On the Mission Field with Missionary David Gates



Episode 196

In this installation of the Removing Barriers podcast, we head back to the mission field and talk to David Gates, missionary to Dearborn, MI. Dearborn is in southern Michigan and is a suburb of Detroit. It is famous as the hometown of Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company, as well as for its status as the city with the largest Muslim population in the country. It also has the largest mosque in the nation. With these stats, we may be tempted to engage through fleshly predispositions. David Gates, however, explains in this interview how Dearborn is no different from any other U.S. city, and how a love for Christ and for souls will help us override those predispositions and see the lost souls behind the mosques, the hijabs, or the calls to prayer. Who are the people of Dearborn and how can we best witness to them? Join us on this episode to hear of the work God is doing on this mission field!


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Note: This is an automated transcription. It is not perfect but for most part adequate.

[Missionary David Gates]

I know God sent us back to. And so when I flew back in in 2019 to ordain Gareth’s cause, the church was thriving. Pastor Monteith was now my pastor here. Pastor, Maranatha and Pastor Blackstock from Georgia. Flew in. And they locked me up in the airport. You know, they let them go in, but they told me I can’t get in. So I’m in the airport holding area and cannot leave.


Thank you for tuning into the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m Jay and I’m mcg and we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the cross.


This is episode 196 of the removing by Rios podcast and this is the 20th in the series of on the mission field, and in this episode we’ll be going on the mission field with missionary David Gates to Dearborn, MI. Missionary David. It is indeed a pleasure. Welcome to the Removing Barriers podcast.

[Missionary David Gates]

Well, it’s a blessing. You so much. Mcg and J. It’s a blessing to be here and it’s an honor. Thank you for having me today.


Great. I mean, you’re glad that you’re able to place us in your busy schedule. All right. Well, let’s jump into it. Let’s start by telling us about yourself, your calling, your family a little bit about your testimony. Whatever you want to share with the Internet world.

[Missionary David Gates]

Well, like you said, I’m David Gates and I’m married to my beautiful wife, Beth of 17 years now.

[Missionary David Gates]

And we have. He is 16 and Sandy. She will be 15 in just a few days here in March. And then also we have Emma, 11 and Noah. He is our. He’s 7 years old and it’s a blessing to be serving the Lord right now. But I guess I’ll if you want, I can just share. Would you like me to share some of my salvation testimony and? Like that, yes.





[Missionary David Gates]

So yes, I actually grew up there in the Virginia. Newport News in the Hampton Roads area and my mother was going to I’m a Catholic Church. Was. My dad was a drunkard far from God. And so I didn’t really like going to church as a kid. Then there came a difference. Dad was. He came to Christ and after he came to Christ, everything changed. Threw away the. We immediately started going to Maranatha Baptist Church. There, in Yorktown, VA. My mom called on Christ, trusted in him as Lord and Savior, and she just kept loving and start loving the Lord deeply. Sister, she also got saved and I made a profession of faith. Prayed the prayer. You know, and I would still learn the Bible verses because I was only seven years. I learned the Bible verses went to iwana clubs, got the Timothy award. All these different things. But as a teenager there was rebellion later on, got into alcohol and drug. Drugs and things like this, and it just took me far from God to where I knew I was. But I had a loving church, a loving family that kept praying for me. When I got arrested. For having drugs in my. That caused me just to wake up and I said, you know what? I don’t want to end up like some of my friends that were died overdoses or in jail or hurting others. Know I knew better because I was raised better at the same time. I knew that I was. I remember praying in prayer as a kid and I tried to cling to that, but there came a time where I was just so far from God. I knew that I wasn’t born again. And so after getting arrested. My pastor came and said, David, you cannot be a member. Baptist Church and dealing drugs. You know which makes sense you.



[Missionary David Gates]

Know I was like, yeah, you’re right. And so he said, I’ll give you 2 weeks to think about it and pray, you know, but you’re going to have to repent, you know.



[Missionary David Gates]

Dishonored the name of Christ you dishonor name of the church. So you have to come to repent and publicly. And I said, well, you know, I didn’t want to do it because I did the same thing when I thought, you know, when I was 15 or 16, when I got caught stealing or something else, you know, and I. Want to do it again? You know? And so some people think. What is that? You know? But I tell you that they came. I came inside. I walked into the church and I said I’m not going to do this, but I’ll be open to God working and speaking to me. And so as I walked in, I went to the right. I was getting ready to go to the front, to my seat. That taught me in children’s church when I was a kid. He was a big American Indian man, brother Manspower. Came and hugged me and said. Love you, you know. And I knew that these people loved me, even though. Far from God and I tell you that just made a difference in me, I said. Don’t want to leave this place? These people love me. And sure enough, at the end I went forward and Pastor said we don’t do. Said I don’t need do something. The Holy Spirit was working. Everybody came up. Love you. I used to do the same thing. I’m with you if you need anything, I’m here to help. And it was just an overwhelming sense of love and acceptance, even though they knew where I was coming from. And so about two weeks later. I was at my friend’s prayer meeting and he said, David, I know you’re trying to stop using drugs and cursing and partying and whatever, but have you ever been born again? Have you ever been saved? Have you trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior? And I couldn’t even speak. And I said, I feel like I need to do something. What he. I said, well, just pray. And so that’s when he prayed for me. And that’s when I called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, in faith. And I just thank God for that. His Grace and his mercy, his patience with me.


Hey man.

[Missionary David Gates]

But I wasn’t Mr. Perfect after. Of course, I was so deep in sin that that next week I was at a party and I had said I smoked a joint. Smoked some weed, but I felt conviction. I said I don’t need this stuff anymore and it was a steady growth. I know some people just throw it all down and that me, I threw it down little by little grew. And just God just started steadily working my life to grow in the faith, and I thank him for his. You know. And so after that I started wanting to serve in the church. Search. Do different things like that and I had the opportunity to go to a Bible college there and actually Chesapeake VA at Tidwell Baptist Foundation Bible College at that time. And I just sensed the Lord just working in my heart, you know, and when that was happening, I was. The call to preach. And Lord confirmed that in my heart, but then also for missions, God just started using verses from the scriptures about missions in my life. I don’t remember the name, but he came. And he said this. He said there’s over a billion people in China, but hardly any missionaries, hardly any churches. And it shocked me. I raised my hand even though it wasn’t time. You know, I said. I. You mean there’s a billion people in China? Any missionaries? He. Yes. And it just shocked me, I said. I was like, God, let me go to the mission field, you know. And from then, that’s when that mission’s conference came, and when missions conference came, you know, God said. Speak to me from his scriptures, from Jeremiah. One before I formed the Embelli ordained the a prophet into the nations, and sure enough, that last night that’s what the brother preached on. And God just gave me rest that I need to go to the mission field, you know, and one of the men that was there, he said that. We have an opportunity for you to do training in Pro South America with missionaries on the mission field. And so I said, yeah, I’m not going to do anything unless I know it’s the will of God I. To make sure it’s his, will he? There’s also missions camp as well. Go to the missions camp and straight from there to Peru, South America. And so I prayed about. It’s and God gave me rest about it, but I needed provision. You know, how can I get there was 60. $100. To go to the mission field for six months pays for your ticket, your food and everything. Then next step after that you know there’s 3 1/2 years. Of training at a like minded church for Bible College and discipleship, and so. I wanted it first to pray, of course, and then God, after giving me rest about it, Pastor Coffey. Hey, some men said they want to give you some money for this, you know, for this to happen, go to this mission field. And then after that I talked to him about I said, hey, did they give that? Says no, they haven’t given anything I said, wow. And so the man that I kind of told me about this, I called him up and he said this, he says. Those men can’t give you any money. Was like. Well, thanks a lot. Vote of confidence. And so. I was like. I got off the phone a little discouraged. And so then after that when that happened, I walked in the room. This song was playing. God will provide and brother, it just told me that I was trusting in these men to give this money and. The Lord. And so that’s what I. God, I trust you. If this is your will, you’ll provide. And sure enough, that next week, couple weeks. So I was still praying about it, Pastor Coffey said. Know come down here after preaching in Sunday school. In the church, it was like children’s church or something I was preaching he. He had me come down and the church service was like at the end, but he said. He. Do you still want to go to Peru, South America? Said yes, Sir, he. Well, pack your bags. The church is. For the whole trip.


Oh wow.



[Missionary David Gates]

And this was so life changing brother, because that’s where I met Beth, who is now my wife.


Hey man.

[Missionary David Gates]

She came down with her church in Georgia. For a mission trip there, and I met her. And that’s when I took a mission trip to North Africa because my I always had a burden for Africa. I didn’t know where the Lord was sending me. And so when I went to Morocco and Tunisia, you know, I said God. Don’t you love? You know, and of course he does, I said. The churches.



[Missionary David Gates]

Where’s the? I mean, there was nations that were just, I mean, totally steeped in Islam. And I thought if the rapture were to occur here, they wouldn’t even notice.


Yeah. Mm.

[Missionary David Gates]

I mean it just shocked me. How dark these places were? And so then after coming back to the states, God just start calling me to the Islamic nations, but not necessarily Morocco and Tunisia. And that’s when I started going to train with Lighthouse Baptist. Austinville, Georgia. And that’s where Beth was. That was her church, and there was like an internship. You did 3 1/2. Years of working with this church, our mission is harder. Preaching, teaching and just all this other. Practical training, but also the regular Bible college classes and things like that. And so I was talking to Beth and I said, you know, I’m praying about where to go. I’ve been praying for Egypt. That sounds like a fun place. I’ll go there.

She’s praying for. I might as well go. No, that wasn’t it. But I started really thinking about it because Paul he went to key cities, you know. And so Cairo has the largest city in all of Africa. And it has one of the Sunni Islamic universities that is very influential, Al Assador. There the movies are there so everybody understands the North African, Middle East, the Arabic dialect of Egypt. So I said, you know, this is a very, very needy place and it’s influential. And so I started praying about it, and when I visited there, I said this is the place, you know, Egypt. And so that’s when God put us there to go to Cairo, Egypt. I’m. I’ve been talking a lot, I know.


But yeah, let’s just back up a little bit because I want to go back to Egypt and talk about Egypt a little bit as well. But I also want to ask you some questions about that.

[Missionary David Gates]

You know.


I’m going to compound them and then you can hit them one by one if. Feel fit.

[Missionary David Gates]


Yeah, that’s fine.


Let’s go back to your profession when you were. Yes. And you mentioned earlier that you have a 7 year old. I’m always curious about this because this is seems to be very common in all churches where kid AT-75 whatever case, maybe make a profession.

[Missionary David Gates]



And I’m also asking as a dad as well, because I have kids that age of younger, right?

[Missionary David Gates]



Do you prevent that in your kids now? From making an empty profession, of course it you can’t fully prevent.

[Missionary David Gates]

That’s a good question.


But how do you go about and say make sure that, hey, I’m not lack of a better word. Pressure in my kids to repeat some words to say they’re saved and.

[Missionary David Gates]

The right, exactly.


They’re not truly safe. Two would be what was the response of your parents once you started getting into drugs and all these things, and how did they love you in Christ during that time or not love you in Christ during that time? Yeah, those are the two questions. And then I’ll come back.

[Missionary David Gates]

Those are very, very good questions. So what we do with them, we just keep loving them and teaching them the Bible, you know, day by day, whether through devotions or Bible or, you know, or answering their questions when they have questions just. We never pressed them. At. So we lived in Egypt actually with Joshua, and he was like 7 years old there and just living around it. But we would never. Say hey, do you want to say, you know, we just taught them the truth, that there’s God loves you? Died on cross for your sins. Separates us from God. There’s a heaven. There’s a hell, and that’s what we each have. When they come to us and say, dad, you know. I need to get saved or with him we just stop and you know. Are you sure? And with each of them is a little bit different, but each one of them comes to a knowledge to where. They know there’s a hell. They realize they’re going there and then we say, well, you know, I don’t know. We make sure we push it off just a little bit and then after a while when we see that they are adamantly saying I need to know this. That’s when we open up the. We take them slowly through it, and if they start just watching TV or they stop wanting to ask questions, we don’t know. They’re not ready.





[Missionary David Gates]

Know this last time with Noah. Actually, Beth was with him and he said the same thing. And he says, Mama, I want to get. And she says, well, you know, we’ll talk about it later. And he says no, I want to talk about it. He says well, let’s. Or just do this or that and the other, you know, we don’t have. Do it right now. And he says, Mom, I want to get saved, you know. And that’s when she, you know, put down everything and just took. To the Bible. And she told him and he called on Christ, you know, you know, so we just take steps of just teaching them and then letting the Lord. Work with them, you know, and everything. So and we don’t pressure it. Like you were saying. But we just simply let the Lord do the work and them as well. You know, you’re also asking about. Count if that answer question I want to.


Yes, definitely. Go on.

[Missionary David Gates]

And so then after that with my parents, maybe. You know, ask me one more time.


Yeah. So what I was acting was how did your parents love? True, the period of disobedience selling drugs or on drugs or whatever the case may be. Or did they love you in Christ or not? Love you in Christ, I guess was the question.

[Missionary David Gates]

So what they did was they kept on. Saying my dad was the heart. Look, he. Look, you know, if you go to jail, I’m not getting you out. You know, he knew something was up. And actually I ended up, you know, and mom, he would just keep praying for me.

[Missionary David Gates]

Are you out all night? Are you? Not coming late and she’s the last person I want to see, but she just kept on. Wouldn’t go to bed. I’d come in late at night and I say mom. I can’t. Can’t. So she just praying for me, you know? And so that’s what they did. Then. And I’d be Wednesday night at church. Know still be. On and they’d write had a little prayer, request sheet, and so she’d write down on that prayer. Sheet pray for day to get right with God. And I’m sitting there in the corner, everybody. Like man, you know, you just wouldn’t stop. And so they just kept praying for me. My dad was tough, but she would. You know, it’s like a the good cop, bad cop, kind of technique, you know? And so finally, when I go to jail. I called him up and he says. Know I’m not getting. No, I was just going to tell you, all right, he hung up. But that’s what he. And so was like, I knew they still love me, but they didn’t want me living like that. That was their. Reaction. I guess the way they would do. Know Yep. But through that, that hard love and that. Sensitive love, you know, God used that to show me they love me still. But. And I think Lord for how they accepted me and loved me in that way.


O now you are saved and you feel the call from the Lord to go onto the mission field and your heart seems like it’s set on Egypt and you go to Egypt.

[Missionary David Gates]



You visit and what happens next?

[Missionary David Gates]

Well, we went there in 2010. Joshua, one year old. And we land there and first thing you do as a missionary, you get in, get your home settled. You get into language school and you focus on that. And so that’s what we. Language and culture right there in Cairo, Egypt. We got there and. I don’t know if you remember the Arab Spring or anything like that. In 2011, we were there when that happened so.



[Missionary David Gates]

Of sudden all these friendly. You know, kind Egyptians turned angry. I mean, there’s bombs going off in Tahrir Square. Madan Hariyah and all kinds of chaos. We are living on the bottom floor in this apartment, you know, building and we didn’t expect any of this. Know this is like we landed in 2010 and so in 2011, like December. 2010 and January 2000. That’s when it starts hitting one of the preachers he calls me up. He said. What’s going? It’s like there’s gunfire going from my house to right in front of our house, you know? And he says, don’t be fearful, he said, if you’re fearful your wife be 100. More fearful. And he said, pray. Pray and trust the Lord. Don’t pray too long if you pray too long, the fear might come back. And you said just stay in the house and comfort your family, you. And that was very helpful. During that time, you know. And so after that, a few days later they got anti American. And I was going to call what to? I don’t want to do anything out of fear, so I was going to call Pastor Coffey our center. Church has the black stock, you know, that was who I was with in Georgia. You know and then Pastor Garden, he was a man. Was improved for like 20 years. Anyways, I knew. Pastor Coffey, he’s the type that would usually say, yeah, I just pray about it and. The Lord leads you do you can do. And pastor. He can go either way. Pastor Gardner, he would say stay. You know, that’s how he. He is. And so I called up Pastor coffee. Said get out of there.


I think it’s a.

[Missionary David Gates]

He said look. Nothing might happen, but if something happened to your kid, you would never, never forgive yourself.



[Missionary David Gates]

So that’s how it was when. First got there. It was crazy, but a month later we came back in. Thank the. After that, I’m going on about you. So we learned language. God, let us start a church there, train the leaders and it’s such a blessing being there, you know? So that church is still going on, Pastor Garrigus. Faithful of. There’s always kinds of attacks and things, you know, ups and downs when you’re in a field like that. We thank God for their faithfulness and seeing what God’s done there. Egypt, yeah.


I’m curious, how did the Lord close the door to? Because it seems to me that maybe the Lord used Egypt for a prepping field for Dearborn.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah, I believe so. It’s crazy because. We thought. You know, sister, we thought we’re gonna spend the rest of our lives there, live and die in Egypt. Because it’s 90% Muslim. It’s over, you know, over 100 million people probably like 130 million people. Is like 20 million people in that one city. It’s just crazy, you know, it has more than some countries. And so be honest with you guys like God. You know, but let me tell you how it happened was whenever. Flew out. In 2017, we were on. For a furlough, I tried to fly back into the country for ordination only back up just a little bit because we were usually you’ll leave in 2017 and fly back after one year. In our way, we do things. Like one year furlough. And so we start adopting, going through the process of adopting our son now Noah. So that was year 1. 2. I’m like God, why am I not in? You know, because we couldn’t go back without finishing the adoption. So finally God started working my heart and Joshua was getting medical attention that he couldn’t get in Egypt because he has a rare medical condition, tuberculosis. The tumors on his brain, you know. And so he’s able to get this medical treatment here.



[Missionary David Gates]

But I know God sent us back to. And so when I flew back in in 2019 to ordain garegas because the church was thriving, Pastor Montes was now my pastor here. Pastor. Maranatha. And Pastor Blackstock from Georgia. And they locked me up in the airport. You know, they. Let them go in. But they told me I can’t get in, so I’m in the airport holding area and. Cannot leave you know.


Oh wow.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah, it’s crazy. And so. But I was able to talk to. Guys there. Christ, the ones that were in there, they let me even have my phone to kind. Talk to them. So it was really, you know, it wasn’t like they’re beating. In jail, you know. But I was locked up. You couldn’t leave and they said I have to go back to America. And so then when I flew back three months later. I tried to get back in again and they locked me up again, you know, and so.


Yeah. Did they tell you why?

[Missionary David Gates]

But it was a. I insisted this time I said to the guard before I was getting walked down to the holding area. I said, why can I get into Egypt? And I insisted and I made him mad a little bit. I said look, I’m not trying to make you mad, he said. Said look, your name is on the computer. You can’t get into Egypt. I don’t know why you can’t get in, but you’re not getting into Egypt. Wow, I was like, OK? Yeah. And I believed in my soldiers eyes and so. But in that little holding area, I was able to witness to some of those Muslims because they locked me up and I was able to preach about the prodigal son and the loving father. And told him about the woman in adultery that Lord Jesus forgave. And it was really a blessing. And I thought this. I was. Look, I might not ever be able to get back in this country. I know that, but this might be the first time these guys ever heard this gospel witness. It might be the last time because these Muslim nations, these guys that were from Yemen and. From you know, Palestine, you know Israel, you know, all these different nations, Jordan. And so it was really a blessing to be able to do that. So. But we knew the guy was shutting that door, and that’s when we prayed about.

[Missionary David Gates]

The states. I could go into other Muslim nations by my son’s medical condition. Insisted that he be in a place where he can get treatment, but we want to be where we can still reach Muslims and so that’s when we looked at Anaheim, CA ’cause there’s treatment center there in that area in Los.



[Missionary David Gates]

That area. We looked at Queens, NY ’cause New York has a good facility and there’s little Egypt is right there in Queens. And then Dearborn and so God, you know, gave us rest when we came here to Dearborn. We just saw the need. I went from door to door witnessing. You know, and things like that trying. Talk. People and every Muslim I met, they were very thoughtful. Were. They were so adamant about what they believed that they would at least listen, you know, and some people think the Muslims are. Just all. Or they got backpacks. Right. Blow us up.



[Missionary David Gates]

They’re not like that. You know, they’re not like that. And so and. That’s not them. They’re. They’re friendly, but they just are passionate about what they believe. Not all of them, of course. Some of them are, you know. Aren’t passionate about what they. They’re just like, hey, they wear the hijab, but they, you know, the guys just go to school, want money, whatever. There’s some that are very. So whenever we came here, I went to with Silver Lane Baptist Church Pastor Crystal. He took me from door to door. Show me the need. And God gave us peace about coming here.


Yeah. So.


You’re in Dearborn. Please tell us for those of us that are geographically challenged where on the globe is Dearborn, MI? And how long have you been there and tell us more about Dearborn, the population, the people, groups, all those kinds of things.

[Missionary David Gates]

So really before like where’s? In Michigan. And it’s right near. It’s almost Detroit. I mean, you know, there’s some places like Newport News and Hampton Roads area. We live like 12 minutes from the Detroit airport. You know, we actually live in Dearborn Heights.



[Missionary David Gates]

You know, there’s, like, certain parts of maybe where you’re at. Two cities that right linked up to each other. That’s how they. But then you drive a little further. In Detroit, you. And so that’s where it’s at. So it’s right there and it’s about a population. Dearborn that’s about like a little over 100,000, you know, 100. 1000 Dearborn Heights, where we live. Like 60,000. But first, Muslim Majority City really is this place called Hamtramck. It’s in Michigan. It’s all Detroit, but it’s a lot smaller, you know, than where we’re.



[Missionary David Gates]

But the most clustered amount of Muslims is here in Dearborn, in Dearborn Heights. You know this area here. And so these are three Muslim majority cities right here in Michigan. And I don’t know of any other. Other Muslim majority City in America, you know, other than these three. Now you might have to check on that, but first it was Hamtramck, then Dearborn and now Dearborn Heights. And so it was a Polish community in Hamtramck. Here, there’s like Catholicism was big. But what brought the Muslims? To this area that’s so cold cuz that was the biggest culture shock is the cold Muslims. Hey, we love them when there’s no.



[Missionary David Gates]

Shock for us. Right, the language. Learn. You know, whatever. But they came here because of Henry Ford years ago. You know when Henry Ford. Open up Ford Motor Company in Dearborn Heights, Lebanese Muslims and from then on they just kept coming here. You know, and we see it as an opportunity. You know, that’s the way we see it. People might see it otherwise. And like, why are they here? What’s going? They’re the enemy or. But we see it as the grace of God. You know, giving us the opportunity to preach Christ to these.


Thank you.

[Missionary David Gates]

That he loves.


Yeah, definitely.

[Missionary David Gates]

You. Know.


Yeah. The first time I heard about Dearborn, I heard it has been described as the Muslim capital of the US.

[Missionary David Gates]

So yes, that’s what it is, you know, and it’s the Islamic capital. America. And so that’s what drew us here, really, because we wanted to make sure that Joshua got his medical care. We could still share the love of Christ to these people that are in. Of the savior.


Yeah, the Lord worked that out marvelously. You know, perspective is so important here. Glad what you. You know, some people look at the Muslim as being a problem or whatever case may be religiously, and you look at it as a mission field because even in my area, you know, I go witness and I went to a particular community brother.

[Missionary David Gates]



And this is a like a condominium town home community. And I would say there’s probably.

[Missionary David Gates]



15 to 20 townhomes in there, and I met one. One American right, right. And that was African American family. And I would say about 18 out of the 20 apprentices homes were Muslim families. Actually, sorry. 17 will be Muslim. One was Hindu because she was the only one that was from, I think she was from from Asian country. Then I met two African American families.

[Missionary David Gates]


[Missionary David Gates]



One didn’t give any testimony. Salvation and the last one gave testimony. Salvation. All the others were Muslims.

[Missionary David Gates]

Wow, brother.


I assumed they were probably Section 8 housing and stuff like that, but it dawned on me so much that the Lord is moving the mission field right next door.

[Missionary David Gates]

Exactly. And that’s what we need to see it as brother. It’s not. Oh, they don’t belong here. This. The other, you know, we want everybody to come to America with the right, you know, the right way to say any other but. These people, just like they are in need of a savior, just like me and you. And it’s hard for us to get. These nations. So he brought them here, you understand? That’s the way I see it. Can’t go to. My neighbors, they’re Lebanese. The ones across street. They’re Iraqi. They’re Syrians right across the street from us. Another, I think a Lebanese family 2 houses down, you know, a German lady right across the street. So I was like this little cluster of the world. Right on the same Rd. you know? And to me he placed us here. You know, like that.



[Missionary David Gates]

For such a. Time as this. You know, because they might not hear direct, but they’re going to hear the gospel here by the grace.


Sure, sure.

[Missionary David Gates]

God, you know.


The relationship between the Muslim faith, the Islamic faith and the West. Just the West. I was going to say Christianity, but it’s not just Christianity. Just the West is fraught with tension since 2001 since. That terrible day on September 11th, you know, there’s just been this tension and we’ve been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 20 years.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yes, exactly.

Right, right.


You know, we see some of the terrible things that the jihadists and all of these extreme folks do and so. You know, one of the recurring themes that we run into in the Removing Buyers podcast is the fact that perhaps sometimes Christians are confusing their conservatism with their Christianity. And so when we engage with a people group like the Muslims, we may have this standoffish.

[Missionary David Gates]



Attitude that probably shouldn’t be in that way. And for some people, perhaps.

[Missionary David Gates]



You could throw them a bone and say. I guess some weird way we can see why you would be concerned. I’ll give you an example. When we were going out, witnessing one day we were knocked on the Muslims door and they really engaged with us back and forth about the Bible in the Quran and how.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah, yeah.


Know it’s. And then they said something very interesting to me and my soul winning partner, she said. Know when Sharia law is instituted or. We will be very good to you. Are people of the. We will be very good to you and that came off really.

[Missionary David Gates]

Right, right.


That kind of me the wrong way a little. Oh yeah, you can take those things and say, oh, you see those Muslims, they’re just prepared. Sleeper cells over there in Dearborn, and they’re gonna rise up against us. You know, some people may have that.

[Missionary David Gates]



What would you say to Christians who may you know, may have that wrong attitude about how should we be engaging with these people groups according to the gospel according to Christ in?

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah, that is a great question because really. I mean, I see what you’re saying, but I guess the way I see it is like this. He brought that in here, the mission field. We simply want to love where they’re at now. There sleeper cells here maybe?


You know.

[Missionary David Gates]

There might be, you know.

Wouldn’t be. If it’s not, but just be honest with you, but at the same time wouldn’t have been wonderful to reach somebody like Osama bin Laden with the gospel when had that been wonderful. What that would have just changed everything. You know what I’m saying? And I see the same thing here. If we were reach people that are like that.



[Missionary David Gates]

Man, you know, but. Don’t believe most Muslims are like that. Like you know, we have a festival here. Had halal food. This is approved by the way they cut it and then bleed it and things like that. And it’s, you know, prayed over an Islamic fashion. And so we’ll have halal hot dogs, you know, but we’ll have like bounce houses and they’ll say this is the greatest thing we. Seen anything like this? And hundreds of Muslims will come on two days, Saturday and Sunday. We’re going to do it. It’s like a thing. They know what the time it is and they’ll come there, you know, even if they don’t get the. But what we see there is smiles and love and you know. Seeing the love of Christ, and it’s really, really a blessing. So you can look at it, like I said, a security risk. The way we see it is there are people that are loved by Christ and the only thing that’s really going to change jihadis, you know, or. Or anything like that or anybody. Kind of criminal or whatever. Is the.



[Missionary David Gates]

You know, and so we simply got to love them where they’re at. Just really. That’s what guys. My heart lies just loving people where they’re. You know. Gonna be something like that Lady you talk to that are like in your face. When we have Sharia law. And yeah, that rubbed me wrong. Like one that’s not gonna happen here. Not on my watch.


Right, absolutely.

[Missionary David Gates]

Then there’s others, like we go, do some ministry at the colleges. U of M and Dearborn and this girl wearing hijab has the biggest smile. Friend, there’s oh, you got a pretty. He wasn’t trying to hit on you, just being honest. Was just very friendly and she came back. She said I heard this about the Bible. I heard this and. And you know. By the time she left, she says. Learned so much today, you.

[Missionary David Gates]

Thank you all so much for. She took a whole Bible. I showed her Isaiah. Which is prophesied about the Lord Jesus in the cross, because in the Quran they don’t believe Jesus died for our sins. We let her read it and we stop.

[Missionary David Gates]

Who’s that talking about? Looked at us.

Jesus, we’re like, yeah.

[Missionary David Gates]

And then she smiled. And then I said that was written 700 years before he’s born. She didn’t shout and say no, no, allahu Akbar. She didn’t do anything like that.


Right, right. She smiled.

[Missionary David Gates]

That’s amazing. You know, I never knew that. I always heard that the Bible that the Torah was different and the New Testament is different and it’s corrupted and like no, this is a book from heaven, you know.



[Missionary David Gates]

That’s what we. See, we see some that wanna argue like lady you confronted. But we see some that are open. We haven’t. We have them attacking the deity of Christ, and they’ll go and do that over and over. Protect the preservation of scripture in the deed of Christ, as always on trial. But you know what? God’s word will not. Void the love of Christ constrains us, and the goodness of God draws them repentance. And that’s. We do just keep loving them, preaching the truth to them, and if they say things like that, we step back and say, you know, hey. God loves. I care for. I’m going to pray for you and if you ever have any questions about the Bible, I’m here for you. You know, because some that’s what they want. Can tell them they. Want. Argue and you just got to step back.



[Missionary David Gates]

A little bit and say, hey, you know what? I know you might not want to talk about this now. Just kind of corner fight. But look, if you do have a question or if you have anything you want me to pray for, I’ll pray for you. You know, just ask if they have a prayer request and you know what somebody might want to argue. But most people. Whether they believe what you believe or not, they’ll tell you. You. Pray for, you know. And so I think the love of Christ just breaks down those barriers, you know, and I I’m looking at your, you know, the name of the podcast, removing barriers, the love.


Yeah, moving barriers.

[Missionary David Gates]

God removes these barriers and tears down these walls.



[Missionary David Gates]

Of you know, unbelief. And also it’s a. They believe that our book is corrupt. They don’t believe that Jesus died for our sins, but we simply got to just answer their questions and just tell them the truth.

[Missionary David Gates]

Or preach the truth to them.




What would you say are some things that people should keep in mind if they feel called to serve the Lord in Dearborn?

[Missionary David Gates]

Well, I think just like we’ve done, we just kind of learned a lot about the culture here because you know, I’d say there’s Muslims here, but they’re Shia, mostly Shia, and there’s Sunni. And so knowing these things, the Shia Muslims, there’s a lot from Lebanon. They believe in the family of Mohammed was supposed to be the leaders and take over in the rule of Islam instead of the Sahaba which is the friends or those that like the Sunni do. And so knowing these different cultural. Things is good and knowing some of the beliefs of Islam, knowing some of their culture. You know of. Don’t cook them up a bacon biscuit or anything like that.


Right. Obvious cultural considerations there.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah, so, but they’re hospitable. So they’ll have you in their home. You should have in your home. You know, we have Christmas party and we’ve had some Muslim families come and we give them gifts, you know? And this is Ramadan right now actually, right.



[Missionary David Gates]

Holy Month is right now, and so we’re gonna. What tomorrow? Beth’s gonna go and buy some sweets because. Break the fast and they’ll eat these sweets and they’ll eat the foods and they’ll eat dates and things like that. And so you just do hospitality ministry, you know, being courteous with them, being sensitive to, you know, things like that. Think that’s opens doors? And, but also at the same time there’s a Muslim like and there’s a lot of Catholics here. And so God’s called us to witness everybody. Our neighbor across street.



[Missionary David Gates]

Lutheran Lady said she never heard. Heard. We asked her if she knew she was going to heaven and she started naming off her Sunday school teaching all this other stuff for like, no, that’s not it. Just showed her the gospel. You know. She got saved. And so you got to.



[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah, yeah.


How far that denomination has fallen, that they don’t even have the gospel anymore. Wow.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, they got the woman pastor. And you know, it’s crazy, by the way. I see it the best way you can witness the Muslims is just to know the Bible and know why you believe what you believe, right? Know and I think that works with anybody. You know, know what you believe and why you believe it. Because they’re going to try to attack your doctrine. Been an attack the scriptures and there’s some verses. They’ll ask. You’re like, man, I never thought of that. You know, let me. Back to your. Is actually right after 911. When I went to ODU when I was there in Virginia. To visit my friend, he wanted me there, you know, to help him out with something. And they had that religion of peace. Table up, you know, right after 911. And he asked me a He said what does your minister do? He teaches the. Oh, so your minister? He teaches the. He knows a lot of things and I was like. He. Well, why did the Angels minister to Jesus? They had to teach Jesus. I was like, no, you know, at that time I didn’t know a.



[Missionary David Gates]

I was just, you know, just start following the Lord. And so let me get back to you. So you know, you guys know this answer, Minister means to serve.


To. Yeah.

[Missionary David Gates]

And so you know, something simple, but I had to go look it up, you know, check it out and study it myself.



[Missionary David Gates]

So that’s what they try to trip you up. Isn’t this a contradiction you know? Is this a? You’re like, no, it’s not. And so I think if someone wants to come to a place like this. Know the religion and the culture. But more than that, know your. You know, and I think that applies any place you go to and know what you believe. You believe? Because they will try to attack. They’ll try to get you to shake your faith and it’s sad because there’s a girl that she made a profession of faith over, Henry Ford College, where we go to college ministry. And we also have some JW, this one KDC JW I don’t like, say Jehovah Witness because the true Jehovah God is who we bear witness to.


Yeah, absolutely, yeah.

[Missionary David Gates]

You know what I’m saying? And he’s convinced her now because she’s so busy studying. She didn’t get in her Bible. Now she. Well, I don’t know if I believe Jesus God now. You know, and so.


[Missionary David Gates]

Because she didn’t say in the word.



[Missionary David Gates]

And so we just loving her. Loving him. Just keep teaching the truth. And they keep coming back. They come back to talk to us. We’re going to keep. Talking to them about the Lord.



[Missionary David Gates]

I know that was a long way to answer that question, but I would say know the culture, know what they believe and know.


No, not at all.

[Missionary David Gates]



Now you mentioned ways to find common ground in terms of dealing with the cultural issues living in Dearborn. How would you handle differences in culture? Like when? Probably most likely will happen when the Islamic faith and the Western cultures **** heads and when things are kind of awkward. Do you deal with those differences in culture in Dearborn?

[Missionary David Gates]

Well, Jay, generally, we’ll just try to, I guess like now it’s. I’m trying to think of an instance, but so there’s not a lot of eating in these Middle East restaurants. But you know what I like Middle Eastern food. You know, and so the other day it had happened, me and my son, we dropped off.


It’s delicious.

[Missionary David Gates]

Emma at her basketball practice. And I didn’t want to drive back to the house and so, well, let’s. Because I mean, I said, well, there’s a healthy place or Burger King, he said. King, I said.

I don’t want.

[Missionary David Gates]

Burger King, you know, I’m going to the Mediterranean restaurant. I’m going to. I knew that. Were. You know, and so I generally won’t eat in front of. Anyways, if that’s the case. You know. I went there. I said, hey, you know, I know you guys are. It’s from now, he says. Come in. You’re welcome. And so she’s. Even though there’s differences, you know in where I see it, they want to work.


All right.

[Missionary David Gates]

Servers, they don’t need money to. And so the guys there Muslim don’t hit him at. But guys like us, you know, that just simply want a good meal. You. They were happy. We just took them or whatever. So I think it’s just respecting them. Respecting the differences but not agreeing with their doctrine and things like that. So yeah, there’s some cultural differences. I’m trying to think of some other examples I can give you. I think it’s just showing love and respect, but if it’s something rooted in their false doctrine, then of course you’re not going to agree with them. You know, by the same time respecting them and respecting the person and not loving their teachings, but loving the person and telling the truth.


OK, I was thinking of one particular instance in 2010, there were two men, David Wood and Nabil Qureshi, and they are Christians and they were passing out Christian literature during one of the I think it was like a some sort of festival of, you know.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Is like a. They stopped having it after that. Actually, you know, keep them going though.


Oh really?

[Missionary David Gates]

Didn’t mean to cut a.


No, no, no, no.

[Missionary David Gates]

Yeah. So they.


That’s very interesting that they stopped having it afterward because I mean they.

[Missionary David Gates]

Well, a little. After that, not just after that, but.


Not immediately after OK ’cause. That would be an instance where, you know, there seems to be a little bit of a clash and but perhaps that’s not a very good example because I don’t know about Kadashi himself. But David Wood in particular can be on the abrasive side. Just a wee bit there.

[Missionary David Gates]

So if you want to finish what? Saying.


No, you go right ahead.

[Missionary David Gates]

Go right. Yeah, what happened was they were just really just preaching the truth. Sure. But then there was others that came through, which was sad. They call themselves. They had a pig’s head on a spear and we’re going through and trying to say they’re preaching to Christ.


Oh, no. OK, I see.



[Missionary David Gates]

That’s a cultural barrier. Broke the cultural barrier right?


Yeah, they were just deliberately being offensive there, yeah.

[Missionary David Gates]

And so there’s a different way to. And so I think like you can learn a lot from David, I recommend reading all of his books and books.



[Missionary David Gates]

A different way to witness. But I think that being respectful, those guys got to shut down and they put all Christians in all one batch. And so if you just take people individually and they see the love of Christ in you, like I said, I think that breaks down those barriers, if you. To go there with a, you know, like those guys are doing, that’s not the right way.


That’s not the right way.

[Missionary David Gates]

But I think they were generally Dave. And from what I hear were actually generally really trying to witness. But they’d seen the ugliness of the others, and they were getting stuff thrown at them. The cops didn’t. Stop them. And so they end. Actually, I think they went to court over it because they felt like they were attacked and the police weren’t helping them and they end up. Against Dearborn. And so I think, you know, there’s a lot of instances, but in each case, you know, you just pray about it. Trust the Lord and just try to seek direction. By the same time, standing firm on the gospel. Amen.




Yeah. Would you say the culture of Dearborn is more of an X Factor 2 or X-17?

[Missionary David Gates]

You know, that’s a really good question as well, brother, because I believe that it’s a Little Mix because in Acts 2 they knew some of the prophecies about the Messiah, you know? So they had, you know, a little bit of grasp of that, whereas others you know there. They were worshipping idols and things like that, and so there’s just a little bit of mix. Reason why I say that because. They call it Jesus is El Masiya Jesus the Christ.



[Missionary David Gates]

In our Arabic. Call me sua El Masia that we have a different translation. Mean. We call Miisuo, which is still Jesus, but they don’t understand what the Messiah means. You know, it’s like they’re religious, you know, like next to they have this religion and they have somewhat of what you would think that they have an interesting Bible because that Quran have Adam and Eve Cain and Abel. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, you know, so you would think. Have a grasp of the Bible. Where you can kind of get them a little bit started and mean where they’re at, but they still don’t understand the Bible. Don’t believe? Know the prophecies of the scriptures. Don’t know. And so it’s almost like a Little Mix, so I believe. Here it’s like getting the terms right. We had a conference. We met these students that were working with on Henry Ford College. I said, would you guys do on Christmas break? We went to a Mohammed conference. I said Mohammed conference. They said, yeah, it was like 7 days, 8 hours a day.



[Missionary David Gates]

Man. You know. Sounds like. I asked him as he learned this, this and this. I thought this. Said, well, why don’t we have a? Who is Christ conference? You know just about. You know, we missions, conference Bible Conference, family Conference, teen conference. What about one just about who he is? And so the first one we did conference, we did was Christ is the Messiah, which you know this is same word Christos. So it’s like that. 17 almost. It’s like mixed because we had to actually teach them what that means, you know. They didn’t understand the title Messiah and so we went through the Old Testament. And taught this. But we asked 2 imams to come. Imam from the Shia, one from the Sunni and we said it’s not gonna be a debate you guys share what you believe as an interview. So like a short interview and we’re going to share the whole conference, I even sent them what we believe the deity of Christ, the preservation Scriptures. Christ is the serpent crusher. You know, that was like our sounding board. You know. Did he still preached on Mars? He still, you know, preached openly here but at. I’m teaching what it means and respecting them, but not backing down from the gospel. It’s. Little bit of mix of both I guess.


Is Dearborn debt different from the rest of the US? It’s.

[Missionary David Gates]

No, it’s. No, it’s not really. It’s interesting. Because you just go like rugger rural neighborhoods and we got Chick-fil-A here too. I mean, thank the Lord.


What about apple? Do you have apple pie up there?

[Missionary David Gates]

Apple pie cook. Yeah.



[Missionary David Gates]

Our house, we do.


You can’t get more American than that, so.

[Missionary David Gates]

Exactly. So we still have those, but at the same time, you’ll go to East Dearborn and some areas. It’s Arabic script on the signs and hookah shops. So yeah, you’ll go to certain parts of the city just like any place you go to certain parts of the city. You’re like, what is but? Generally. So there is areas that just looks really and there’s the Moss. Have the prayer some. Times and you can hear it, but it’s not as loud. Like. Egypt, where it’s just everywhere. If you’re near those mosques and there’s certain parts of town, East Dearborn, you’ll hear the call to prayer and Hamtramck. You’ll hear. And so that’s way different, of course, but.



[Missionary David Gates]

The same time there are some similarities, yes. So there’s some differences. But there’s some things just like I said, they have the Chick-fil-A the. You know regular stuff well, but but the women in hijabs are wearing all black. Are also on the streets a lot of. As well. So it’s a mix of cultures.


So what are some of the needs that if they were filled would make your task of sharing the gospel with the people of Dearborn, MI easier?

[Missionary David Gates]

Setting like some of the needs.


Yeah. What are some of the? Whatever needs that you have, if they were filled, it would make your job of sharing the gospel easier in Dearborn.

[Missionary David Gates]

You know, we always try to give out Bibles and tracts and things and so right now we’re putting some tracks together because I’m trying to find more materials. That’s really helped. I guess people to meet Muslims where they’re at. And so I wrote some tracks and getting some more of those made and designed. And so we’re getting them put together and trying to get a lot of those to the people. I try to do social using like Tiktok, Instagram and things like that to meet them where they’re at doing a lot of social Facebook and stuff. So I’m. Think make sure I understand your question clearly, but we’re really just trying to use a lot of the resources that we have here in the States and just really put the gospel out on all the different outlets. And so we got a website. So maybe more ads Google ads or like a Facebook campaign, you know, and we find that when we use these different outlets that can kind of get some attention and then we can give them the gospel to the Internet, but also try to get them to come to. Church, our Bible study that we’re. Right now and so. But yeah, I think we try to also do book bag giveaway. And so a certain church they give us like 175 book bags last year and they went out in like, less than hour.



[Missionary David Gates]

And so somebody wants to help out with like giving towards the book bags or giving towards needs or towards the advertising or the festival we have is usually a few $1000 as well. So some of these things in just our regular outreach that can be a help in reaching out to the Muslim community as well. Like, you know, things like that like. Going to give out. Also, like a little Ramadan bags, so it have like in it it it. And advertisers, for a Bible study that has a date or another fruit or cracker or some sweets in it. We make a little bag and maybe hand it out right before. Breaking of the. But it also has the. So anything little resources like that are helpful in meeting the people where.


They’re at, yeah, definitely. Well, what are some difficulties that you would? Nique to reaching the loft in the Dearborn area, they might be known, but if there’s any, what really say a unique.

[Missionary David Gates]

I think some of the things that Brian brought up is just the deeply heart religious Muslim, but at the same time the everyday Muslim and those that aren’t that are just trying to get the best grade in school or they’re trying to get the best job for their. And so. There’s some things that are unique, I guess in dealing with the religious culture, but then there’s the similarities with they’re just trying to find the best thing for their kids or away peace. And so I think those are some of the differences as well.


All. Well, we’re gonna go into a break, but before we do. So how can someone contribute to, say, the book bag or whatever needs you may have?

[Missionary David Gates]

OK. So we have our Mission board messaging World Baptist missions, and so giving to that MWM org and go to the website, and then there’s like a missionary link there or sending money towards that, you know, putting our name on it and then adding a reason why, you know. The book bag giveaway or for the festival or. That it’s easy to go to mwb.org. And then they have a place where you can choose for the. Or even our sending church, Maranatha Baptist Church, Yorktown, VA. There, pastor Bob. And so if you send something to them, they can also send it to our board and we have a website as well. But those are probably some good ways that you can try to give and then just write our name and the needs that you’re trying to fill.


Hey man all. Well, you listen to the move and by rest podcast we’re sitting down with missionary David Gates and we’re learning all about his mission field in DF1, Michigan. We’ll be right back.


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Alright, well, why don’t we go in a little bit of fun section and find out some? Your. Brother, tell us, what is your favorite scripture verse?

[Missionary David Gates]

OK. Sorry to take one of those. I saw some of the ones you’re like favorite pastors.


Yeah, those are tough.

[Missionary David Gates]

Comforting verse. And so I believe that one of my favorite passages of Scripture. It’d be revelation. Chapter 5, Revelation 4, the scene where who’s worthy.

[Missionary David Gates]

From the you know who’s worthy. And of course it’s the lamb, the Lord Jesus.


Hey man.

[Missionary David Gates]

And so we see that whenever thou art worthy to take the book and to loosen seals thereof, or thou was slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of her kindred. Blood people. So I like that passage there. My Airpods messed up here, so I don’t know if there’s a reverb now or not. Also Philippians 1. 20 and 21 is one of my favorite passages as well, because Paul here he’s in prison because this is that convicting Bible verse as well.



[Missionary David Gates]

He says to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always so, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ. And to die is gain.



[Missionary David Gates]

That’s one of my favorite pass. And I really love that.




What is your favorite historical biblical account in the scriptures?

[Missionary David Gates]

Historical biblical account in the scriptures.


Yeah, some people call them stories, but we’re like, who don’t like that word. So we’re. To say.

[Missionary David Gates]

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I don’t like using the word story. I guess what I like is the walk on Emmaus Rd. in Luke 24. You know, I’m talking about where they’re walking on the Emmaus Road and Jesus, they don’t even. Why you so sad?


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Missionary David Gates]

Like you know, what do you mean? Are you? So don’t you know?


Where have you been, man?


Yeah. Where’d you exactly.



I love that.

[Missionary David Gates]

He’s like, Oh yeah, he’s like.

Oh fools and slave part. Oh.

[Missionary David Gates]

He just. Him that I thought that’s kind of funny, man. Kind of fools. And so. That doesn’t know about the Old Testament. So. I like that passage, that account because I don’t love to heard that Old Testament survey there, because he just starts going through that passage the Old Testament.


Praise alert.

[Missionary David Gates]

Investment. And then he’s in there eating with them and he just disappears like, oh, our hearts yearn within us, you know. I’m sorry I broke out that old. T No, you’re good.


That’s funny.


All. So you told us what the most convicting passage is for you. Philippians 1 What about the most confident scripture passage for you?

[Missionary David Gates]

I believe. It says let your conversation be without covetousness. Be content with such things as ye have re. I will never leave thee, nor for safety for me to boldly say the Lord is my help or. Fear what? Man shall do unto me.



[Missionary David Gates]

That’s one of them, but also. John, 17, has been such a blessing to me and I think you had a question in there that I thought was interesting. How long has the Lord known you?




Yep, we did.

[Missionary David Gates]

You had a question like that and this here. In this passage, John, 17, is absolutely. And if you look here in John 17 verse #6, Jesus is praying to the father and he says I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gaveest me out of the world. Then he says this. And thou gavest them me. And they have kept thy word. If you look at that, he said to the father. They were yours. That’s before the foundation of the.



[Missionary David Gates]

That they were on the father. And then he says all that the father giveth me.



[Missionary David Gates]

You know, in another passage and then, oh, he says that over and over again about them, the father giving them to him and.

[Missionary David Gates]

So this is what’s comforting about this passage here. And he says neither. Pray I for these alone, but for them also, which shall believe on me through their name. Why that they all may be one. As thou father art in me and I, and that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. He just goes on and on. I and them, thou and me, that they may be made perfect in one.

And to me, to see that Jesus prayed in such a manner for us that this communion that he had with the father from eternity past, he almost every single person to enter into this. Communion with the Godhead. When they trusted him as Lord and savior. To me, that’s comforting.


Incredible. What is your favorite hymn of the faith?

[Missionary David Gates]

And can it be?


Oh, that’s a great one.

[Missionary David Gates]

And can it be that? I love that because it goes through like, you know, justification, sanctification, and just seeing these different proofs and about God’s love. So I really love and can it be?


That guy would even bother with worthless little people like us. Just. Praise the Lord.

[Missionary David Gates]

It is. It is amazing. That’s how he is. A good guy.


He is a good God, yes.


Who’s your favorite giant of the fate?

[Missionary David Gates]

Favorite John of the Faith, you know.


From the Bible.

[Missionary David Gates]

A lot of times think on Paul, of course, for the church playing New Testament. Oh, David. David, you know, because you see him and his best and his worst. But he still called a man after God’s own heart. You know, I just love to see how he has his passion and love in the Psalms. But you see him at his highest and his lowest. I believe David is one of mine.


Yeah. One thing I appreciate about when you’re giving your testimony, brother. And even David being your favorite giant of the faith is that when the Bible talk about David, we all can relate to him because you know, the Bible tells us his low points, his high points, the.

[Missionary David Gates]



Where he’s just a normal everyday person. So to speak. And the Bible didn’t hide his sin right from us. And of course, I’m not saying that we should glorify sin or wallow in or sin when we give in our testimony. But I’m. But he didn’t shy away from say, hey, you know what? I was a drug addict or I was selling drugs or whatever case may be because it shows the power of God and show people out there that who getting saved.

[Missionary David Gates]



I don’t need to have a perfect. To have a known future in Christ. And he asked about the. We didn’t get to that question because sometimes well things. But the reason why we put that question in at least I put a question in there. I remember hearing a. I remember who was preaching the sermon, but I remember hearing a sermon and you know, of course Jesus had departed from me, for I never knew. And many times when we speak of salvation, we think about sometimes people ask you, when did you find the Lord? Well, you didn’t find the Lord. The Lord found you, or, you know, and a lot of times, we’ll say, do you know the Lord?


Yeah, he found. Right, right.


That’s not important. If do the Lord know you. That’s the important part about it, you know. So because for instance, I can say I know presidential.

[Missionary David Gates]

I like that. I like that.


But if President Trump know me, I can walk into the white.

[Missionary David Gates]



Yeah, sure.

[Missionary David Gates]

That’s. That’s good, brother.


But if I know him, I’m gonna get shot if I try to walk in. So there’s a big difference there in the knowing, so that’s important anyway. So let me ask you anyway, how long has the Lord known you?

[Missionary David Gates]

I hear you.

I loved it. Well, I believe it was in 1999. That’s when I came to trust in Christ that day. Yeah.


Amen. For the six years.

[Missionary David Gates]

It was that time. Whenever. I was telling you my testimony. My friend asked me. On that. Have you ever. Have you trusted in Christ as Lord and? And that’s when I placed my faith in him and he knew me. You know that knowledge. And so now I’m one of his praise God.


Well, for me it was 1996.

[Missionary David Gates]



I have some years on you.

[Missionary David Gates]

That’s right.


All right, what would you say are some of the biggest barriers to the people of Dearborn from receiving the gospel?

[Missionary David Gates]

Their biggest barrier is their own false religion.



[Missionary David Gates]

But it. It’s like their thing that they hold and cherish is their modesty or their praying five times a day or they’re going to Mecca. So you. Just like with the Pharisees, he said. Because you see, you know you can’t be helped. A sense, you know, you’re. I could help you if they realized how blind they were. Then I believe that that can open their eyes. But one of the biggest things that they are hit by is the Trinity or the Godhead. And so getting over the deity of Christ. Is also a huge thing with them, and so that has to be the holy, Holy Spirit every time of. And so that’s what we’ve learned is just trust in and depend on is just telling the truth and letting the spirit of God open their eyes for the reality of who Jesus really is. I think that if I could just share with anybody that there. God, there’s a mighty God, a wonderful savior. And so I say, if anybody that’s listening right now. That the only thing that will transform the Muslims life and your life is nothing but the holy God of heaven that loves you so much and. Gave himself for. And so that’s what any Muslim. They need to sense the love of God and because in Islam. It says that God does not love the transgressor. You know that he does not love the transgressor. So the sinners. Are loved by God and I just want to share with anybody that’s what’s going to. Get. No matter what you’ve done or wherever. Good. You think you are. You know, our righteousness is ours. Filthy rags. So I plead with anybody listening today. God loves you, but he hates your. Your sin separates you from him. So place your faith. In the Lord Jesus that gave his life for you. And rose again from dead for your salvation.


Missionary David gates.




It was indeed a. Thank you for joining us and removing Barriers podcast.

[Missionary David Gates]

Thank you for having me. My. Thank you so much.


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Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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