This World Has Gone Bonkers: CNN, COVID, Pronouns, and Al Pacino



Episode 179

What does CNN fact-checking, D.C.’s COVID eviction protection, a murderous doctor, Al Pacino, and demon pronouns all have in common? They all demonstrate that our world is absolutely bonkers! In this continuation of the series, we discuss CNN’s attempted about-face, the questionable power of doctors over their patients, a transgender man grieving the realization that he cannot become pregnant, Al Pacino’s near-death experience, a TikToker’s demon pronouns, and Washington D.C. realizing they can’t keep eviction protections in place 5 years after the fact. We must never forget that the spiritual underpinning of the craziness in our world is the presence, power, and corrupting effect of sin. This is spiritual warfare, and we must all be engaged in the battle.


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Note: This is an automated transcription. It is not perfect but for most part adequate.


Barna sees a direct correlation between mental health challenges and the lack of biblical worldview which the culture Research Center defines as a means of expressing, interpreting and responding to reality in the light of biblical perspective.


Thank you for tuning in to the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m Jay and I’m MCG. And we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the cross.


This is episode 179 of the removing barriers podcast, and this is the 10th in the series of this world has gone bonkers. And in this episode, we have lined up a number of news articles that we think show that this world is bonkers.


Hi, this is Jay. MCG and I would like for you to help us remove barriers by going to and subscribing to receive all things, removing barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and help us keep the mics on, consider donating at removing, removing barriers. A clear view of the cross.


All right, Jay, it’s an election year and we have a lot of materials for bunkers. Oh, I think it’s because this election year, but I’ll let you go first.


OK, this first article from CNN titled Fact Check. Walls makes false claim about Trump on abortion and the economy. Now. I selected this article for several reasons. I think it’s bunkers in several ways. The first being that CNN is fact checking one of their own. That’s kind of crazy.




But also all of the things that are represented as a result of this fact checking. So let’s go ahead and read it. It says Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walls, the governor of Minnesota. Made false claims Sunday about former President Donald Trump’s stance on abortion and about the state of the economy when Trump left office. Here is a Fact Check of the two claims, and it also mentioned that the campaign declined to comment about the necessity for this fact checked. 1st, the abortion claim in a Sunday interview on Fox News Walls was asked about Minnesota’s abortion law. After discussing that subject, he pivoted to Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. He said Donald Trump is asking for a nationwide abortion ban, according to CNN. Hear of the facts first, Walls’s claim is false. Trump is not quote asking for a nationwide abortion ban. Trump has said since the spring that he wants abortion policy to be set by each individual state not set by the federal government for the whole country. Trump also promised last week to veto. Any federal abortion ban that Congress passed? And it goes on to list some of the posts on X or on truth social that Trump made about this issue. And it mentioned that as a presidential candidate back in 2016 that Trump did support a federal abortion ban at 20 weeks of pregnancy with exceptions for. Rape, incest, and when the mother’s life is at risk and he reiterated his support for that policy as president. But he is not supporting a federal ban during his current campaign. 1st, it’s bonkers at CNN is fact checking one of their own. We know that CNN is one of the greatest. In addition to MSNBC and other legacy media outlets, greatest perpetrators of misinformation and flat out wrong information, propaganda, et cetera. It’s also bonkers to me that CNN seems to be trying to make an about face they’ve been exposed as a fake news organization, unfortunately. Because they have a history of being a legitimate journalist, news outlet, and now they’ve been caught many times. Spreading propaganda fear any number of articles and editorials and punditry that would fall squarely under the realm of just lies. There’s no need to reiterate or to itinerary all of the different things they are guilty of. Putting onto the American public, they are the enemy of the people, simply because they refused to tell the truth and they guessed, like the American people, it’s bonkers to me that they would try to do this about face without acknowledging how they went off the rails without acknowledging how they lied. Called face to the American people, I remember during the riots of 20. 20 Where there was a gentleman reporting on the riots in the so-called summer of love and in the so-called peaceful zones, and Chaz and all these different things that we remember, that happened as a result of the death of George Floyd, I remember how many of these reporters and so-called journalists. We’re reporting about how these riots were fiery, but mostly peaceful, and there’s a police station or a gas station on fire behind the men. Ohh, this is peaceful. Say they when Kyle Rittenhouse was under scrutiny for his involvement in the riot. They made sure to spread the lie that he was out looking for people to kill, that some of the people he killed were black, and even to this day there are people that believe that Kyle Rittenhouse went out looking for black people to kill. How do we forget about all of the lies and the misinformation and the smearing that happened during the COVID-19? Pandemic, when both the organization and the the punditry they hired were telling people that if you didn’t get vaccinated, you would kill grandma, and that the reason this pandemic is going on is because of the unvaccinated. And the unvaccinated are the problem. They’re the. Another. Who can forget what they did to Joe Rogan when Joe Rogan simply shared what he did to get over his bout with COVID-19 and they took a video that he posted and they physically changed it to make him look greener and sicker and lethargic and darker than he actually was. Who can forget how, when, during Biden’s so-called Hitler speech, where he was up there ranting about how white males are the problem of the country and maggots, supremacists in all of these different words? Where he had the red lights flaring behind him and he looked. Like he looked like a post war Soviet leader and and spouting all kinds of ridiculous rhetoric. And they toned it down to make the lights look pink and they tried to soften the image. What about all of the different softball interviews they’ve given to politicians and other leaders that were personally responsible for many of the? Lies and misinformation that flowed freely or that spread rapidly during the pandemic during the election. Speaking of election, who can forget about the Russia hoax that every single day and every single segment it was all about how Trump was affiliated with Russia and about how they had infiltrated the election. All these different lies that they just simply hammered. Day in and day out. And so they think that they can just come back and with a simple Fact Check on Tim Walls, think that they could do an about face and we would forget all of what they had done to. Plus. That’s bonkers. It also shows how they absolutely don’t care about the people that they’re supposedly serving with their news, or with their different editorials, and all these different things. And it also shows how much they simply don’t like the people that they think Trump represents. There’s a disdain, there’s a sort of snobbery there. Where it’s seems that the attitude is well. We’re not saying that we messed up. We might have, but we’re not saying that we messed up, but here we’ll toss you a bone. Here’s a Fact Check. Come back to us. Trust us again. And I just think that’s completely bonkers. I think trust is shattered. And I think that their ridiculous attempt to turn face, I don’t think it’s going to work for them. And I’m personally offended. Not that it matters, but just the idea of what they’re trying to do here. CNN has been trying to do an about face for quite some time, but they’ve never come back to apologize and to come clean about the things that they’ve done that they know they’ve done. Wrong. Another thing that I find bonkers in this particular article is the position that Republicans are holding when it comes to abortion. Republicans are supposed to be pro-life, as it were. I’m sure this is certainly not a blanket statement. I’m sure some Republicans are fine with abortion. But generally, the platform of the Republican Party is to preserve the life of the unborn. But it’s incredible to me how they’ve shifted so much on this issue where. There was a time where abortion was simply unthinkable. Even on the Democrat side, the Democrats went from safe, legal and rare to abortion at anytime for any reason, for anyone, no questions asked. Republicans went from abortion is wrong to OK, Hey, we can have abortion at about 20 weeks, and in the case of rape and incest. And if the mother’s life is in danger, and so perhaps I’m coming at this with a little bit of a bias, because anyone that would look at my view or my opinion on abortion, I would think that I’m radical about it because I don’t think abortion is right. Under any circumstance, but it’s incredible to me how Republicans have shifted on this particular issue. And I think that when the article said that, well in the 2016 election, he supported a federal ban at 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the exception of rape, incest and the health of the mother. But now he’s more like, well, let the states figure this out. I can’t think of any other sin. I can’t think of any other homicide. Murder, where we would say, hey, we’re going to let the states figure out whether or not this is right or wrong. I think it’s bonkers that Republicans aren’t stronger on this particular issue. And I only say Republican because when it comes to elections, there’s only two parties that really matter. I understand that there’s a gradient of political beliefs that the American people possess. But to simplify things, the party that’s supposed to stand up for the unborn and speak for the unborn is failing abysmally. In doing so. They know they simply can’t win with women in this country if they don’t compromise on their stance on abortion. But there comes a time when. There, even if it costs you, you have to stand up and do the right thing. And I think it’s crazy that Republicans are unwilling to do that.


Well, let’s start with the political anger first. That’s why I personally believe that Christians should not be identified themselves by a political party. What do you say? You’re a Democrat or Republican? I don’t think a Christian should find an identity in any of those parties, and I don’t personally find any identities in any of those parties. I’m not Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I think that when it comes to who you vote for and. Where you vote, I think you should have a set of ideals that are based upon the word of God and you vote accordingly. Now of course, we know these are fallen men and women, and then none of them gonna be perfect. So we’re going to eventually have the vote, quote, UN quote. As much as I hate it for the lesser of both evils, but. To some extent, why should we be surprised on Trump’s position? Melania Trump just came out with a book and she was saying some of the same things that you define a Democrat that would say about abortion. Wow. So. And he’s married to her Trump for years, consider himself a Democrat.




So coming out and saying what he’s saying now, I don’t know the man. And so I can’t say I know exactly personally, but I do believe that some of his stand. Is to get votes right? And maybe he doesn’t believe abortion should be legal. Maybe he does. But whatever it case may be, I think I can look at it and say, hey, I think a lot of his stance when it comes to the issue of abortion and stuff like that, they’re not based upon the biblical principles. They’re not based upon. Some solid conviction that he has they’re based upon. Hey, how much people can I not take off so they don’t turn against and vote against me? Look at the 2022 midterms election. One of the reason why the Republicans quote UN quote law.




It was some people say it was because of the stent and abortion and the overture, Rule V Wade, so who knows? So politicians gonna play the game and the game says that he can’t have a had no standard abortion, like a Bible believing Christian should have if they’re standing up on the word of God because we’re going to lose. And politicians say ohh. Well, let’s play the game, but at the same time, in terms of CNN. We can be hard and thin end, but they have gone through a series of changes. They got rid of Don Lemon. They got rid of Chris Cuomo. They got rid of their leadership at the top and all the stuff that happened after Trump and also June, the Trump presidency saying and made the most money they probably ever made. So they probably. Equally rooting for Trump, said Trump. Trump come back so he.


Yeah, because Trump was good money for them.


Yeah, because their viewership went up and they finally have someone to bash. They don’t have Biden to bash that. And we know the cover up all the major news organizations, maybe except for the right wing ones, did for Biden. By not revealing his obvious declining health. So yeah. Anyways, I have one here. DC rolls back eviction protection over millions. In unpaid rent. The Council of the District of Columbia on Tuesday, which Tuesday meaning early October 2024 passed emergency legislation reforming the city’s eviction proceedings due to a surge in unpaid rent causing some affordable housing developments to be on the brink of foreclosure. Reported NBC Washington. Under the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, which provides low income residents with subsidized housing, people were protected from eviction each time they applied for assistance. The results, hundreds of millions of dollars in losses for landlords. Now we have a serious problem. We are at risk of losing that affordability. And once we lose those affordability covenants, they are gone, Mayor Morella browser said on Monday. And here’s the root problem. We have about $100 million and this slide shows in unpaid rent to affordable housing providers. And if things don’t change, that number will skyrocket to 150 million by next year, Council Chair Phillip Manderson proposed removing the COVID mirror law. That protects tenants from. Fiction. The crisis is especially hurting affordable housing providers, which affects both the maintenance of current affordable projects as well as the prospect of creating more affordable housing units. We are seeing arrearages that are taken to court for eviction in the 10s of thousands of dollars. I think these may be. Outliers, but cases of 70,000 or more being owed in rent, and I find that mind boggling, he said. Now, if that’s not bunkers, I don’t know what these bunkers.


What did they think would happen?


So COVID. Happen December of 20/20/2019.




The country went in the lockdown in March of 2020. By December of 2020, they had a so-called vaccine. This is October of 2024 and this is just now removing the COVID arror rental agreement prevention from eviction on landlords. And again, I can understand, and I can sympathize. Maybe in March, April, May of 2020, when people lost their jobs and people were dying from COVID and they don’t know what’s gonna happen, that they say, hey, landlords kind of leave the people alone and let them kind of find their foot in. But over four years, almost five years since COVID, you’re now removing it. Why? Because the landlords are now foreclose. Was in because they haven’t received any rent and they can’t pay their mortgages. Now I’m a grave Ramsey guy. I like to be as debt free as possible. So I think if you’re going to have a rental home, maybe you want to have it paid off and your own personal home paid off first maybe. But come on. You’re telling me that someone. Or $70,000 in back rent. They’re never going to see that. Take them to court all you want. They’re never going to see that, right. Plus that tells me they haven’t paid their rent in about four years. They just say, OK, well, you can’t depict me. So what you gonna do? You can write me all you want. You can show up all you want. You can tell me. You need your money all they want. But you have no legal bite, so who cares? I’m just gonna stay here until you full stay. Evict me, but oh, wait, you can’t evict me because the law. So you can’t evict me. And now, even though they. To remove the fact that they can’t be evicted, right, you still have to go through the process of eviction. Who knows? Depends on what the laws are in DC will take might take another year. This is just crazy analogy and say ohh well we’re gonna lose our affordability. He didn’t consider that a year ago. Two years ago. Three years. December of 2020, when you got the vaccine, January 2021, when Biden was in office and everything was done all rosy in kosher. But now, almost five years after COVID, we’re saying, ohh, maybe we should remove the COVID protection so we can’t evict people. I don’t know. So I’m pretty bonkers to me.


These affordability covenants, these are agreements between. The landlords and the.


Government. No, this is a government passing laws telling the landlords that you cannot evict people out of your property because of COVID.


OK. So it’s not like it’s an agreement, this is not like we’re subsidizing landlords. We know that you’re not going to be getting rent. And so we’re going to subsidize and pay.


I think there’s Section 8 housing, so the government pay part of the rent and their tenant pay part of.


Ohh OK.


The rent I see, OK.




What they’re saying, if the tenant can’t pay, we are passing laws to say that you can’t evict them. And of course, in order for you to rent, put your property up as a Section 8 property, the government has to accept you. In this low income, whatever the case may be, it’s not that the landlord is losing. Let’s say the landlord normally rent the home for, say, 2500. Since it’s DC and it’s expensive. Well, low income person may not be able to afford $2500 per month in rent, so the government may pay 2000 of it and their tenant pay 500. The landlord gets his money. But the tenant get lower rent. Well, the 500, the tenant is paying the law said no, hey, it can’t affect the tenant if the tenant doesn’t pay that or whatever the case may be. And now the landlord is why? Well, I can’t pay my mortgage on this home that I’m renting to someone else. So they’re foreclosing and because they can’t evict them, they can. They can be caught to get them out. Or sue them to get their money. Guess they could still sue them to get their money, but you really remove the penalty of not paying your rent, right? If you don’t pay your rent and the landlord can’t kick you out, at least you got. Man, I don’t want the landlord to keep me out. And most of these people may that have good credit anyway. So if you send them. To collections and. They damage their credit well, already have bad credit.


There you go.


Fears you can’t do anything. They’re basically telling them not another Boo Boo because you can’t do anything.


Right. So whenever the government gets involved, it’s always it’s always less efficient, makes less sense and it doesn’t help anyone.


Yeah. Anyways, you’ll listen to the Removing Virus podcast, we. In the middle of another bonkers episode, we’ll be right back.


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All right. Well, Jay, what’s your second article?


I have a second article here, also from CNN. The title is Doctor admits attempting to kill his mother’s partner with a fake COVID-19 shot. A British doctor. This is in London and I think the original news piece came from Reuters from not mistaken, but it says. A British doctor on Monday pleaded guilty to an audacious but unsuccessful plot to kill his mother’s partner with fake COVID-19 vaccine, which involved him forging medical documents and dressing and disguise to inject his victim with poison. Thomas Kwan, age 53. Passed himself off as a nurse, and even took his own mother’s blood pressure before administering poison to her partner, Patrick O’Hara, in Newcastle, northern England. O’Hara survived but suffered from necrotizing fasciitis, a potentially fatal flesh eating bacterial infection. After receiving the JAB, prosecutors said. Quan, a family doctor in Sunderland, pleaded guilty to attempted murder on Monday shortly after his trial began at Newcastle. Crown Court last week, court staff said he had previously admitted a charge of administering a noxious substance.




The prosecutor said in his defense that sometimes truth is really stranger than fiction. He said that Kwan was concerned about his mother’s will, which provided that her house would be inherited by O’Hara if he was still alive when his mother died. Mr. Kwan used his encyclopedic knowledge of and research. Into poisons that to carry out his plan. That plan was to disguise himself as a community nurse and attend Mr. O’hara’s address, the home that he shared with the defendant’s mother and inject him with a dangerous poison under the pretext of administering a COVID mooster injection. He checked into a hotel under a false name. He used false number plates on his car. He disguised himself with a wig to carry out the plan. He went through all of that trouble to administer a fake deadly shot to this man. And this is just a crazy story. Yeah, here’s why I think. Well, there are many reasons why this story is crazy. But. Doctors are people that, as a society, we trust almost. We take their word has very, very heavy weight in our ears. What I mean by that is we take what they say and we make very serious decisions based on what they tell us, potentially life threatening or life changing decisions based on what they tell us. And I see. Perhaps this was always happening, but now as a result of the pandemic and all the subsequent political upheaval, we see these doctors taking incredible license to do things and take advantage. I should say of our vulnerability as patients, patients who don’t have the amount of knowledge that they do. And so they can tell us to do whatever, and we would do it because, hey, you’re the doctor. We trust you, right. So this doctor goes well out of his way to kill a man that he seems to have a beef with. And I’m wondering. If the doctor has that kind of power and went to these lengths to do this terrible thing. That means that any doctor could do that to any patient, and I wonder if we. We’re trusting them a little bit too much. I wonder because when the pandemic happened, there were very, very few except. But the entire consensus was take the vaccine. All of you need it. And this pandemic would be over if you would just take the vaccine. Or how about the doctors that are not just performing but encouraging mentally ill people to perform? Transgender surgeries based on how they feel they should be expressed physically expressing themselves to the world. The general consensus, it seems among doctors, is to let these children do these operations because the people that are standing up against it are the exception. Now, there might be a silent majority, but they’re not speaking up on our behalf. They’re going along with whatever the regime tells them to do, and so the story by itself is bonkers. But I think what’s even more bonkers is illustrates the power that doctors have that they are able to exercise with very little. Well, I shouldn’t say very little. That’s not right. But if they wanted to, they could flex with very, very little. Scrutiny and the scrutiny that they would receive, would be after the fact after the damage had already been done and everyone looks and sees. Hey, this happened. Let’s look into it and we’re left holding the bag as. Where? So that’s bonkers to me.


Yeah, I don’t know if this was because he was a doctor. I think this is just a clear indication when the Bible says money is the root of all evil. Well, the love of money is the root of all evil because clearly why did he went to this elaborate plan of fake name fake driver’s license?




Or license plates on his car.


Yeah, disguise.


Wig and all these things was.


This is an audio podcast, so we’re not able to see the article, but in the article there’s a picture of him with his disguise and without, and he looks like a different person’s facial hair and everything.


Right. The reason why he did that was because he felt like his mom’s going to leave her house to this guy and he think that he was entitled to get his mom house, which to some extent he can say, yeah, if they’re not married. And that’s not his father. And his mum met this guy in old age and all of a sudden she’s going to leave the house. I can understand. Him being upset. But to go into this elaborate plan of trying to kill him so he can get the house? Ohh that’s kind of the love of money. That’s kind of like I want something that mine. I think it his mother should have left the house to him. That’s just my opinion. But that’s his mother’s house. If your mother decide if you want to leave it. To her boyfriend, her prerogative.


It’s. Right.


Yeah, that’s hers. So each.


You talked about how the love of money can corrupt these doctors to do heinous. I think perhaps that as citizens, we ought to take heed because the average doctors graduating from medical school. With $100,000, some of them 100,000, maybe even $200,000 in debt, depending on what specialty they go into, how many years they have to go to school. Doctors graduate in the hole, as it were. They graduate in debt. And so there’s no telling what they would be willing to do for money. I’m not saying this is true of every. The doctor. But that’s something that perhaps we need to consider. Look at the doctors for famous people that have died from overdoses. We’ll take Michael Jackson, for example, who was able to find a doctor with no morals, no scruples to provide propofol for him and abuse it in a manner that it was not intended to be used. And he was the Doctor Who not only knew what propofol could do, he usurped the role that he was not qualified for acting in the role of anesthesiology. And he had access to the medicine. He was able to get the medicine where Michael Jackson could not. Recently, Matthew Perry died as a result of ketamine overdose. There was a Doctor Who had access to ketamine. Now I know that ketamine is on the street as well. There’s a Doctor Who had access to that that made it available for him to overdose on in a lesser way, we should consider. The opioid pandemic that the country is facing now, it started out with a shift in how doctors. Now I might be speaking out of turn, but it seems to me from what I’ve read and from what I’ve observed, particularly from my time in the military, there was a shift in how doctors viewed pain. Pain became one of the IT was almost like they treated it as if it were a vital sign. And they were treating people for their pain in a more frequent or exaggerated manner. People become hooked on these pills, the percocets, the vicodins, and all of these different the oxycodones. And people, of course. Being people share their medications, people get hooked. They’re looking for the next thing Sentinel comes into play and it just becomes this rolling snowball. And we talked about doctors graduating with incredible, incredible debt. Our student loan debt. This, to me, seems to be a recipe for disaster. We would look at. People like Michael Jackson and Matthew Perry and all these, you know, we’re looking at all of these people think, oh, you know, that’s a celebrity. He had money. He could sway someone to do that. Sort of thing, but that it’s not too difficult for that to happen to us as regular people. I don’t want to sound alarmist and I don’t want to say that every doctor is out to get us or out to sell us to the big pharma or anything like that. But don’t doctors get kickbacks for prescribing certain medications?


I think some of them have deals with their big farmers and stuff.


Like that, do you see what I’m getting at the the possibility? The problem there. That’s bonkers to me.


Yeah, but I don’t necessarily agree that this is a doctor issue. I don’t think he was able to do what? He did to some degree because he was a doctor because he didn’t went in there as a doctor. He disguised himself as a nurse. So I don’t think necessarily this has anything to do with doctors and pig farmer and all these things. I think it was just a guy that, hey, I don’t want my mom to leave all this money to this, quote UN quote boyfriend that she has. When it should be going to mean, assuming he’s the only child or something. You know, I think that was his situation concerning Michael Jackson and stuff. I have unpopular opinions on that, quite honestly, and I’m just going to say 1 without elaborating. I don’t think the doctor that they are convicted in my conducting case should have been convicted so.


I think I remember you and I disagreeing.


On this, yeah, I just don’t you know. So, but I won’t elaborate because I might get myself in trouble, but I just leave it as that because when it comes to these celebrities and stuff like that, there’s money.


You know, right. But this doctor used his medical know. College to attempt to murder someone? I guess what I’m getting at, what I saw from this bonkers article is that we put a lot of trust and faith in people with this type of expertise, and I don’t know how much protection we have. Should we encounter someone?


There’s malpractice insurance and all that stuff that they have to.


After the fact.


All insurance is always after the fact, so but anyway.


Right. That’s bonkers to me, but go ahead.


All right, I have another one and this one is about pronouns. So we did an episode sometime back with Delano Squires, where we talk about pronouns and free speech and stuff like that. And of course, we know that almost on a daily or monthly or whatever basis that someone came out with another pronoun to up and another pronoun, you know they have this Z and ZAR and ZAR and all these things and.


How many are there now? Have you been? Keeping track, OK.


I have no idea and they have their calling a man a she and and a woman that he. But I actually found another pronoun. And again, this is a slippery slope, because if Christians, if you’re going to want to say it’s OK to use people preferred pronoun, which I don’t think we should be using preferred pronouns, what about this one?

[Demon Pronoun]

Jasper, I you say it pronouns.

[Demon Pronoun]

Hi. My name is Leanna. I use the demon. Because.

[Demon Pronoun]

This video is how to use our pronouns so Leona uses they them pronouns in demon pronouns. So the first sentence would be Leanna as my partner. They are cute and I am theirs. I love them very much and I hope they love themselves too for the demon pronouns, it would be Leona is my partner, demos Q and I belong to Dean. I love Damon very much and I hope Dean loves demon self too. Then interchanging the two would be liana as my partner. They are cute and I am deemed. I love demon very much and I hope they love demon self.


Too. So there you have it. There’s now a demon pronoun. Just imagine in the workplace and someone come in and say that one of their pronoun is they demon. Are you going to be using that? I think the line should have been drawn long time ago, but clearly there’s a mental health issues in this country and clearly. When you give the devil an inch, you always stick the mile.


Am I the only one here that’s genuinely and thoroughly confused? I was not able to follow anything she. That I am so confused why?


You misgendering this person using the wrong pronouns.


Ohh goodness. OK, so it’s my personal opinion that people that use their pronouns, they might be onto something and this is gonna sound very mean. I don’t mean for it to sound mean, but it’s something that we should actually really be considering as Christians, right? If you’re referring to a single person as they. What you’re implying is that there’s more than one of them. Who are the them? And biblically, the only time where you have a singular person referred to as them or they are demonically possessed people. I’m thinking of demonic possession because in the scriptures we know of that. The maniac and gathering the man that was living among the tombs and cutting himself. And when Jesus spoke to him, he says the name is legion because there are many of us. In this man. Mm-hmm. I don’t think that’s something to play around with. They’re calling it social contagion because when people see these things on social media, they want to be cool and hip too, and so they do it. We might be playing around. The demons aren’t our pastor always says that the devil is a roaring lion prowling about, seeking whom he may devour. And when he does get a hold of you, he leaves no shred of what once existed. We might be playing around with our pronouns and with our questionable movies and questionable activities, but the devil sure isn’t playing around. It’s a sad indication of how far we’ve fallen spiritually, where we’ve gone from there being a general. Overarching fear of God among the people to an absolute free for all post. Martin is sort of free for all where they don’t even give a second thought to it. And that is bonkers. And granted this is an audio podcast. People can’t really see the video on X. But not only are they speaking like this, they have changed their facial features.




With makeup and all manner of things to look the part I’m looking at the video and they don’t even look normal in their speech and or in how they present themselves.


Yeah, and the links will be in the show notes. If anyone wants to see those, I wondered what’s your third?




Oh, we’re gonna leave that there. OK. My third article has to do with the afterlife and what people think happens after death. Also from CNN, Al Pacino reveals that he nearly died of COVID-19, and he gives his thoughts on the afterlife. Now I want to pause there because there is a very popular. Genre. Or maybe it’s a subgenre on YouTube of people sharing their near death experiences, people having visited heaven and what they saw, and all of these different things, and the running commonality between all. Of them is that they’re all wrong. None of them describe the afterlife the way the Bible does, and they always have something in their story that brings hope. I should say false hope to the hopeless and a false sense of security for people who might even be remotely concerned about what happens after death. And this article is no different. Al Pacino, of course, being a very, very famous actor. And I’ll just start reading from the beginning. Al Pacino has revealed that he nearly died of COVID-19 and 2020. He shares his view on what happens after death. He had interviews with the New York Times, People magazine and he describes, after having caught COVID-19 and experienced the illness, that he had no pulse, he briefly had no pulse. He’s 84, and he told the New York Times that he began to feel, quote, unusually not good. And then he developed a fever and became dehydrated, he said. He was sitting there in his house and then he was gone. He said he didn’t have a pulse. My question is, how did he know that if he didn’t have a pulse miss, someone must have told him afterward? Maybe that’s what happened. OK. And he continues. He says you’re here. You’re not. And I thought, wow, you don’t even have your memories. You have nothing strange porridge, he said of his near death experience. Everyone would know Al Pacino from the movie Scarface. I’ve never seen the film, but he’s very famous for it. So. This is not some D list actor that we’re talking about. This is someone very famous talking to legitimate outlets. So the. Reach that he has would be broad. The amount of people that he would reach with this information would be significant, the article continues within minutes. An ambulance showed up at his home. He regained consciousness with six paramedics and two doctors in his living room. He said, quote they had these outfits on that looked like they were from outer space or something. It was kind of shocking. To open your eyes and see that everybody was around me and they said he’s back, he’s here. In a different interview, the one that he gave to People magazine, he said he recounted coming back to consciousness with a sense of confusion. Quote, I looked around and I thought what happened to me, the movie veteran said that he questions whether he actually died despite quote everybody thinking he was dead, he said. I thought I experienced death, I might not have. I don’t think I have really. I know I made it, he said. He said he credited his assistance for all the help. For confirming that he had no pulse and getting him the help that he needed right away. And so as a result, in the duration of the interview, the interviewer asked if the healthcare scared did it change the way that he lived his life and Al Pacino told them no, not at all. But that’s not to say that the experience left the actor unchanged. They say Pacino, who is currently preparing for some sort of movie adaptation of a Shakespearean play. King Lear. He confirmed to the times that. The experience had a metaphysical effect. Quote. I didn’t see a white light or anything. There’s nothing there, he explained. As Hamlet says, quote to be or not to be the undiscovered country from who’s born. No Traveller returns and he says 2 words no more. It was no more, added Pacino. Quote you’re gone. I’ve never thought about it in my life. But you know actors, it sounds good to say. I died once. What is it? When there is no more? He detailed the experience in his autobiography, which he published recently. OK, so it isn’t bonkers that some celebrities, some person, will jump on social media or any type of platform and say that they experience death. And this is what happens in the afterlife. What’s bonkers to me is that we have someone. Who not only experienced death, but conquered it and rose from the. Said. And we won’t take his word for what happens. Not only is he the giver and the initiator of life, but he conquered death. And we refuse. As a people, we refuse to take his word for what happens after death where. Willing to take the word of some actor, some kid who became very famous, and they even did a movie about his near death experience and he was in heaven for X amount of time. And YouTube is littered with people who say they’ve experienced the same. Thing we are fascinated and enamored with modern day sorcerers and psychics and people who say that they can interact with the dead and we want to call our people back from the dead and talk to them. And all of these different things, much like Saul and his interaction with the witch, but the one person who conquers death. And is able to give eternal life. No, no, no. We can’t take his word for it. That’s crazy. You’re bonkers for believing in the one true. God, who the Bible says we should fear because not only can he destroy your body, he can destroy your soul as well. Both of them together in hell. But still when someone says, hey, I had a near death experience and here’s what it’s like. They make front page CNN but Jesus. Ohh no no that’s that’s just going a bit too far. He says that after death. There’s nothing you just no more. Your memories are no more. You are no more. And the Bible says. That all of you is still there when you’re dead. The difference is your body is what goes into the ground. All of your memories, all of your thoughts, all of who you are. Immaterial. It’s still very much aware. We know that because when Jesus was, he was telling us about Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man in hell had all of his memories. He could see Lazarus and he recognized him. He saw Abraham and recognized him. He knew and asked for Abraham to send Lazarus or send word to his brothers that they might not come to this terrible place. This does not sound like someone who is no more, who no longer has their memory. Who is no longer themselves after death to say that there is no more. The Bible talks about the great chasm between the saved and the unsaved. The Bible talks about judgment, the Great White Throne judgment seat of the Lord Jesus Christ, where he will separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats, the saved from the unsafe, if you, Mr. Famous Hollywood actor comes and says hey after death, there is no more. You’ll forgive me if I don’t take your word for it. I know. In one who not only died, but rose again and conquered death forever. And he says otherwise. So it’s bonkers that we wouldn’t take the Lord Jesus Christ’s word over what happens both in life and in death or after death. But we are willing to give Al Pacino red carpet treatment and take his words and to. Give his words. Wait, that’s bonkers to me.


Well, you know, he said that he died, but the Bible said as it appointed to man wants to die. But after this the. If he did, and without the saving all of the Jesus Christ, he would have been judged. Yeah. And so we can conclude that it’s obviously he did not die. And I guess you can go. There’s a bunch of definitions of what really is dead. When does someone really dead, you know, doctors have.




Different. Definitions, you know. Are they dead when a brain dead or clinically dead, or this dead or whatever the case may be, but we know once the spirit leaves the body, your spirit and soul is separated from your body. You are dead. Bible says after that is the judgement. So I guess in short, he will find out one day, you know, just like all of us.


Is the judgment.


To find out one day if whatever we believe in practice in their life is true. You know, if when you’re dead, you’re done. Then the way I live and the way anyone else live doesn’t really matter.




But if I’m right then.


Al Pacino has a lot to worry.


About then right then, a lot of other people, so I’ll leave it right there. I have a third one and I entitled this one hash reality. So they’re this, I guess he’s their transgender, quote UN quote man. Will be a transgendered woman biological man who identifies as. The woman and the impression, like God, that he went through all the different procedures and all these things to look and sound like a woman as much as possible. Then all of a sudden it seemed like he just dawned on him that he will never get pregnant.


Ohh my goodness.


So I’ll read his post. He made a post on. Honest transgender subreddit on Reddit, their social media platform, called Reddit, he said, and this is the guy talking and it’s either tag. He’s telling the folks that they’re reading it to be kind anyway, he said two weeks ago, and this is probably sometime in September, I’d assume 2024, two weeks ago. I was struck by the realization that I would never be able to get. That no matter how good I feel since I came out and how much my life improve, I will not be able to carry a baby and give birth. I didn’t have too much body dysphoria, but this realization hit me and exposed this gap. I walk around with an empty feeling in my lower abdomen since then. Have been in exchange in a space crying. Even friends around me understand a little, but not really. I don’t really understand either. My therapist is not the best with me either. She tries very hard, but I feel like I have no right to cry about it because of the body I was born in. I haven’t had time to want it yet, and I already experiencing. Loss, but a loss of what? Of something I never had at all. How do you mourn such a thing? I am not the only one. Right? question mark, so. Again, we have a serious mental issue in this country and you want to tell me that you are a grown man. You have been through the free. Assuming you went to public school, the free public school system in this country, you graduated. I’m gonna assume that you went to college and you have a college degree now. You went through all.




This. Things have changed in your body. Probably taking hormones and all that stuff and nobody, not even you. Who am I going to assume is relatively educated and all educated people in your life? The doctors and the therapists and all these people? Mm-hmm. Never want to look at you and say, you know what? Yes. You can go to all these things, but you will never be able to give birth. Like if this thing doesn’t blow your mind, I don’t know what will because this is just to the core of, you know, why we do some of these episodes because. Like really a grown man mutilated his body, and for the first time in his life, he realized, oh, as much as I look, sound and feel like a woman, I will never be able to do the things that most majority biological women can do, except for a few that may have some medical issues, or they have. At the age of giving birth, I’m like. What do you even say to someone like that? You know? And do you laugh at him? I guess if you don’t laugh, you probably cry. But what do you even say to someone like that? Because this is the problem. When you deal with people according to their feelings, is that everybody go along with it until you run up against the limits. Of science your biological male. So why don’t you go and ask some of those people that mutilate your body? Why is it you can’t carry a baby? Tell me the truth. Why? Oh.


Don’t know.


Why is it? I can’t carry a baby. They know why? Ohh, it’s because you were. Maybe. Yeah. Biological male and male don’t have the necessary.




Carry parts to carry a.


Charm, not just parts. It’s incredible. Not just parts. The biology, the hormones, all of the things that go into growing a human being, which blows my mind, that people would think that somehow we came to be as a result of a Big Bang that happened over billions and millions of years and somehow. All of this order came to be because the woman’s body and all of the biochemistry and all of the things that have to happen right for this to take place. It’s not just parts, it’s all of the biology behind. Send it.


Well, I said pass because you know you can buy some of these things from Amazon and you can pump your body with the necessary hormones. Right. So as much as you can do that you know?


You still right?


Yeah, it’s mind boggling to me that you will come to that realization and like, you know, if this was a 5 year old kid, God forbid, or five year olds shouldn’t be anywhere close to these things. But educationally I would understand you.


Know I haven’t said this publicly like on the podcast, but many years ago I’ve said this that the hard sciences would be destroyed and infiltrated. By psychology. And so this idea that men can be women and women can be men. And real people are this guy is suffering under the weight of this mental illness.


That’s exactly what it is, the mental illness.


You know, we call it mental illness, but I think the Bible describes it as Romans, one being handed over, given over to your sin. There’s a self deception that goes there, a refusal to bend the knee or to bow the knee and acknowledge the creator. And God says, OK, you wanna be crazy?




OK, go ahead and be crazy. Let me let you have what you want. It will destroy. You I’m trying to save you from yourself. And you want this so bad? Here, have what it is you want. Taste and see if it’s good. Does it benefit you? Grown 34 year old man. And we’ve talked on this podcast before. About the things that they have to do in order to maintain the results of their surgery and some of the medical complications that happen as a result of having that particular. Surgery, particularly the surgery downstairs. You know, you might have children listening and want to keep it as PG as possible. So think about the depth of the deceit. That not only that he’s inflicted on himself, but people are refusing to call out and they’re lying to him too, every single day. There has to be a process of the dilation to keep the wound open and the possibility of hair growing on the inside causing infection causing problems. You mean it’s tell me that every single day as you go through your routine to maintain the results of your surgery, it didn’t occur to you that this was unnatural, that you couldn’t actually be a woman? That didn’t occur. How deep is the deception? It’s only Christ can heal and save a mind that that’s far gone. Yeah. And that’s not to say that our mind isn’t far gone. Those of us that haven’t gone down this path because we’re all equally worthless. We’re all sinners. The depth of the deception was when I was trying to get up.


I think that shows that where will it be enough, you know? Yeah. You can talk about the fact that once they act for acceptance tolerance, then they act for acceptance. And it’s the same with the transgender movement. They wanted just to be recognized and just to be shown, hey. You know, I’m purporting myself as a woman, recognizing and adjust me as a woman and purporting myself as a man, recognization me as a man, but they’re not gonna ever be satisfied until they feel like ohh I was born a man. But now I can transition and be as woman, as someone who was born a woman. They’re even talking about uterine.




Transplant for transgender. Women and possibility they might be able to carry a baby if they can transplant a uterus from a biological woman into a man and all these things and cracking their hip bones and all kind of stuff to get it wider and all that stuff and all the hormones they have to take. But one day reality is just going to dawn on them just like this guy. Yeah, as much as I do, you know, we know that many of them take hormone so they can. Feed adopted babies or whatever that they have, but when with the chance, then the man now complain that he can’t impregnate a woman. You know, this is just going to go to a point where we’re just gonna have Frankenstein running around the place. But anyways, you’re listening to the Removing Barriers podcast. We are in another episode of this world has gone bonkers will be. Right back.


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Alright, Jay, any dishonorable mentions?


I have one that’s a dishonorable mention, but it’s something that will probably come up in the next bonkers, but the title of it is, well, I’ll leave it for the next bonkers. That way we can give our audience a heads up about how graphic the title actually is. I don’t want to do that for this episode, since we didn’t put out a warning. That there is an honorable mention. It’s that one. We’ll probably discuss it on the next bonkers. What about you? Do you? Have any dishonorable mention?


All right. Well, the Supreme Court some time ago stopped Biden, Title 9 rules allowing boys into girls sports. That’s from the Christian post. I’m not gonna read it, but. See that the Supreme Court is coming down on some of the Biden crazy rules that he made allowing boys and girls to compete in the same stuff. Well, of course, when they consider themselves to be chants or whatever side or whatever the case may be. And a Florida boy, 11 get handcuffed, thrown in jail after Sherry says he bragged about. Kill this. He had a arsenal of sword and knives, so.


Oh my goodness.


Yeah, this is from the New York Post. So I don’t know why. 11 year old has such a freedom to brag online about having to kill this and saw the knife. I think he did it in school actually, but in which way? Those are my this honourable mentions that I didn’t get into, but I have a final article as we wrap this one up that I find pretty important and this kind of summarized very succinctly some of the things we discussed. In this bunkers and maybe for all the bunkers that we have discussed previously is from the Christian Post and the title of it is worldview may have more impact on mental health than chemical imbalance and this was a study that was. John and I’m going to read the article a little bit lengthy, but I think is pretty interesting. A new study suggests that the mental health crisis in the United States, which we have a big one, maybe more closely related to a lack of biblical worldview than to commonly cite causes like chemical imbalances, the culture Research Center. At Arizona Christian University released a study Tuesday which will be, I think, early October 22. For attributing the rise in mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and fear to what researcher George Barna calls World View deficiencies rather than psychological or chemical imbalances, the findings are based on interviews conducted in January with 2000 US adults age. 18 or older with the sampling error of ±2 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. The report highlights mental health struggles among younger generation. Nations, noting that 56% of Generation Z and 49% of millennials regularly express anxiety, fear or depression. Generation Z refers to youngest group of American adults, while millennials are defined as those born between 1984 and 2002. In total, one in three adults from these generations. Has at least one diagnosable mental this. Where are we surprised? He’s a generation that grew up with smartphones and Internet and social media, so balance is a direct correlation between mental health challenges and the lack of biblical worldview which the culture Research Center defines as a means of expressing, interpreting and responding to reality in the light of biblical perspective. The CRC evaluates on individuals biblical worldview based on the answers to a series of belief related questions. Only 1% of Generation Z and 2% of millennials possess a biblical worldview.




According to B. No, he commented that it. Not uncommon to find a young adult who trusts feelings more than facts, sees no inherent value to life, believes in karma, and rejects the existence of the biblical God. So obviously 1% of generations. Then you’re talking about reaching our. Generation for Christ. You know, back in Old Testament the Bible says that they are rule the generation that does not know the Lord. Can be said as the millennial generation. Can we say that generation said well, it continues add to this lack of any sense of purpose or meaning. And the idea that truth is subjective by an explain this common set of components results in a lifestyle that is inconsistent, chaotic, frustrating. And lacking hope, anxiety, depression and fear are virtually inescapable in such a life. Barna highlights several beliefs he considered contributes to mental unrest among young people. 7 out of 10 individuals under 40 said their life lacks a clear purpose, while four of the five who reject God reported frequent experiences of fear and anxiety. The lifestyle result from these common world view components is one of chaos and fear, Barna said. However, embracing the biblical wealth, you offer the sense of purpose. Security and peace. That can alleviate many of these mental challenges, but also point to Synchronism, described as a blend of conflicting beliefs drawn from various worldview. And that’s exactly what we see going on with these especially LGBTQIA communities and stuff like that. Because if you gonna believe that, the man can turn into a woman, then. Were you going to say to this man that just found out? Wow, I never can become pregnant.




Well, if I can turn into a woman, why is it I can’t become pregnant? Is it because you are still a man? Then. So you have these conflicting worldviews, not only that, when you want to access everybody and Kumbaya, how do you reconcile? Not even that is even within the LGBT community. You remember sometime in England they have the lesbians had a match. And they were saying that we want to get rid of the tea because the teas were saying.


Ohh yeah.


I’m a man. I transition into a woman. And I’m a lesbian and a lesbian are saying no, we don’t like the hard way. You have. So even within the LGBT, they contradict each other. Talk about synchronism here because you have two world views that can compete against each other that you can’t reconcile. But they have to accept, obviously, going to lead to mental issues anyways. It continues. Barna of the point of Synchronism, described as a blend of conflicting beliefs drawn from various worldview as the dominant worldview among young Americans, adding that it is not surprising that anxiety, depression, and fear are rampant among young adults who adopt synchronism. Without a solid foundation of truth, their lives become inconsistent and chaotic, he said, emphasizing that the biblical worldview by conscience provides a firm work that fosters emotional stability. But I acknowledge that some situations do require conventional mental health treatment, such as counselling prescription drugs. Of physical. But he said that other mental health struggles may stem from worldview components that trigger and sustain the condition you’re seeing that today you’re seeing that played out today. If people instead embrace the core tenants of biblical worldview, their lives would not be perfect, Barna concluded. But they wouldn’t avoid many. Of the emotional and psychological pitfalls we have seen today, and if you want to know if this is true, just go back 40 years. The report also examined the mental health of individuals whose beliefs directly conflict with the biblical worldview. Among those disengaged from both political involvement and Christian faith, 82% reported frequent experiences of anxiety, depression and fear, compared to 67% of respondents who were more engaged. Incidents of fear, anxiety and depression were higher 46% among those who believe gifted mediums can communicate with the spirit of the dead, compared to 34% of those who do not share disbelief. Similarly, 40% of respondents who consider Mother Earth or the universe as an important guide reported mental health challenges. Compared to 25% who did not among individual classifiers consistently liberal on social and political issues, 38% expressed frequent anxiety, depression or fear, while only 22% of those who did not identify as consistent liberal reported the same challenges. So basically what you’re saying here is that the Bible way is the best way. That’s basically what you’re saying here. Having a biblical worldview, believe in what the Bible teaches about this world. What does Isai say? He shall keep you in perfect peace. Whose mind is stayed upon Jehovah. So I’m not surprised. This study shows that there’s a rise in mental health issues.




Because of your world view.

Because it is playing out before us, Romans 1 is playing out before us in our eyes. But anyways, as I always ask in this episode listener, do you agree with us? Do you agree that this world is bonkers? Well, as I said before, if you agreed us, what are you doing about it? You know, we can turn on these mics and we can talk all we want. We can speak privately in our homes. We can go into our churches and speak there. But I think the bigger thing for us for do as Christian. Is do. Head. 2 Mark Chapter 16, verse 15 and go into all the world and preach the gospel. The gospel is what will change. Hearts will change minds and will change lives. And give these people that biblical worldview that this artist and that is so critical for our mental health, not just our mental health, but mental, physical and spiritual health. So my encouragement is for you is to saturate your Jerusalem with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


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Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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