On the Mission Field with Missionary Scott



Episode 53

In this episode of the Removing Barriers podcast we started a new series we are calling On the Mission Field. In this series we are seeking to interview missionaries and learn about their trials and triumphs on the mission field and the burden for the people they seek to reach with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

in this first in the series of On the Mission Field we interviewed Missionary Scott, missionary to central Asia. Scott and his family labor day in and day out sowing the seed of the gospel message, discipling believers, working alongside and loving all the souls around them. Join us on this episode of the Removing Barriers podcast as we start our On the Mission Field series with Missionary Scott, learning all about central Asia, how God came to call him there, and what the spiritual needs are in this area of the world.


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1 pastor, one language group from the language that I speak and evangelists came to his Church and they don’t have a full Bible. They only have a few scriptures translated in their language. And he said, You don’t need the bible, you have your heart. You can trust your heart. God will never lead you a stress, he told me because I’m sitting there and I had my eyes closed and I was listening to because I don’t know if you believe me or not. But in my mind’s eye, I saw this drag and breathing fire. And I thought, this is just wrong. And I told him to be quiet and to get out and not to come back. And all the people who upset with me now because I threw the man out. And I know in my heart I did the right thing, but I don’t know what to tell them. So I took him to Jeremiah says, the heart is deceitfully wicked, you know? And he looked like he was going to cry. And I’m like, What’s wrong? Because we don’t have this book of the Bible in our language.

Thank you for tuning into the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m J and I’m mcg, and we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the Cross. This is episode 53 of the Removing Barriers podcast, and this is the first in the series on the Mission Field. And in this episode we’ll be going on the Mission Field with missionary Scott to Central Asia.

Car, it is a pleasure to have you and welcome to the Removing Barriers podcast. Thank you, brother. I appreciate it. Great. We appreciate you doing this, and Let’s get into it. Tell us about yourself, scott, your family, you’re calling, whatever you feel comfortable sharing. I’ve been married for about 29 years now to a lovely lady. We have five children, ages seven to 25. We were on the Mission field. We’ve actually been in three different countries, and we’ve been on the Mission field going on seven years now as far as totally on the mission field. Not the same field, but that amount of time I got saved a little boy vacation, Bible school. I’ve done the word for about 43 years. The way Lord called me to the Mission field. I surrendered to preach and I went to Bible college. And while I was a Bible college, I worked at a company across the Street from the public library. So every day at lunch, I walk across the Street to the public library and I just read books or watch videos at the library. And I found out about Central Asia by watching those videos. And a Japanese Corporation and the Chinese government had put a series of videos together about the Silk Road. And the Silk Road is an old trading path that runs right through the heart of the 10 40 window from seven degrees latitude to 40 degrees latitude. There’s a big gap there where the gospel is not welcome all across Asia. And that trading route went right through the Center of it. And I realized by reading the Bible and studying these videos that that’s how the gospel got to Asia during Paul’s lifetime. Because the Bible says that the world was evangelized in the Apostle Paul’s lifetime. Evangelization is not when everyone saved it’s, when everyone’s heard a clear presentation of the gospel and the gospels, as you know, the death that bear on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. So anyway, I was studying this stuff. And prior to going to Bible college, I had been a translator for the government. I had providentially been taught an Asian language. And I was a professional translator for about 11 years. When Lord called me to preach. And that particular group of people had been sent to Central Asia. And I found out that they were there. And the Lord spoke to my heart, and he says, I trained you in this language. These people don’t have a gospel witness. This is where I want you to go. And that’s how we ended up going there, isn’t it? Man, When the Lord called you the lord, you the government to train you. Yes. My pastor teaches us we have an unconscious preparation. The Lord has a purpose for every life and for every life. He’s training you to reach someone. It mainly be your neighbor across the Street. But there’s someone in this world that you’re the only person that could reach them. There’s no person in this world without a purpose in their life if they know the Lord is their Savior.

You mentioned 29 years of marriage. I imagine at this point you’ve been married longer than you’ve been. Not been married? Yes. But that’s 29 years been like. It’s been pretty fantastic that had her ups and downs. Of course, there are no perfect people and no perfect marriages. But the Lord bless me. Incredible woman. She is very talented. And she stood beside me regardless to circumstances. As you can imagine, Central Asia is not the friendliest place in the world. But again, I said, there’s unconscious preparation for every person. The first night I went out to go out on a date with my wife, she was out splitting firewood, so she was prepared to go to Central Asia. She’s a lovely lady, but she’s tough. That’s good. You mentioned, scott, that you have been saved for 43 years. Could you go into depth on how the Lord saved you? What were the circumstances? Did you grow up in a Christian home and you heard the gospel and you got saved? Or how did the Lord save you? I can also say I grew up in a religious home. We attend a Church faithfully. And it was people that knew the Lord but didn’t really know of Salvation as per SE. My home was an unhappy home. My parents fought a lot and basically a neighbor Lady in Via Dista vacation Bible school. And our parents wanted us out of the house and we went to vacation Bible school. And they showed us from the scriptures that we were lost and that we needed a savior. And so we repented of our sins and trusted Christ is our Savior now. Being raised in that religious home, I didn’t have a lot of growth in my life for many, many years, and I struggled with my Salvation until I went into the military. I served in the military for a time, and I was in South Korea. And I walked into a Baptist Church one night and I sat in the back of the church, and the man preaching that night wasn’t even the pastor. He was just a member of the church, and he was teaching on creationism. And I had always been taught that the Bible was more like a fairy tale. You know, there might be evolution was true. And if there is a god, then was theistic evolution, you know, God made the world and said it in motion that took his hands off, which is not true. But that’s the kind of things I was taught. He was preaching on creation is in that night. And he said that the Bible was true from cover to cover, just as the way God has said it. And the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and went for that night, and I promised the Lord I’d never doubt His word again. Whatever he said, I would believe and I would obey. And that’s really where growth started happening in my life. When I came back to the United states, I joined a Baptist church. I got scripturally baptized. I asked to be baptized as a child after I got saved, and my parents refused because I’ve been Christened as a baby. They told me I was already baptized and I didn’t need to be baptized again, which is not true because we have what’s known as believers. Baptism. You believe and you were baptized. And your baptism is an identification with Lord Jesus Christ. It’s a public identification of faith, like you’re telling other people you’ve gotten saved, and you identify with His death when we go under the water, his burial and His Resurrection. When we come up out of the water, it’s also you get baptized into a local New Testament church, which is His body in the world. Christ today works with the local New Testament church. He doesn’t work through some universal Church out there in a mistake place. He works through each individual local New Testament church. So it’s important to be baptized and identify with Christ after you’ve been saved. It’s important to be joined to a local New Testament Church and to faithfully serve in your local New Testament church. And that has been 43 years since you have known the Lord. Yes, Sir. I got said to the boy, I told you there wasn’t a lot of growth. The Lord was working even in that time when there wasn’t a lot of growth. I can look back and see where He was, molding me and shaping me and teaching me even when I wasn’t in direct obedience to him. As I can say, I even remember I went to Germany and a Lutheran pastor was there. I wasn’t lutheran, but I stayed with Lutheran family. Lutheran. He looked at me and he goes, You are Peter. And God can use you in a great way, but not the way you are. And he gave me a book on the life of Peter. He says, You need to read that, son. Different things like that all along the way. I mean, he wasn’t complimenting me that day, but he was pointing me in the right direction. Yeah, definitely. So you said, you have been on a mission field for seven years. Essential age for those of us who are geologically challenge, maybe like myself.

Where in the world would you describe Central asia? Maybe some countries that you might know? Central Asia. It’s kind of hard to define because different people consider different countries part of Central Asia. For my purposes, kazakhstan, kristan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, at, Uzbekistan. Those five countries to Stan countries are Central Asia. Now, some people lump Pakistan and Afghanistan also into Central Asia. But for my purposes, I’m not going to talk about Afghanistan and Pakistan in this particular context. What about india? Part of Social asia? No, India. South Asia. And if you want to give it parameters, the Caspian Sea would be the Western border. Russia would be the Northern border, and China is right next to Mongolia. But Mongolia doesn’t really touch Central Asia. There’s a thin strip of China and Russia that run between Mongolia and Central Asia. But China. And then to the south, it be Iran and afghanistan, and that blocks off all of Central Asia. It’s old South Russia. All those countries used to belong to Russia. They separated from Russia back in the early nineties. When the USSR fail, they controlled everybody’s money. Well, they didn’t send any money there anymore, and the people were starving. And it really forced the people into declaring independence and taking care of themselves. It was kind of a sideways blessing and a larger scheme of things. They still suffer from a communistic mindset, though the younger generations, they literally send their kids, the United States to be trained in entrepreneurialism and starting businesses and running businesses. But the older generation, my people and older, so have this Communist mindset. And they sit around waiting for somebody to tell them what to do. And the younger people are going out and starting businesses. But the government still also likes to keep a hand on everything, which hurts. Free enterprise is most like a socialist, capitalist kind of economy, like it is a post Communist Muslim society. So they have economic problems that have religious problems. They have social problems. They also have drugs and prostitution or rampant there. Marijuana and opium grow wild. So to get drugs is absolutely nothing just surrounded by it. They have these little tiny balloons and they take tobacco when they laced it with opium. And it’s called a NASA NASA. There’s about 130 some different languages spoken there. So how they pronounce it is a little different, but it’s always the same thing. And the Russian word for narcotic is narcotic, you know? So you’ll see it like it’s nothing to get into a taxi and see the taxi driver using it. Oh, Wow. Taxis are different than America. In america, you have a special car with a silent says taxi there. You wave somebody down and you just border how much you want to pay to go from one place to another. So anybody that’s driving that pulls over is theoretically a taxi driver phone like Uber on steroid. Pretty much. So, scott, you’ve told us about Central asia, about the people groups and how they were all once under Russian rule. And now they are no longer. But they’ve still retained the vestiges of Communist thought and that their Muslim and their religious breakdown. Is that across the board, or is there an even break up? Because typically we find that people who are in Communist countries are typically atheistic.

Is there like, a percentage that’s Muslim and a percentage that’s atheistic? Maybe a slim percentage that’s christian, or is it, like, overwhelmingly Muslim there? Well, each country has a different breakup. Kazakhstan is about islam, 23% Christian and 5% Buddhist. However, there Islam isn’t like Saudi Arabian Islam. It’s the amalgamation of an old animistic religion called Ingro Ism and Islam mixed together. It’s not true Islam. Most of the true Islamic adherents come from Tajikistan or Iran itself, and they are very strict adherence to islam, but they’re few and far between. So if you ask somebody what they believe, they’ll tell you their muslim, but they may not pray. They may not go to mosque. I mean, I’m not trying to be mean when I say this. Please don’t misunderstand me. But it’s like an American Catholic. If you talk to an American Catholic nine times out of 10, they haven’t been to Church in 15 years. They haven’t been to confession in 15 years. And if they did go to be Christmas or easter, right. Because their nephew Renee is getting baptized or something, some special occasion, and they don’t really understand any of the doctor, and they don’t really believe anything. Most of Kazakhstan Islam is that way. Now, each of the countries have a little different slant. Kurdistan has a stronger Islam than Kazakhstan. Tajikistan has a stronger Islam than kurdistan. Turkmenistan is not as strict as tajikistan, and Uzbekistan is between Kazakhstan and kurdistan, as far as how strict they adhere in Sarti Islam. Now, with that being said, the oppression of religion in the different countries are so different in kazakhstan, and major cities. They back off a little bit because they want tourism and they don’t want a bad name. So they’ll repress it, but they repress it very quietly. And uzbekistan, they repress it violently. Kirk, istan, The government is more strict than in kazakhstan, but the type of Islam there is more violent. For example, we had friends that were mission an Islamic terrorists broke into their home, held them at gunpoint, stole their possessions, wired their vehicle with a bomb, and parked it in front of the police station. And there was a big firefight, and the police killed all the terrorists and freed the family and saved their vehicle and stuff. But it was a terribly traumatic event that hasn’t happened in any place that we’ve lived. There’s been attacks. We actually had a terrorist killed, maybe, I don’t know, 25 minute walk from our apartment just down the Street. And he was killed by the police. He also killed two police officers to where we living. It’s not nearly as violent as it isn’t. So the circumstances are different everywhere. I’ve been picked up by the police on two different occasions. I’ve been threatened by the secret police once. Matter of fact, the time I was threatened, it was actually the wife of the officer that threatened me. And I was really shaken up by it. And I went home and I prayed, and I realized three things. I realized that one, they didn’t have enough to arrest me, too. I now knew who the head of the secret police was for where I lived in that city, and that I needed to be more careful when I traveled back and forth, because it’s not me that’s going to get in trouble is the people I work with. They’ll put me in jail and throw me out of the country. But what will happen to the locals is very scary. They’re not kind. They’re very abusive to them.

Yeah. This sounds like a very dangerous place you put yourself in for me. Not so much people in Tajikistan as bakistan. Yes. It’s extremely dangerous for them. For us, not as much. Like I said, I can be arrested. I can be threatened. But more than likely, they’re just gonna throw me out of the country. Is that because you’re american? Always because of other things. It’s because I’m an American. Americans get a big wag in these countries to paint where they are. They’re also a bigger target in some of these countries. It just depends on where you’re at. It’s really hard to explain without being there. They know that you’re an american, and they treat you very differently because you’re an American. We were in Kurdistan walking down the Street one day, and my wife was speaking to me in english, and a woman grabbed me by the arm and beg me to marry her, and she won’t let go of me. Oh, Wow. And there’s nothing I could do about it because beggars can be violent. There are police at the front of all the stores. So I just walked towards the store because I knew that they would take her off me when I got there. But I couldn’t do anything if I would try to get her off me. I didn’t know if it was a trap, like somebody say I was abusing her and they arrest me or I didn’t know what to do. So I just kept walking until I got to the store to get her off of me. What with your wife? Respond. I’m curious to know. The first thing she said was that’s not me. I said, yes, ma’am, I know she does. Weren’t you doing anything? Because I can’t. She wasn’t happy about the situation, but she understood afterwards. So we just, you know, it’s also a polygamous society. You can have more than one wife. We were at the fruit stand one day buying vegetables or at the vegetable stand, I should say. And the Lady selling the vegetables looks down. It means she goes, sir, you’re away so kind to me. Are you looking for a second wife? And my wife is standing beside me and she looks over and she’s speaking Russian to me. My wife looks over at me. She goes, Does she just say what I think she said? And I said, Yes. And I looked at her and I said, ma’am, it’s very kind of you. I appreciate the offer. But being married at that time, 25 years, I have five children and I’m not looking for a second wife. But thank you for offering. I appreciate and offer. You know, when someone asked you to marry them, you don’t treat them badly. All right.

When did the Lord first burden your heart for the food and Central asia? I said, there’s a lot of folks being called to go to these parts of the world. Like I said, that all came at the library. The thing that really got me was a film again. The film was produced by a Japanese Corporation in conjunction with the Chinese government. And this show where Christian missionaries had led people to Christ all along the Silk Road. That wasn’t the purpose of the film. They were just showing the Silk road, but they’d walk in this cave and written on the walls in Syrian were the names of people who have been baptized, receive christ, their saving been baptized and add to the church. And the archaeologists were explaining that this was a place where Christians met. And they also show a place where Buddhist met and different other religions as well. All I cared about was seeing that that’s how the gospel reached Central Asia. And I also knew that that’s the heart of the 10 40 window. That’s the place where it is most needed in the world today, as far as a lack of the gospel being preached. And so when Christians are considering this, perhaps they might be considering God’s call on their lives. You’ve mentioned before how you believe. And I believe this is true, too, that God has a purpose for every single Christian out there. And so what would you say to the Christian that is considering God’s call on their lives? And perhaps they’re considering serving the Lord in Central asia? What are some things that you want them to keep in mind if they are perhaps called to serve the Lord in Central asia? Well, I’m going to go back to what I started with earlier. You have to be part of a local New Testament church. You need to be busy actively serving in your local New Testament church. I’ve taught a couple different Bible colleges at one of the Bible colleges where I taught. A girl called me one night crying, and she said, I am missing my call on my life. I said, What do you mean? She goes, I am working at a hospital right now is a candy striper. I am scrubbing toilets and I’m taking out the trash. And God called me to be a missionary. And I studied to be a missionary. And I’m not doing anything. I’m just working in a hospital. I’m not doing anything. I’m missing my life. I said, sister, calm down. I said, What do you know to do? And he goes, What do you mean? I said, What are you supposed to do? I don’t know what you mean. I said, sister, all you’re supposed to do is read your bible, pray and be a faithful witness. If you read your Bible and pray and be a faithful witness, God will lead you. You don’t need to worry about where He wants you to go or what He wants you to do. If you will be a faithful witness and serve in your Church where you are, God will lead you to the next step. You follow Him step by step. Day by day, he will take you where you need to go if you just faithfully serve Him. A year later, she calls me from China. She was so excited. She’s in America right now, but she’s served in China for a number of years and done a great job, and she loved it. And it was just a matter of being faithful where she was. God will lead you. There’s no voice that speaks to you. There’s no magic formula. There’s no do this. Do this. Do this. God leads all his children individually. He doesn’t have the same path for everyone. It’s not even a plane. It’s a person. When you have a relationship with Jesus christ, Jesus will lead you. And you don’t have to worry about what happens tomorrow or what you’re supposed to be doing as long as you’re faithfully doing the simple things He calls you to do. Read your bible, pray, be a faithful witness, and He’ll lead you the next step of the way. That also means that you don’t think so much about yourself. Like if somebody asks you to go teach a Bible study or they ask you to go sing or ask, go serve at a nursing home or something, you don’t say I can’t do that. You say, if the Lord help, I’ll do what I can, you know, because to say no is just as self centered as to say yes. You know, it’s never about me. It’s about Christ in me, the hope of glory. What I can do is what Christ can do through me. And as long as I faithfully respond, He will lead me. And even now we’re locked out of the country. But I still preach at nursing homes. I reach at churches, I teach Bible studies. I was at hospital visits last week. We visit shut in people and reach scriptures with them and sing him with them to encourage them. You just continue to be a faithful witness wherever you are and God will lead you.

Are you currently locked out of the area because of the pandemic? Or was there, like a brush with authorities in some way? Actually, we didn’t have a problem with authorities. What happened was they changed their requirements for residency. And without having permanent residency, we were going to be locked out of the country for a year after 90 days. And we had been in the country for a month at this point prior to making the decision to leave because one of our children was going to college. It was about 10,000 dollars per person to apply for residency, anybody over 16 and Grand to apply. And we didn’t have the money. And I didn’t think it was right to go out and ask the churches for money because I believe if it’s the Lord’s will, he will provide. I don’t need to go in beg for money. Yeah, definitely. We prayed about it. And when we went home, there was a Church in this particular state of pastor. I talked to him and he goes, Tell me what the one thing is keeping you from getting permanent residency. And I told him, and he says, our Church will pay it. Wow. I didn’t ask. He offered. So I notice that the Lord God and when we went, there is only one other missionary in the country of my stripe. And we left the country on the same day for the same reasons, because we both needed the paperwork for permanent residency, and he and his family got back into the country right before they shut the border. Part of my problem was two of my children were born in another country. And because of that, all their paperwork has to be processed by the federal government and not the individual States. Like my children were born in different States in america, the ones who were born stateside. Their paperwork came back quickly. We had been locked out of the country and been in the States for, like, four or 5 months before we got the other child’s paperwork back from the federal government. So we’re just stuck until they reopened the borders. Yeah. I guess the federal government is not known for their speed. The only thing that really hurts us now is we lost our home. We were paying rent on our apartment in the entire time we were here. And the landlord got into financial straights and they called me up and they said they need 100 Grand immediately. If I could give them 95 Grand that sell me the apartment, it’d be mine to keep. If not, I needed to be out within 30 days. And it was a heavy blow because we didn’t have the money. And again, I didn’t feel right about asking for the money. And groups of people I worked with in different organizations, all voluntarily got together. They went over and packed out our house. They put it in storage, and they’re paying for the storage. Even now, it hurt. But it was a huge blessing. It was also a blessing because we worked with different people in different organizations, and all of them came together and worked together to make this happen. And they didn’t even know each other. And it was just a blessing to see Christians from different parts all come together and work together, never having met before and everything working together so seamlessly. It was a huge blessing even to see from over here.

So, scott, I want to go back to something you said, because when we ask about those who want to serve a lot of mission feel you mentioned about being fit for where you are, do you think that’s the reason why more folks are not burden for the mission feel they’re not burden for the loss because they’re not being faithful where they are? Or I think that’s the exact reason you can’t be burdened for somebody you’ve never met. The burden doesn’t come for the people. The burden comes from honoring the Lord. You want the Lord to be honored. You want the Lord to be glorified. You want the Lord to receive the reward of his suffering. He loves them. Because when you get to the mission field, when they steal from you, when they treat you, when they lie to you, when they treat you bad, you don’t really care about them a whole lot, and you’re not really there for them. And if you were there for them, you’d leave. But if you’re there for the lord, that will make you stay. And that love of the Lord will give you a love for them that they can’t even understand, they will know that there’s something different about you. They’ll tell you there’s something different about you. We lived in three different apartments in the time that we live there. And when we move from the first apartment to the second apartment, we needed a van and we didn’t have one. But I knew that the man owned the store in the bottom floor. The building owned a Van. And I just went down there to ask if I paid him if he could drop us across towels and things from our apartment. And he said, yes. And he’s driving us over there. And he goes, I’ve always known that you were clean people and I could trust you. He says, when you entered my store, I was never worried about you selling anything. I’m really going to miss you because I know that you’re clean people. You’re good people. There’s something different about you. They know the way you treat people, the way you talk to people, the way you carry yourself. You’re different. And it’s not about lifestyle. Evangelism, you’re an ambassador for Jesus Christ. You should be different. And you should dress like you’re an ambassador for Jesus Christ. We don’t wear things that are inappropriate, not because we don’t want to, but because it doesn’t honor the Lord. You dress up and you dress nice because you’re an ambassador for Jesus Christ. We don’t wear cut off shorts and T shirts when we’re out in public because we’re there to honor the Lord. It’s not about us. It’s about Him. Yeah, that’s interesting, too.

How do you handle the differences in culture doing? You mentioned some of them before. You said one Lady grabbed you by the arm and beg you to marry her. And another Lady sat here. You’ve been so nice to me. Are you looking for a second wife? And that’s cultural differences? Yes. I have a little bit deeper into it. How do you handle the difference in culture? Especially competed American culture. You always remember, first off, you’re there’s an ambassador for Jesus christ, not America. You’re not there to take Apple pie Chevrolet. That’s not your duty. Your duty is to point them to Jesus Christ. He’s the only person that can save them. He’s the only person that can change their life. And their culture is anti God. But He loved them and he died for them. And you’re a guest in their country because you’re a guest and it’s not your country. You don’t have the right to tell them how to live. If you point them to Jesus christ, he will change them. Changing them is not my job. Pointing them to Jesus Christ is and I’m a guest, and I need to always be a good guest.

What about the churches that you established? Because one other thing I’ve observed, mostly I want on the mission field. Well, two weeks visit when I was in College to papa, New guinea, and we went up into the tropical rainforest area with the camera people. And of course, these are people that wear grass, kurt, and live in hot and stuff like that. And I had this question for the missionary, because a lot of times when missionaries go to different countries, they establish, quote, unquote American churches in terms of the way the worship is or the way the music is. Being song or the type of music that is being played. All tend to be more of American style culture rather than their culture. Do you tend to say, hey, in order for us to have church, you have to be this way. Or do you say hey? You know what? As you said earlier, they’re saved. Now Let’s establish churches. But Let’s also not change the culture. If that aspect of the culture is not sinful, if the aspect of the culture is not sinful again, I’m not there to change them. I’m there to point them to Jesus Christ. He changes them. There’s also different standards for people visiting Church and for people who are members of a church. If you’re a member of a local New Testament church, you should not Act or dress like somebody who is not. And they should make everybody welcome, no matter what they look like, no matter how they Act like, if they come in and they’re just being disruptive and hateful and trying to tear up the service, all means escort them out. But if they’re there because they’re curious, you love one of them and accept them as they are, no matter what they look like, no matter how they act, Jesus Christ meets people where they are and takes them to himself. Again. I’m not trying to make Americans. I’m trying to make Christians. And quite frankly, if I try to make americans, what I create is going to be very ugly and hurtful. But if I let them be conformed to the image of christ, they will be beautiful and it won’t have my fingerprints on it. If I die tomorrow and no one ever remembered my being there. But there were Christians behind and the Church was growing to god, be the glory he must increase. I must decrease. It’s not about me. It’s about Christ. And it’s easy to give the right answer. It’s hard to live the right answer. My Pakistani Bible study, they wanted to sing a special song for me one day and I’m in the bedroom on my computer and they’re singing the song. And my wife comes in the bedroom and she goes, What is that racket? This is special music. I killed my mic real quick and like, they’re singing a special there. And she goes, That sounds terrible. I said, yes. So over here, this is special music. So we have different standards as far as a music sounds like or what we like or what’s pleasant to us. Bible says, Make a joyful noise. There isn’t any specific instructions on how to do the music. So what is beautiful to them may not be beautiful to you, but it might be lovely to God. So I just let them sing their song. I kind of feel like the Lord was probably more concerned about the heart that offering it rather than the sound. Amen. Hey, Man.

So would you say the culture is more of extracted to where the people have some concept of God and sin and the penalty of sin and stuff like that. Or would you say it’s more like extra to 17 culture where the concept of God is not there, or at least there’s a concept of many gods and they don’t have a concept of sin and creation. Which one would you choose? You know, originally I would have said at 17, but I’m not sure about that. Now I’ll tell you why the Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was a prophet. They don’t believe is God in the flesh and they believe in one God. So there is something to work with there. As far as the Muslims are concerned, they’re not completely devoid of knowledge. They’ve just been lied to and all is not our God. Even from a linguistic standpoint. In hebrew, the word for God was elohim. The very verse refers to God is elohim. Louis God Elohim technically is gods, but in the Hebrew Bible it’s always referred to in the singular because the Holy trinity, God the father, god, the son, and God the Holy Ghost are there from the very first verse, and they’re all through the scriptures. But the Bible also tells us in caution that lies cousins 1 27 I might be wrong. I’m just going off the top of my head here that the fullness of the Godhead dwell within him bodily heaven. There won’t be three Thrones. There’ll be one throne upon that throne will said King jesus, and it will be god, the father, god, the Son and god, the Holy Ghost and his one body, the fullness that God had dwell within him bodily. And he won’t be a spirit being. He will have a glorified body. The same body that hung on that cross will be the same body that he stands in. He is alive forevermore. All favor Amen.

What are some needs that if they were filled, that it would make your task of sharing the gospel in Central Asia easier? Sabah I hate to say it, but money right right now I’m praying about. I want to not only started church, but I want there to be a school under the Church to train pastors. The seminary I work at now is owned and operated by another group of foreigners, not americans, but from another country. The language which I speak and they do some things that I don’t agree with that make my life difficult sometimes. And there are some Chris Matic influences there so much so that I didn’t want to work with them. In the beginning, I had to join myself to a local Church of those people who spoke the same language that I did. And it was a conservative Church that I agreed with. And after I’ve been there for a while, the pastor gave me Monson school class. He had me preach. We have three different language groups in the church, but only two services. And he had me preach to both services, and he would use me in the Church a lot. And after I’ve been there about six to 8 months, he takes me to lunch one day. And there’s a whole group of pastors from this particular country’s language group, and they all have copies of my sermons, all marked up and written on. And the head of the school was sitting across table from me. And he goes, We’ve been watching you, and we have an underground school here, and we would like you to come and teach for us. And I said, well, I need to pray about it, because I was looking around the table, and I met some of these men in the country, and I visited some of their churches. And some of the churches were people swing from the rafters kind of stuff. And other churches were conservative, and they were all united, not in doctrine, like they all carried the same name, but they didn’t carry the same doctrine. Their nationality United them and not their doctrine. Even though they all said they belong to the same group, they all said they were baptist, but they didn’t Act like Baptist. Does that make sense? Yeah, definitely. And I had real reservations about it. And I went home and prayed, and I’ve been reading first corinthians. And I realized that the Apostle Paul had called them brethren. And the Corinthian Church was a train wreck of a church. All men or wickedness was going on. Doctrine was a mess. The people were a mess. And Lord spoke to my heart. And he said, I called you to help the people, not to decide whether they were good enough or not for you to work with. And so I agreed to teach for them. And they actually there was a group of pastors that got together and wanted to kick me out of the seminary because I taught against some of the things they taught. And it was funny because I was a volunteer that asked me to come up, but they didn’t pay me. They would bring one instructor in from somewhere in their country or Central Asia or America and fly them in to teach one subject for one week, from eight in the morning to five at the evening. It’s like a modular format. They would teach one subject for one week, like, say, the Book of Romans for one week. That’s all you study all day long for a week is the Book of romans. The next week they have another subject. Well, I taught greek, hebrew, and English because the pastor said they did not want me teaching any of the doctoral classes. They didn’t want me teaching any of the books. I could only teach language. Well, I agreed to teach language, but they want me to come in and teach Hebrew for one week. And I refused. And they said, well, you agreed to help us. I said, I am not helping you. I said, no, one can learn a language in a week. I said, Do you like pizza? They said, Yes. I said, Can you swallow at home like no? I said, no, you have to eat it one by at a time. That’s where you learn language just a little bit at a time and you have to chew on it and swallow it. I said, You can’t just take it all at once. I said, I will teach every week for a few hours, but I will not teach for one week. So what they did was they set me up. So I taught three days a week, every week and every semester I would have one week dedicated to either english, Hebrew or Greek. And what I did was I to doctrine because what’s the point during the language if you don’t know the doctor? So I teach something and they would upset some of their home pastors and they call and try to get me dismissed. And there were a bunch of one guy was scared of me, which was really funny because I never did anything to anybody. And I always tried to be kind of plate everyday. But one man was actually scared of me. To me that was funny. But anyway, they got together and try to dismiss me. But the Rector of the school loves me and he agreed with me. And so he said, I’ll tell you what, we will dismiss him if you pay to replace him. Remember, he teaches three classes. No one had the money to replace me and they got mad and left. And he says, You keep doing exactly what you’re doing and I’m praying for you. And so I stay in the school and some of the students gravitate to me and some of them reject me based upon their doctrinal background. And they called me the straight guy, which I can live with. That monitor doesn’t bother me a bit. And to this day the students are taught in the past are now pastors of churches in different parts of Central Asia. And when they have problems, they call me and they all have different problems. One pastor, 1 language group from the language that I speak and evangelists came to his Church and they don’t have a full Bible. They only have a few scriptures translated in their language. And he said, You don’t need the bible, you have your heart, you can trust your heart. God will never lead you a stress. He told me because I was sitting there and I had my eye closed and I was listening to me because I don’t know if you believe me or not. But in my mind’s eye I saw this drag and breathing fire. And I thought, This is just wrong. And I told him to be quiet and to get out and not to come back. And all the people who are upset with me now because I threw the man out. And I know in my heart. I did the right thing, but I don’t know what to tell them. So I took him to Jeremiah says, the hardest deceitfully, wicked, you know, and he looked like he was going to cry. And I’m like, What’s wrong? Because we don’t have this book of the Bible in our language. And I set that for a second. I prayed. I took I think its first peter, 1 20 or 1 21. We have a more sure word of prophecy. I said, the Apostle Peter saw the Lord Jesus Christ transfigured. He said, well, Jesus Christ walk on water. He saw him rose from the dead. And he says, the Bible is more reliable than anything I’ve seen or I’ve experienced. And so you don’t trust your heart, you trust the word of God. And that’s why I took back to us people. And it’s a privilege, and it’s exciting, and it’s really exciting when you see victories. I I’ve also lost a lot of battles, and you have to answer your phone. And when it rings at two o’clock in the morning, you still have to answer your phone because they’re on a completely different time schedule from us. So I never shut my phone off. Whenever it rings, I answer it. Sometimes I’m more coherent than others, but it’s not me. It’s the Lord. And the Lord will use anyone that surrenders their life to him, and He’ll use them anywhere that they will allow themselves to go as He leads them. You know, the Apostle Pomer wanted to go to Asia and God send in Europe instead. And the Apostle Peter ended up going to Asia. And it isn’t necessarily where either one of them wanted to go, but it’s where the Lord was able to use them the most. The language that I speak. I actually started a small Church for those people in America. And after I left America and went to the mission field, about a year after I was gone, the Church dissolved, and I was really, really heartbroken about it and upset. And I was praying one evening, and I realized the Apostle Paul has no churches less standing today. But everything we do is the fruit of his labor. And all the people that served in that Ministry saved one family. We’re faithfully serving the Lord somewhere else in the world. And I realized if I had stayed there, I would have this thing that I could say, hey, I started that. Well, that’s not what it’s supposed to be about. It’s supposed to be about the Lord and not about me. And I had to understand that was taken away. So all those people have been trained to go Bloom somewhere else.

Great. That’s really good, brother. Is there anything the Church in the Us is doing that make your mission more difficult? Oh, Yeah. They’re not being a faithful witness where they are. The whole rest of the world looks back at America. And what ever America does that’s christian, even if it’s not Christian because they don’t know what Christian is. America is Christian as far as they’re concerned. So lgbt, whatever PDF community it is. Well, that’s got to be Christian because America is Christian country. No, that’s not Christian. You know, God made Adam. He took a root from Adam’s side and made Eve to be his help meet. And those two were to be one and body, soul and spirit serving the Lord together. And from the fruit of that union, were to be children as a gift from God. And they had a responsibility to train those children to serve the Lord. That they could do go and repeat the same process that he had done in their family in their home. The home is the foundational building block of every human thing in society, law, the church, government, everything rests on the home. If the homes destroyed, everything else falls to there’s nothing more important than having a husband and a wife and children. It is the foundational building block. Christ gave the family before he gave the church. So we have to get our house in order. And American Christians many times live and let live. And they have no total standards. They kind of go wherever the wind is blowing. And as long as it doesn’t affect them personally, they don’t care what happens. And they don’t care to stand up for what’s right. Because as long as it doesn’t bother their household, they’re not worried about it right now. I think the Southern Baptist did. They called a Gallup poll or something. I forget exactly what it was that they determined they’re losing about of their kids to the world. Like, once I graduate high school, I think never come back to Church and the seven Baptist did it. But I think the numbers even across the nomination boundaries. Yeah. Canham did a study already gone. And I think he was like, yeah, but we’ve also taken the kids out of the service. I was raised in the country and everybody went to church. Everybody set in the sermon, heard the preacher and a lot of especially big churches. They pull all the kids out of the service and they stick them in kids Church and they show them movies or videos and teach them some cute little songs or something. They don’t teach them doctrine. They dont teach them to honor the pastor. They don’t teach them to honor God’s word. They don’t help them to memorize Scripture. They don’t help them to honor their parents. And they actually train the kids out of the home. It’s a mistake. The families need to sit together. They need to learn together. Like, if you have a baby, clint, and the service that’s unnecessary in a small Church in the country. If mom wants to keep the baby Whitter great. I can preach louder, but once the children are 5, 6 years old, they need to be in every service. With Mom and Dad and sit with them and be a family. They don’t all need to set like a pack of dogs over in a corner, sitting and passing notes and goofing off. They need to listen to the preacher. They need to learn respect for authority. The pastor is the under Shepherd of the church. We are to follow him as he follows Jesus Christ were to honor our father and mother. This is the only commandment with promise. God says, If we do this, our days will be long on the Earth and he’ll bless us well. Children don’t know to honor their mother and father unless we teach them to honor their father and mother. They need to learn discipline. They need to learn respect. And if they get that at home and they get it in a church, they will do better in the world because an employer wants somebody that understands how to follow orders, how to be faithful, how to get the job done, how to be reliable and trustworthy my son. When he left home, he was either put in management or entrusted with the money or the keys everywhere he worked within a week or so of being there. And I told him what they were talking about. I said, Do you not know how insane that is? Because what do you mean? I said, They’ve known you for seven days and they’ve handed you the key to their store. There’s over a half a million dollars in formatic set behind those doors. And they just entrusted you with all of that by handing you the keys. And that’s because you have a testimony. I mean, following God’s word in His command is only a blessing, always a blessing. Even when it’s difficult, there’s nothing better for anyone than obey God. If you obey what He tells you to do, you’re going to be blessed. You won’t even understand how much you’re being blessed and how much you bless others. He said, He’ll pour you out a blessing that you shall not be able to receive it. That means it’ll dump out off of you and splash everyone else around you. And it’s proven through the Bible time and time again. I mean, Laban told jacob, I know I’m blessed for your sake. Wrote told Joseph. Partier told Joseph. These guys all knew that they were getting blessings and being blessed because of this person’s character on this person’s relationship with God. So it’s just about doing right, being faithful and, you know, it’s hard to raise kids. It’s hard to know what to do. God gives your playbook if you follow it, you don’t have to think about so much. That’s so true. I’m not looking for blind faith or blinded obedience. You have to have faith. Out of faith comes courage. You don’t know what to do. That gives uncertainty and doubt and fear. But when you do what’s right, because God told you is right, you can do it. With confidence and assurance. Even in the darkest of times, you’re going to be blessed. Maybe not right now, but at some point, like when you look at Joe jobs, life was less than wonderful. Joseph life was less than wonderful. David’s life was less than wonderful. But in the end, they were blessed as they obeyed. Joe had more at the end than at the beginning. Joseph was made ruler under pharo, second only in the Kingdom to paro. He was favored for all practical purposes. They didn’t even know what was under his hand. And that’s after 17 years of prison for doing right. And even though we were sent to prison and said being bitter, he continued to do right. Even after being lighted out and forgotten about, he continued to do right. Daniel, Daniel Instan the three Hebrew children thrown in the fire. When you do right, you’re going to suffer. God’s children will suffer persecution, but in the end they will be blessed. The Lord God is a Son as Shield. He will give Grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from them who walk uprightly. We just have to keep trusting and believing and obeying. Yeah. And all that shall leave Gatling. Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Amen. And that’s not fun. But it comes out to his glory and are good. In the end, we just have to see it all the way through. Everybody say something that was very convicted because you ask a question, you know, is there anything the Church in us doing that make you work more difficult? And you say, you know what the major thing is that we’re not evangelized as we should? No. And I think that’s one of the big problem that we have seen in America today, because one of the arguments I make on this podcast and one of the reasons why we start this podcast is because the church, to me, is stock in extra two method of evangelism. They feel that when they go knock on the door of their neighbor, and I don’t know if it’s because they are Americans and they expect their fellow Americans to have heard about Jesus and known Jesus. We’re yeah, they know the name, but they probably know more the curse word. A lot of them, they don’t have a concept of what sin is. If they had a concept of what sin is, then the government would not be the wait is today promoting sin practically. So a lot of times we don’t have a concept of sin anymore. We don’t have a concept of God. You mentioned the LGBT community. We have moved so far away from the Chapter two College we once were. Now we’re more like AC up to 17. But I feel like if you read many of the checks that we have and don’t get me going and the rent on the checks. But if you read most of the checks that we have today that come out of our churches. They all geared towards someone who is extracted to someone who has been church, who at least have a Foundation of sin. And I strongly believe the reason why America is the word is Institute is because the method of evangelism, not the message. The message should remain the same. The method should not change, but the method of evangelism. I think we need to move the more apologetic form of evangelism where we defend the faith and show the truth of the Gospel. Starting where God start. If you’ll notice, took God 39 books before you introduce Jesus. Right? Most of the time when we go evangelizing, you went and you start, right? That Jesus. Jesus love you. But you have no concept of sin. You need to be saved, but you don’t have no concept of. You have to have the bad news before you have the good news. You have to know the Center. You have to know the consequences for sin. You have to know that hell awaits all the inner eternity without Christ. I agree with you 100% I really do. On the day of pentecost, when Peter preached, he started a creation. And if you look at a lot of message in the bible, they go back to creation. God made the world. That makes us accountable to God. And when the chapter one starts a creation, the Bible itself starts a creation. We have to begin at the beginning. Look at seven, steven. Except seven, definitely same. This. I have nothing against tracks. I think that there should still be doorknocking. I think there should still be tracks. But like you said, tracks should be a little different. They should go into more depth and they should begin at the beginning. The teaching of evolution has done more damage to the Foundation of America than many other things. Because of evolution is true. There’s no God and I’m not accountable to him. And evolution is such a ridiculous lie. Really shouldn’t be that hard to prove, but they’re blinded, literally blinded. If I take a rock in water and mix the together, I’m set for a million years. After a million years, I have a rock in water. I don’t have it. And all these breeding animals, like, I saw some, they’ve had a Cocker poodle. And I’ve seen the labradoodle and like, oh, look, evolution. That’s not evolution. That selective breeding. And the way you do that dog, it’s always going to be a dog. A dog would never turn into a cat. Cat never turned into a fish. You know, God made kinds and that’s a kind. If we teach the truth, the truth defends itself. But somebody has to go out and teach it. And if the Church would go out and just witness to people, it’s not enough to hand. It takes courage to give out a track. It takes courage to knock on a door. But it takes a whole lot more cash to keep going back. And it’s not about speaking the truth. It’s about speaking the truth in love. John 14 says that he was full of Grace and truth. The Bible also says, If we don’t have the Spirit of christ, where none of his and in america, we usually get one of 2 ends of it. We either get truth. You’re want to die and burn in hell for all eternity, or you get whole. God loves you, and He never let anything bad happen to you. And He just loves you so much. He just won’t you spend eternity with Him. One’s. All truth, no grace. There’s all Grace and no truth. And the Spirit of christ, we will have both Grace and truth. You know, you were born a sinner, and the consequences of sin is death and hell an eternity of torment. But because Jesus Christ loved you, He paid that sin debt on your behalf. But you have to go and appropriate it from him. You have to ask for His forgiveness. You have to turn from sin himself to Him and receive forgiveness. That’s something else that you didn’t mention that. I know this is part of it. We use a lot of churchy language that people don’t understand. If you tell somebody to repent, they don’t have a clue in the world what you’re talking about. And the word repent simply means to turn. And I would argue that it means turn to Jesus. You turn from send itself to Jesus. That’s repentance. The Bible even says God repented, yet God doesn’t change. It took me a long time to wrap my mind around that. But when God repented, He turned to Jesus and laid the punishment of us on Christ. And we need to talk to people in a language they can understand. And we need to keep going back. It’s not enough to hand somebody a track and think you’ve done your job and walk away. You have to keep going back and you have to live it. The toughest thing to do is go back to somebody after you’ve blown it. And I don’t know anybody that hasn’t blown it, hasn’t failed, hasn’t messed up in front of a lost person. And that’s when you have to go back and say, I was wrong. That was not Christian. I dishonored, my lord, I hurt you. I’m very sorry. Please forgive me. That’s really tough to do. It’s a whole lot easier to walk away and never go back. You know, if you walk into a store like they don’t really sell movies at the front of the store anymore. They used to, but these movies were inappropriate to watch, but they had record sales. Well, statistically speaking, Christians had to be buying the films so they wouldn’t have had the record sales. If you go the stores right now, the idols are full of wine and beer. There’s more alcoholic beverages in public stores than any other time in my lifetime. No matter where I go. And if supposed Christians weren’t drinking it, they wouldn’t be there. Because statistically speaking, if it was just the lost people, there’s not enough people to support that amount of sales. Yeah, we definitely have a point there.

You’re listening to the Removing Barriers podcast. We’re sitting down with missionary Scott from Central asia, and we had any know all about his mission feel. We’ll be right back. Cross Flix is a familyfriendly channel with thousands of Christian films, including Christian movies, new releases, documentaries and educational content. You can access the videos through their digital streaming network anytime, day or night. Whenever you watch a Christian video from Cross flicks, you can feel confident that your family is watching Inspiring uplifting content that is clean and curated for limited time. Cross Flicks is available for the first 30 days for free, and you can cancel anytime, no questions asked. That’s right. Get access to thousands of free Christian movies and Christian music online right now with your 30 day trial. Click on the link in the description section of this podcast to get Cross Flicks today.

Sir scott, tell me, what is your favorite script verse? My favorite scripture verse is oneST Corinthians 15 57. The thanks be to god, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is your favorite historical biblical account? My favorite story in the Bible is Second kings, chapter five. The little girl in naman. Oh, okay. It’s kind of odd for those people. I stand it. That little girl more than likely saw her parents killed in front of her face. Name that was in charge of the Army. The Army comes into town one day and attacks, and I don’t know about you, but, I mean, you have children, right? Yeah. Somebody comes to take your kids. What are you going to do? You’re going to fight to protect your kids? More than likely, she saw her family slaughtered her aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors. They would rounded all those kids up that had tied their hands together. They put them on a long cord and someday would have set on some beast to burden and rode from Northern Israel back to damascus, syria, dragging those kids behind. And then she was made a servant in Amon’s house. She was a Jewish girl. She spoke Hebrew. They spoke Arabic. They’re not mutually intelligible languages. So when they told her to do something she didn’t understand that beat her. She’s lost her family. She’s lost her friends. She’s lost her future. She’ll be a slave the rest of her life. She has more reason to hate this man than anybody. And yet she had compassion on him. She only had compassion on Name. And she still had faith in God after she lost everything. And she’s just a little girl. And so she tells name, his wife, that if he would go see the Prophet that’s in israel, he would be healed. Not that he would get a little better. Not that he would feel better. He would be completely healed. Now, How’s the little girl lost everything. Have that kind of faith. More importantly, since when do you take advice from a child? I mean, if you think about it, this makes it all the way back to the King of Syria. And instead of blowing it off, he sent 10 talents of silver, 6,000 pieces of gold, 10 changes of raymond. And we’re talking about ceremonial robes. These ropes cost thousands of dollars all by themselves. He sent all this well back to the King of Israel saying, hey, take my man here and take him to your Prophet and heal him. Somebody had to come behind that little group and say, listen, no matter what she does, she won’t do anything but tell the truth. If she says that, you can Bank on it, she’ll take a beating before she’ll lie. If she said it, it’s 100% true. You can trust it. That’s the only way that that story made it back to the King. Do you understand what I’m saying? So serious Instamatic King Israel. He gets the letter. He panics, thinking that trying to go to war because he can’t save anybody. Right. But this is the leader of God’s people. When they’re hungry, he sends bread from heaven. When they’re thirsty, he sends water out of the rock. When the Army is coming down on them, he drops a wall of fire behind them to protect them. Then he opens a sea so they can walk across from dry ground. This is God’s chosen people. And they have no faith. Or frankly, the God they serve is the same God we serve, and we have no faith most of the time. But that little girl did. The Prophet finds out what’s going on. He tells the king, you send to me. He’ll know that there’s a Prophet in Israel. And a Prophet is different than a priest. The priest speaks on behalf of the people to God. A Prophet speaks on behalf of God to the people. There’s a Prophet in Israel. There’s a God in Israel. And he wanted to know that was God in Israel. So name it shows up in that day, if you were a person of importance, you didn’t travel with less than the entering guards. You had 100 guards with you. Okay, so 50 soldiers in front, 50 soldiers in the back. He’s in his battle carrot. And he’s expecting a big show. And he shows up. The Prophet doesn’t even go outside. He sends a serving out to speak to him. And servants can’t speak to naman. Name speaks to Kings face to face. He doesn’t talk to little people. And when the guy speaks to him, he goes into a rage. He’s furious that the Prophet didn’t come out and call down his God and healing. And he gets ready to leave. And some ban is entourage stops us and said, You know, father, we’ve come a long way. We’ve spent a ton of money. And if you ask you to do something great, like take a city or a crime, a mountain, you to done it. This is just a very little thing. Would you please do it? And so name and goes down to the water may dips seven times. And on the seventh time it comes up, he’s changed inside and out. He’s a new person and he knows the God Israel now. And he’s going to serve Jesus Christ because the Jojola the Old Testament said Jesus in the New testament, and he even wants to take round back from Israel to damascus, Syria. So when he prays, he prays on God’s ground. He asked for forgiveness because he serves the King of Syria. And they worship the God Reman whenever the King barge can’t be above the King. So he’ll have to Bowl below him under the house of reman. But he’s not gonna serve roman. He only wants to serve jehovah. And please forgive him. Prophet sends him home. Reman couldn’t heal you. God could heal you. All this happened because of that one little girl. Hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars were spent. Armies removed, Kings removed, and people got saved because one little girl was a faithful witness for Jesus Christ. She had no influence. She had no money, she had no power. She had no authority. Only thing she had was a clean testimony and faith in God. And the Bible teaches us both in the New Testament and the Old Testament that God is not a respecter of persons. God doesn’t hold anybody in respect over anybody else. You might think to yourself whether was Moses and he talked to him face to face. And Jesus had an inner circle of three disciples. That’s very true, because they entered in. Jesus doesn’t lock anybody out. But he’ll have a special relationship with anyone who will enter in. Peter, James and gone entered in. The rest didn’t. Peter jumped out of the boat. The rest didn’t. Yeah. Peter failed miserably. But he got out of the boat. John laid his head on his shoulder at the table. John always wanted to be close to him. John was the only one that went to the cross with Jesus Christ. John went into the trial. John went to the Cross. Jesus committed the care of his mother to the Apostle John to take care of her. Those three entered in. So Christ had a special relationship with him. Anybody that will enter in Christ will have a special relationship with if you’re just willing to enter in. And that’s why that story so precious to me. And Old Testament New Testament was at Malachi 36. I am the Lord. I changed not. And Hebrews 13 8. Jesus Christ same yesterday, today and forever. It’s the only version of Bible without a verb because all birds require time, past, present or future. And Jesus Christ eternal. There’s no verb in the sentence. So that’s why that story is important to me, because that little girl just witnessed on Jesus Christ and it changed everything, not just for naman. You thought 100 soldiers a sole name and go in that war and come up out of it. You think some of them didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. You think when he went back to syria, he didn’t tell people what happened. They trusted Jesus Christ all because one little girl was a faithful witness. So that’s why that story means so much to me.

What about the most convicting? Script verse scriptive passage to you? That would be Philippians 3 19. Whose God is their belly? Oh, Wow. I never heard in one truth was that it’s because it’s what you want. It’s when your desire trumps what God wants for you. And it’s not just about eating, it’s about anything. Any desire that you want comes between you and God. You’ve made that desire of God. And he says, these people, all they care about is what they want and not what I want. Their belly is their God. And in that day, in era, the bowls were the seed of emotion. Like for us, we always talk about our heart. Paul said my bowels removed. He didn’t mean anything like bathroom related. By that he meant his heart because that was the seat of motion for those people in that day. So when it says that their God as their belly, their emotions are their god, whatever they feel like, which is what we have in America right now, you can’t reason with people. You can’t talk with people everything about what I feel your belly. And that’s the most convicting to me, because I don’t always want to do what I should do. I want to do what I want to do, and I can’t let my belly be my God.

What is the most comforting scripture passage reverse for you? I would say Hebrews 13 5 and John 54. Those are the most comforting to me. They both talk about health. Christ will never leave me or forsake me. He loves me. He’s always there. He will always forgive me. You know, I’m never alone. I never abandoned. He’s always there. And that’s why those verses are important to me. Right?

What about your favorite him on the face? I like faith is the victory, and that changes with time. It used to be the woman at the well. Years and years ago. I used to love that him. And any more faith is the victory is my favorite that I like to sing the most. And the last one here. Who is your favorite giant of the faith from the bible? I know this is going to sound stupid, but that little girl, I don’t think that sounds stupid at all. We don’t have a name for that little girl because he can be anybody. If you have a clean testimony and faith, God can use you the same way he used her.

All right, brother left, wrap it up and bring it on home. What are some of the biggest barriers of the people in Central Age from receiving the gospel? And how can those barriers be removed? Faithful witnesses and actual access to the Gospel. It’s hard to get Bibles. There’s not many of them available and get them to people and get people to read them. It’s hard to get people to read anything anymore. Anyway, they’re trying to move everything to video. And even in education, they’re trying to move everything to do videos. Passive reading is active, and you need to teach people to read. I don’t know. You got to get the gospel into people’s hands. They need to hear preaching. And that comes to hearing a faithful witness. As far as how can those barriers be removed? I’ll relate to you, a man who got saved that I work with. On the Monday nights, I had him in prayer meeting, and one of the guys in my prayer meeting invited his coworker to our Monday night prayer meeting for two months. Every day, every day, he’d ask him to come. Every day at work, he had asked him to come. He was a Muslim man, but his coworker was a good Man. He was a faithful Man. He was a kind Man. And for two months he faithfully asked him to come. And after two months, he showed up one night and at every Bible study. Before we start, we would share some food and just sit around chit chat about the day and things and our families and our kids and stuff. And while we were sitting there, he just blurted out, Jesus Christ is not God. Just like that. And it was funny because it was almost like it was rehearsed. It was completely spontaneous. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Everyone stopped talking and they all said, no, Jesus Christ is God. It had been in the room before that they all took turns and it wasn’t organized. No one to practice anything. But everyone went around the room and from here, something that meant something to them. They explained what Jesus Christ was, God in the flesh, that Jesus Christ was the Son of god, that he was real, that he did die, that he did rise from the dead, that he did ascend to heaven. He is coming again. And they were kind about it. Nobody was ugly. Nobody was mean. Nobody was rude or attacked the guy. They were so kind. And again, the men that I worked with, they’ve been soldiers. They’re carpenters, they’re electricians. These aren’t gentle people who’ve gone to Bible college. These are rough characters. Half of them are covered in tattoos from where they’ve been in jail at some point in their lives or when they’re in the military. And all of them were complete and total gentlemen. It was Jesus Christ literally shining through them. And so after they talked to him for a little while. He Burts out that the scriptures are not true. And again they disagreed, and they went through and explained to him why the Scriptures were true. And I was reading the book at that time that a pastor in America had written about a man named Matthew More. And Matthew Mary had read in the Bible about pass in the sea. And he believed that if the Bible said there were passing the sea, there had to be passed in the sea. So he went looking for them and he found them. And there’s a shipping lanes that we still use it this day. The paths in the sea that we have were found by Matthew More from reading his Bible. All shipping runs off those paths in the sea. And I was explaining to a man who have read the Bible and believe the Bible had changed history. And we ended up having a regular prayer time. We took prayer request and prayed and dismissed. And the guy didn’t get saved that night. But he was very quiet and he left and went home. He came back the next week and we talked for a few minutes and he wanted to be a Christian. He bowed his head and he Crisis Savior and became a faithful member of the church. And all that amounted to was one guy inviting him over and over and over again. And that guy could have turned him into the cops. That guy could have done a lot of bad things to him, but because he was such a good guy and so kind, he didn’t. And somewhere along the line, it broke his heart because he would just witness into him. He loved him to Christ. And, you know, I was there when he received Crisis a Savior. But it wasn’t me. Everything that happened that night all hinged on his faithful witness. And these guys, they don’t have a lot of doctrine. They don’t have a lot of Bible training, like a lot of Monday nights. It was stumped the missionary. I would go in there and they just asked me questions and I’d answer the questions from the Bible. I didn’t even get a lesson some nights, but God was working in their hearts that they could lead other people to him. I have no regrets. And you talked earlier about people being faithful witnesses. God will use anybody, even if their doctrines wrong. Deal moody, please understand the heart with which I say this. Deal. Moody was an ignorant Man. His doctrine was poor and his doctrine was wrong. But he loved the Lord and he preached with passion and he found good men. And he had no qualms admitting that he didn’t know whether he was wrong. He found a man named Jill Morgan. And while Morgan was preaching one night, Moody was sitting on the front row and Eagles. Erica is one of my Sermons. And the priest or born egos. Erica is one of my Sermons. And basically what he was saying is he realized that what he’d been preaching was wrong and that Jill Morgan was right. And he changed by the preaching of God’s word. And yet he led hundreds of thousands of people to save in Argen Jesus Christ. Billy Sunday was a presbyterian. His doctrine wasn’t white. He let thousands of people to cry. Smart fact, prohibition rested upon the preach in Billy Sunday. He had more impact in America and was a greater thrust behind the prohibition movement than any other preacher. It’s not about having the right doctrine. It’s about obeying God. You don’t have to be right. You have to be sold out to Jesus Christ. Doctor is important. I want you have the right doctor in the right stance. But I’m not going to fight anybody that’s going to follow Jesus Christ. God will fix him, not me. Jenny was a charismatic for practical purposes. God used him. I don’t agree with his doctrine, but God used the man and actually alter calls compressible from his preaching the way he handled evangelistic meetings. I mean, there’s lots of things out there that we get from others, even in our hens. Have you sang Solid night, Holy night? That wasn’t the Baptist. A mighty fortresses. Our God was written by Luther. And Martin Luther wrote that. I don’t agree if Martin Luther’s doctrine was wrong. Martin Luther killed Baptist. Martin Luther hated Jews. He had all kinds of problems in his own life. And yet God still used him because he trusted God by faith, even though he was wrong in some areas in his life. There’s people I don’t have fellowship with, but I don’t fight against them. And I’ll even pray for them that they’ll have a closer walk with Christ or that this area of their life will get fixed. But I’m not going to go out and criticize them. My poster. Years ago, he said something I thought was kind of funny. He said John Wesley was alive at time. Put his hair in a ponytail and come and preach.

Yup. All, brother, thank you so much for joining us on the Removing Barriers podcast. Thank you for having me. Lord bless you both. You too. Thank you. Thank you for listening to get a hold of us to support this podcast or to learn more about removing barriers. Go to Removing Barriers net. This has been the Removing Barriers podcast. We attempted to remove barriers so that we all can have a clay view of the cross.


Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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