someone caught you online on the air live with this derogatory phrase. Like you say, you can’t lower the office of the President by quipping back or by responding angrily, what can you do? Perhaps being the fact that he is the leader of the free world and he is one of the leading thought leaders in the free world, or at least he should be. He could have taken that opportunity to perhaps remind Americans of the need to be civil and perhaps try to address the concerns behind the phrase. There are some legitimate concerns behind the phrase you can be anti Biden without being derogatory, without being crass and vulgar. However, you could also address those issues for which he’s completely unpopular at that point. The vaccine mandates, the masking requirements, the handling of the Covet pandemic in particular, all of those things were impetus for Americans to be grumbling about what was happening. The fact that he was sending out writing checks to people for them to stay home. And people were more content to stay home and receive government checks than to go back to work and get the economy back on its feet. The economy imploding. Although the weight of the pandemic had a lot to do with that, I think perhaps more could be placed on their response to the pandemic. So there was a lot that he had to answer for as the current leader of the administration, that was simply not being addressed. And that’s the frustration that the American people feel that their particular concerns are not being addressed, while at the same time the media continues to just cover for this man and whitewash the entire issue. Try to tell you that things are okay when they’re not. And so I hate to say it like this, but he had it coming. It should not have happened, but he had it coming because you can ignore your people for only so long before they rise up and let you know that they’re not particularly happy with how you’ve been handling things.

I think we’re talking at two different levels here because you’re right, those things should be adjusted. But my point is that’s not the place. I agree with that. So the father was wrong in saying that. Quite honestly, I stick to my point that I think President Joe Biden gave the best answer that he could have given. Let’s go, Brandon. I agree and move on, because that wasn’t a time or place for him to adjust those kind of things. Come on. He was a track and center fun time with kids. He should not have been brought up. So I think President Joe Biden gave the perfect answer. I agree. Move on. The conversation was over. I don’t think that he should have rebuked him in any way or asked any way or even anything. Fine. If that’s what you want to be. Because now, even days after, even though I don’t agree with how the media exposed the father, was he docs? I’m not quite sure if he was Doc, but of course, his name was out there. And at that point, he’s the one who looked bad. He’s the one who looks like he doesn’t have any class. Because President father, you mean. Right. Because President Joe Biden is simply I agree. And I don’t think that he should have said anything differently. Also, there was a similar example in the book of Acts where the Bible says here and Paul earnestly, beholden, the Council said, man in breadwin. I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day. And the high priest Anias commanded them that stood by him to Smite him on the mouth. Then Paul said unto him, God just might be the WhiteEd wall, of course, meaning you hypocrite. The Bible is very dishonest for citizens to judge me after the law and commendist Dow me to be smart and contrary to the law. And they that stood by said Revolut. Dow, God’s high priest. Then said Paul, I wish not bredwin that he was the high priest. So it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people. So I think right there the Bible shows us that Paul here is standing before high priests. Of course, Paul could have said so many things your fault. We don’t need a priest anymore to have contact with God, right? He could have said so many things, but he said, you know what? Thou shalt not speak evil of the rule of their people. He didn’t even say the man of God, because we know that priest wasn’t a man of God. But he said, Thou shalt speak evil of the rule of the people. And this is exactly what the Father did. He was speaking evil or speak evil to the President. And also, I just think the same verse you quoted, Second Timothy to verse one and two, what should we do? We should be praying for the President, that we should lead a quiet and peaceful life in all Godliness and honesty. That’s what his father should have done, rather than calling out the President or saying that phrase to the President.

Should we be losing exquisite towards the office of the President? No, we shouldn’t. The Christians shouldn’t be doing that, and by extension, no one else should be doing that either. Colossians. 46 says, Let your speech and I mentioned this verse before. Let your speech be always with Grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man. The context of that verse, of course, was regarding Christian and sharing the gospel. But the principle is there that our speech should always reflect the Grace and the truth that Christ himself embodied when he came to this Earth to show us how to live and to save us. And so as Christians, which means little Christ, we should not be doing anything less. We should be doing as our Father, as our God and King and Savior Lord Jesus has done. And that’s the example that he set for us. We should not be using expletives toward the office of the President. Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t speak out against the sins or the injustices or the shortcomings of the administration, but we can do that without minced oaths as let’s go, Brandon is, and without expletives, of course, as you said at the beginning of the podcast, MCG, one of the reasons why this thing went viral, because it allowed people to use expletives in such a fashion that anyone can use them because it’s an immense oath for the expletive after Biden. And so if it’s not okay to say F, Joe Biden, let’s go, Brandon. Shouldn’t be okay either. And so to answer your question, no, we should not be using excellence toward the office of the President, as you said in Second Timothy. Two, one, we should be praying for the President. We should be lifting him up in prayer. This President really needs it because let’s be real. He is cognitively impaired. There is definitely an impairment there. And to have the office of the presidency and to have that hindrance, to have that impediment, that’s a big problem, not just for him, but for us. He’s the pilot of the plane that we’re all riding on. We should not want him to fail. We should not be pointing fingers at him and making fun of him. When he does fail, we should be praying for him. And as the scriptures say, all supplications, prayers and intercessions. And it says, also giving thanks to be made for all men. So, yes, that means we should be thanking God for President Joe Biden. Regardless of how we feel about him, we should be giving thanks.

Yeah, I agree. I heard I preached said that they are treating that we should be doing our responsibilities to the government. Of course, if the government does wrong, and sometimes we believe President Joe Biden or any other President before him goes wrong. The government in the First Amendment gave us a way to regress those grievances. But I understand people think of the First Amendment. We think about freedom of speech, but protest is also protected in the First Amendment, the freedom to speak out against your government without fear. But we should be doing that in a peaceful manner. And then, of course, if the government knows how to use the authority, we still should be in the mediums that the government allows us to do that also disagree with the government through those medium. The only time I believe that as Christians, we should disobey the government is when the government access to disobey God. If you can look at example of Daniel and Lions, then scheduled me shack and to bed we go, or abandougo, to bed we go. These three Hebrew young men, they decided to disobey the King because the King asked them to disobey God. You can look at Jacob, which is Moses mother. She decided to disobey the Pharaoh because the Pharaoh acting to disobey God. You can go to all short scripture. You can look at Joseph disobeyed his master because his master acting to disobey God. For example, for example, you can talk about Esther and Modicai. And it’s filled short scripture where folks decide that they’re going to disobey the ruling person over them. The denominator is always the same when the ruling party or the ruling government asks them to disobey God, not because they don’t agree with some policy, not because they think the President is mentally not there, not because they don’t agree with the fact that the President is giving away money is when the government asks you to disobey God. And that’s the only time I think we as Christians have a biblical mandate to disobey the government. We should always be obeying the government when the government has to do something that is not antiscripture. You mentioned Colossians four, verse six, but also have Ephesians four, verse 29. And I think when we use explicit towards the office of the President, we are violating those two verses. If you Gent for verse 29, let no co op communication proceed out of your mouth. But that which is good to the use of edifying, that domain means the Grace onto the heroes. And when we use the phrase let’s go, Brandon, those we’re not ministering Grace, we’re being crass. We’re being uncivil with that. Just like I believe the protests and the Black Lives Matter stuff in the summer 2020 was uncivil. That’s not protected by the First Amendment. That’s not going through the means. The government has given us to adjust our grievances legally. That’s actually a sin. That’s actually uncivil. That’s actually not biblical in what we’re doing. And it’s the same thing I see here when we start saying these phrases and start doing these things with the President.

Is the President mentally declining? Yes. There’s a possibility. I’m no doctor. There’s evidence out there where he said things that you can’t discern. He seemed like he doesn’t know where he is at times walking around the room shaking hands with no one. Is there there’s evidence that show that there’s something going on. But I don’t think going out there saying that he’s mentally declined when we don’t know. I don’t know. I’ll just cycle and say, you know what? I’ll pray for President Joe Biden, because whether we like it or not, he’s our President. He’s my President. And let’s pray for him. Let’s be biblical and just pray for him and leave it at that.

There’s a distinction here to be made between the law and what Christ would have us to do. If we believe that everyone should be under the rule of the law of Christ under Christ, then, yes, speech like that is not acceptable. However, we do live in a society rule of pluralism. It is a pluralistic society. And so the question is, is let’s go, Brandon. Covered by the First Amendment? I would say that it is I don’t think that we can say that that speech should be prohibited because it’s vulgar or it’s something that we don’t like. It’s something that we don’t necessarily believe in as Christians. If you were to ask me, everyone and their brothers should be under the rule of God. What the scriptures say. However, in the United States, that’s increasingly not the reality. And so if we are in what they say is a postmodern world now, then let’s go, Brandon is protected under the First Amendment. And I agree with that. I’m not saying that the phrase should be illegal. I don’t think the government should be censoring speech. I think that folks should be allowed to say whatever they want to say. I’m not even saying that the government should jail anybody for this phrase or anything. The phrase should be totally legal. I’m just simply saying it doesn’t provide a level of civil behavior that should be in our society. Oh, I see. It deteriorates the conditions so that civil discourse becomes difficult or impossible. Right. We shouldn’t be cursing the leader of our country whether or not we agree with them or not. We shouldn’t be using these phrases. We’re the leader of the country that should be morally inside of us, that we know that we’re not going to do this. He’s the President have enough respect for the office of the President to not do that. No, I’m not saying he should be illegal. I think he should be totally legal. But I think society should look and say, you know what, that’s not acceptable. That’s what I’m saying. Of course, we already showed from scripture. It’s not acceptable in scripture. No. And even if you want to say, okay, society of a whole is not Christian, in which the population of American whole. I don’t think it’s Christian. That’s fine. And I think that, of course, you have a First Amendment and you should be able to say what they want to say, but that doesn’t make it right. You can say a lot of things that’s wrong, and that’s fine. I think people should be able to say whatever they want to say, but that doesn’t mean that what they say is right.

This is difficult, though, because for many years, people on the right have conducted themselves according to that principle. I’m not sure about that. Well, maybe generally over simplistically generally, and the left would take advantage of that and push and push and push. And now it seems like the right is pushing back a little bit. And of course, that increases polarization. Like you said, it fosters an environment that’s not conducive to discourse. It’s not conducive to dialogue so that we can work through the problems, even though we all have differing views in the country. We all got to get along because we’re all on this airplane together and we don’t want the pilot to crash, even though we don’t like them kind of thing. So as you said, let’s go, Brandon. It doesn’t help. But following that line of thinking, Trump received similar treatment from the media and from people who didn’t like him. Like I said, Republicans are kind of pushing back a little bit of tit for tat. Are they right in doing that? Absolutely not. Quite honestly, tit for tat is childish. Why do we need to do that. I think we can turn to Scripture on that and say, you know what? Romans twelve, verse 14, bless them that persecute you, bless and curse not. Romans twelve, verse 17 and 18 recommends to no man evil for evil, providing honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as light in you live peaceably with all men. Rumors 1219 and 20 deli beloved and veg not yourself, but rather give place on the rat. For it is written, Vengeance is mine. I will repay, said the Lord. Therefore, if that enemy hunger, feed him. If he turns, give him drink. For in so doing thou shalt keep colds of fire. And he said so. Should Republicans be doing the tit for tat? Absolutely not. You know what this epitomize what I dislike about politics, because it’s not whether it’s right or wrong, if you did it so I can do it too. Look at the filibuster, look at the binary voting process in the Senate where for financial stuff it can be 49, 51 and they’ll be fine. So Vice President Kamala Harris is now the tiebreaker. Before you would have to go through the filibuster and vote to come out of committee and all those things. But for some things, they don’t have to do that anymore. The Democrats did it change the rule. Now the Republicans come in, okay, and the Democrats start crying about it or the Republicans do something and the Democrats come in to do something. I’ll follow that same rule. The Republicans start crying about it. If it’s wrong, it’s wrong. If it’s right, it’s right. If it was wrong for the Democrats to do that to President Donald Trump, it’s wrong for Republicans to do the same to President Joe Biden. It’s not because, oh, you did it. So I can do it too. I hate that wave the maturity waiver looking and say, okay, well, yeah, I have the right and I could do that, but how about I chose a maturity and say, hey, he’s the President and I’m going to respect the office of the President.

That level of civility has not been present in American politics for at least for at least four decades now. I’d say maybe five decades now, so we can’t even begin to hope to see that kind of interaction between the two parties any longer. I don’t think that’s out the window now. It might be the right thing to do, but nothing is ever going to get done that particular way. I’m not saying it’s right and I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m not saying it’s right, I should say, but nothing is going to get done on account of that, because everyone is more ideologically driven now or tribally driven. It’s more about I want my team to win, not really about the issues that are at hand. It’s more about I want my team to win no matter what. And if you say the sky is red. I’m going to say it’s blue, even though it’s whatever color, even though that’s not the truth. And so the question is, when you have a people, a country, a nation, a government so divided and polarized, is there any hope in going back to that time where things were a little bit more civil, a little bit less tit for tat and a little more about the issue that’s at the table? I don’t mean to sound like good old days type complaining here, because obviously even back in the day there was plenty of that going around, this tit for tat, my team wins type of thing, but is there any hope for that now? I think we’ve crossed the bridge and burned it. I don’t think we can ever go back to a level of civility in our public discourse that will allow us to address the problems that really need addressing.

I’m not quite sure I agree, but I might be optimistic here. But I think the problem is that as our country has moved away more and more away from, quote unquote, religion, we kicked the Bible out of school and prayer to school in the Sixties, and now he has been to three generations after that. And we have seen the fruits of what that caused. And I think as we remove religion out of people’s life, they can replace it with something. And I think what we have seen today is that the American people have replaced the religion that they had back in the fifties and Sixties and before that with politics. Politics is not a religion. So that now if you claim to be Republican, you are immediately being associated with a set of beliefs that you must have. And if you’re a Democrat, you immediately assign a set of beliefs you must have. That’s why recently under review, and we have talked about The View a couple of times on this podcast in several different episodes, Sonny Holston said she doesn’t understand black Republicans. It’s oxymoron to her, and she said the same for Hispanic Republicans, axemarant or Hawaii, because politics now has become more so of a religion in terms of these sets of belief. You cannot, or if you can call it or if you cannot, be deaf, which I think is one of the major problems today, because again, religion has been replaced by politics, and it’s not for the better, of course. And when I say village and I’m just talking about in a broad term, but I don’t think it’s for the better. Now, he has done the country good, but that’s one of the issues that we have seen here, because we quickly put people on Republican or Democrat. I’m neither I’m neither Republican nor Democrat. They put people inside. Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, whether you’re black or white, whether you’re male or female or allied to the LGBTQIA plus community, they’re constantly dividing us. And this division is I don’t think it’s helping the country. What should a Christian response be to all this? I think. Well, Juan, how about not joining in the vulgarity? I think that the Christians should not join in the early scripture by praying for President Joe Biden.

I personally believe that President Joe Biden is God’s permissive will for the country at the moment. You can ask you whether or not the election was stolen. I have no evidence of that. I cannot prove it and I cannot disprove it. But at this point, I believe that President Joe Biden has got permissive will for the country at the moment. Daniel, chapter two, verse 20 21. Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are his, and he changed it the times and the season. He removed Kings and set it up Kings. He gave it wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them. That no understanding. Of course, Daniel was in reference to King Nebuchadnezzar, but I think the principal applied here. He said that he removed Kings and he set it up Kings. Why did God want Joe Biden to be his permissive will? Again, note I’m saying permissive. Well, I don’t think President Joe Biden is God’s perfect will for the country, but America has been down that path long before President Joe Biden. So why did God want him to be his permissive will for the country? It could be for judgment, it could be for blessing. I have no idea. We can speculate until the chickens come home. But the thing is that Daniel is saying here that God removed Kings and he set up Kings. God removed one President, he set up another President. I think we can jump on the principle here. In John, chapter five, verse 21, he said, till he knew that the most high God rulet in the Kingdom of man, and he pointed over at whomhome he will. That’s a lot of part of Daniel, chapter five, verse 21. Till he knew that the most high God rule it in the Kingdom of man, and he appointed over it whomsoever he will. The Bible seems to indicate to me that God has control over all of this. Why is President Joe Biden the President of the United States? Because God is not fit to allow him to be God’s permissive will. The same is true for all previous President and all world leaders. So you might look at President Kim Jong UN of North Korea and say, how in the world could that be? And I can’t say I have a perfect answer for it, except that God removed Kings and he set it up Kings. How in the world can Valerie A. Putin be God’s permissive wall for Russia? I cannot give you any idea except the Bible is that God removed Kings and he set it up Kings. Why is it that name the nation? God removed Kings and he set it up Kings.

I think that our responsibility as Christians should be. Romans 13 one and two, let every soul be subject on to the higher powers, for there is no power but of God. The powers that be are Dane of God, whose every day for resisted the power, resisted the audience of God, and they that resists shall receive to themselves damnation. I think the Christian response should be obedience to the word of God and show respect to the office and condemn comments and phrase like let’s go Brandon, because it’s disrespectful. I don’t think we should be saying that with this podcast. The government has two roles to watch the rolls. One is to punish evidors, other one is for protection of the citizen. And you can argue the third one is rewarding. Good. Again, we should be respecting the office of the President. Can we disagree with President Joe Biden? Sure. But there are avenues in which we can do that and do it civilly, not by curse name.

But if you have never come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and you’re listening to this podcast and you’re saying there’s no way that I’m going to submit myself to the scripture and respect the present, well, you have a different problem. Your problem is not respecting the office of the President. Your problem is the fact that you have never come to the knowledge of truth, knowledge of who Jesus Christ is. So even before you start saying I’m going to respect the office of President, let me admonish you to turn to Christ, because without the change of perspective, without the change of that world view that you look through, you would probably never see the office of the President as being God’s permissive. Will God need to change your heart? Change your mind? Change your thinking? Being washed by his word? For some of you to actually see that we should be obeying the office of the President. So your first order of business is to secure your eternal destiny with God, not with who is running the country. First, you should realize that you are sinner. The Bible says in Romans Three, verse three, three and ten, as it’s written, there’s none righteous known as one. Romans 3:23 for all of sinner comes short of the glory of God eclipse seven, verse 24 there’s not a judgment upon Earth that do it good and not realizing that you have offended a Holy and righteous God because you are sinner. God says do and you don’t. God says don’t and you do. And because of that you are a sinner, not just because of what you’ve done, but because you were born into sin. David said in PSALM’s incentive, My mother conceived me. We are all sinners by choice and by birth.

Second, you should realize that there are consequences for your sins. Romans 6:23 for the rages of sin is death. John 3:18 he that believed in him is not condemned, but he that believe it not is condemned when already you are already condemned if you’re not saved because he had not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God, realizing that they have consequences for your sins, realizing that you’re a sinner. And thirdly, realize that Jesus Christ is the only way to escape the punishment for your sin, the consequence for your sins. Realize that Jesus Christ is the only way to escape the punishment. Romans five, verse eight. But God commanded his love towards us and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Of course, we all know John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

In order for you to be saved, you must realize that you are sinner. Realize the consequences of your sin and realize that Jesus Christ have already made a way to escape that punishment. Bible says in Romans chapter ten, verse nine to 13, the Bible says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believed unto righteousness and with a mouth confession is made on the Salvation for the Scripture said, whose ever believed in him shall not be ashamed. But there is no difference between the Jews and the Greek. For the same Lord overall is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. My management to you, dear listener, would you trust him today?

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Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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