This World Has Gone Bonkers: SB1414, Pagers, Sologamy and Photographers



Episode 178

Today’s episode of the Removing Barriers podcast is another installation in the Bonkers series. On the examining table today: Hezbollah’s pagers, Steve Lawson’s fall, creepy school photographers, California’s SB1414 law, BLM’s hypocrisy, and a person divorcing—themselves?!?! What in the world is going on? Join us on this episode as we hold up these news stories up to the lens of scripture, and be encouraged, dear Christian, that God is still on the throne and has already defeated sin. We look forward to the day that He delivers us from the presence of sin because these stories are stark reminders of its deadliness and just how bonkers our world really is.


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Note: This is an automated transcription. It is not perfect but for most part adequate.


This one says a Virginia school photographer loses her job after she allegedly asked young students, quote, can I eat your soul? I’m going to assume that parents have already shooed their kids out of listening range because of the previous bonkers articles, but this one.

Thank you for tuning in to the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m Jay and I’m in MCG. And we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the cross.


This is episode 178 of the removing barriers. Yes. And this is the 9th in the series of this world has gone bonkers. And in this episode, we have lined up a number of news articles that we think show that this world is bonkers.


This is Jay. MCG and I would like for you to help us remove barriers by going to and subscribing to receive all things removing barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and help us keep the mics on, consider donating at, removing barriers, a clear view of the cross.


All right, Jay, I’m going to start with California Senate Bill, SB 1414 and 1st, you got to wonder why this bill is bonkers. But you’ll find out pretty soon. Well, the bill is not bonkers. Actually, it’s a response to the bill that is actually bonkers. I can’t afford a bill that would create harsher penalties for people looking to purchase at. For sex, unanimously passed out of the California. Emily. Then it passed unanimously out of the California Senate. Now the bill is on Gavin Newsom’s death. I have no idea what he’s going to sign it. Or. Not so. The first thing that come to my mind. Why? Is. It that they’re not harsh a punishment in California if you. So this is a child. By offering them money for sexual favors. Well, maybe we should have said that parents, maybe you want to this track your young ears from this episode. But anyways, so currently in California, this particular action is a misdemeanor. The Senate and Assembly just passed a bill in California to make this particular act now. I think they call it like a grievous felony where you can get harsher punishment. Well, what’s bonkers about that? Well, to a sane, good moral person, we will say, hey, great, I think they should be harsh punishment if an. Adult is soliciting a child by offering them money for sexual favors or for sex or whatever. However, there’s a particular group of the society that thinks that this bill is wrong and it’s directly targeting certain group of people. Here is the response. From some Californians at a town hall. It’s bill.

[SB1414 Hearing]

We believe that SB 1414 takes an overly punitive approach that fails to address the root causes of these issues and will not effectively stop sexual violence. We are particularly concerned that the harsher penalties proposed in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community who already suffer. From systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually based offenses, studies have shown that LGBTQ people, particularly gay and transgendered individuals, are more likely to be charged with sex offenses compared to their heterosexual counterparts. For instance, LGBTQ individuals are 9 times more likely to be charged with ****** measures like SB 1414 lead to higher rates of incarceration, longer sentences, and increased difficulties in finding housing and employment.

[SB1414 Hearing]

Today, BC must strongly oppose.


Alright, that was positive a little bit. So there’s this bill that make it. A felony and provide harsher punishment for adults when they solicit a child with money for sex, and they are opposing it because. It will disportionately affect the LGBTQ community. So what does that tell you about the LGBTQ community? The bill is at fault here, so maybe if they don’t solicit a child for sex, the bill won’t affect them anyway, they continue.

[SB1414 Hearing]

Senate Bill 1414. For the reasons I will state, we stand against any punitive measure that perpetuates systemic injustices, and we emphasize instead the need for community based solutions. We strongly support investments in victim services and programs to provide housing and other alternatives to help people escape trafficking. We are concerned that the harsher penalties. Contained in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, particularly black and brown individuals who already bear the brunt of systemic biases within our criminal justice system. Under current California law, defendants could face years or even decades in prison for sexual violence committed against the minor, not just six months in jail, as Senator Grove and prosecutors have previously claimed. Furthermore, the approach outlined in SB1414 diverts resources from vital programs and services aimed at supporting survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Opting instead to increase funding for lengthy jail. Terms our research has shown that punitive measures, such as lengthy incarceration and registries, do little to prevent crime or protects communities. Instead, they perpetuate cycles of incarceration, exacerbating the very problems they are meant to address. Rather than investing in punitive measures, we should be investing in community based solutions. That address the underlying issues driving exploitation. We should instead support survivors and healing and rebuilding their lives with access to housing and funding for service providers. Given this, we respectfully urge you to oppose SB 1414. Thank you.


So not only is the LGBT community supportively affected because they guess they’re the one who’s going to most likely be paying kids for sex, but also the black community and the brown people in America is going to be disproportionately affected because I guess they’re the ones who’s going to be. Paying kids for sex too? I don’t know about you, but I think I’m offended. I’m black. I have no plans to offer any kid any money for sexual favors. So by the grace of God, this bill will not affect me. And do you want to offer other options? Well, offering housing and all these other things that you talk about, not gonna help. I have a solution. Something that I’ve worked for the last 2000 plus years. How about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Change hearts. It changed minds. But I’m glad this bill and I hope it goes into law, is dear. As a deterrent for those who probably would say ohh it’s it’s a misdemeanor, well hopefully now is more of a deterrent for some who may have rejected the saving grace of Jesus Christ and New life in him. Anyways, let me finish this up and then I’ll let you jump in. Jay.

[SB1414 Hearing]

Respectful opposition.

[SB1414 Hearing]

Shivani Nashar with Ella Baker Center in respectful opposition. I’m also registering opposition on behalf of Just Advocate California Innocence Coalition, uncommon law, curb and felony murder elimination project.

[SB1414 Hearing]

Melanie Kim, San Francisco Public defenders office. Respectful opposition. Duke Cooney, on behalf of ACLU California action or spitball position. Thank you. Jim Lindberg, Friends Committee on legislation to California opposed. Thank you.


So there you have it. This is California for you, a bill that strengthen the laws against people buying sex from children has a number of opposition, and the major ones are because it disproportionately affects the LGBTQIA community. And the black and brown community. Let’s see UJ.


I wish they would explain their position a little more. How? Does this bill disproportionately affect members of the LGBTQIA community and the Black and Brown community? Without the tacit admission that these are the people that are more likely to approach children for? Illicit, let’s say, favors. I’m going to steal, man their argument. The only way that I could think that this would disproportionately affect that group of people is that when you come quote UN quote, come out as a member of the LGBTQIA community, to your family, it seems to be the norm. That your family? This isn’t their point of view. Your family won’t accept it and you will end up being kicked out. And so these young people don’t have anywhere to go. And so. If they are out on the streets. I could see that’s where their argument for better housing would come from somewhere to house these children that have made this decision to be a part of the community and subsequently have lost their home as a result, I suppose. Not really, but I suppose I could see if they were to lose their home because they came out as gay or trans or whatever, that if they have an older, say, friend or ally in the LGBTQIA community. Perhaps. That would be a line at which. It would be considered. You know, in an appropriate relationship between a child and adult, you know how for men they can be charged with child essay. We’ll say just say that for whatever algorithms, but child assault of the intimate kind. And it’s almost oftentimes not always. But sometimes I should say I shouldn’t say oftentimes. Sometimes it’s a situation where. You have a 17 year old and a 16 year old that you know are dating, but when he become. Some say 19. She’s still 17, they’re still together. But if there’s any type of interaction there that’s still considered child abuse because she’s not of age yet, even though the age gap is quite narrow, I wonder if perhaps they’re making that argument because within the LGBTQ community, you might have a situation like that. And so there might be disproportionately affected. And that’s not even a very strong steel man. But even if they were to make that argument, the bill specifically targets people who approach children with money for these illicit favors. That wouldn’t even cover the people I tried to steal. Man, their argument with.


So let me ask you a question who’s most likely to go. To the store and buy ammo.


UM. People who shoot guns, people who have guns.


OK, so she said. Ohh. At least one of them said that LGBTQIA community are most likely to be charged with ******.

Like like duh, sorry. I’m I’m like. OK. Isn’t that kind of would be the field that if they break the law right that way, what will happen? I’m like you.


Know. So then by extension if. There is a law calling for harsher punishment for those that would try to receive these type of favors from children for money then. Goodness, that’s a really poor argument that she’s saying. If they are the most likely to be affected, then that means they’re the ones doing it.


Exactly. Anyways, what do you have for us? I think we’ve spent enough time on this.


OK, before I go on to mine, you know what I think this is. I think because they can say buzzwords or buzz phrases like LGBTQ IA marginalized, most likely affected black and brown. These are trigger words in our community that automatically. He sets our brain to think within the prism of oppressed and not oppressed. Of course, all of the intersectional ideas that that come up, and so you just automatically want to throw out any type of good law which I think this perhaps that’s be 1414, might be a a really good law. I don’t know details about it, but so if you just say these buzzwords, you jam people automatically. Think, OK, this law is unjust. We have to either reevaluate it or we have to compromise or we have to, you know, look at it to make sure that it’s equitable or whatever terminology they use. And I think that’s all that is because I don’t think that they are genuinely listening to themself. Most and understanding what they’re saying, if they do understand what they’re saying and they’re not just spitting out a bunch of buzzwords without knowing what it is because they’re part of the mass psychosis that is leftism in this country. If they do know what they’re saying, then they are either evil. Or they are evil. I don’t know what other option there is. They’re they’re either evil or they’re evil to oppose a bill that would call for harsher punishment for this type of crime, particularly now with the news being what it is with very famous people that are currently under litigation and charge and trial and all these types of things. For this very thing. It’s incredible to me that they would even have the moral premise to fight back against a bill like that. That’s why I say I wish I knew more because I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that perhaps this is some sort of omnibus thing that they are fighting against. Perhaps there’s something else in SB1414 that is a legitimate. Legal concern that they don’t want to have passed because it is a true issue of justice, and maybe that’s what’s really happening here.




No, I don’t think that it. I don’t think that is it because none of them mention anything about that, but.


I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s it either, but I exactly I can’t imagine. Well, I suppose I should be able to imagine people being quite that evil, but they’re we have proof that such a thing does exist, which is bonkers. OK, the first one that I have is a story that has lived in my head rent free for the past few weeks. Past few days is more like it. Hezbollah and the pagers. That have gone off and killed so many of them. I just can’t get over this story. But. Teachers that have been used by Hezbollah. Which? Pretty much everyone recognizes as a terrorist organization. These pagers detonated and killed several of them and injuring thousands. I’ll just read from certain parts from the article here. This is from electronic pagers belonging to members of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Exploded simultaneously on Tuesday after. Noon killing at least nine people and wounding around 2800 across the Middle East nation. So this is across Lebanon now Lebanese government officials and Hezbollah blamed Israel. They said after they examined all the facts available, data and information about the heinous attack that took place. This is the Lebanese Government official speaking. We hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible for this criminal aggression and that’s a statement from Hezbollah. Israel’s military declined to comment, but apparently afterward, they secretly told the US that they were responsible. Many of the explosions rocked the southern suburbs of Beirut, the main Hezbollah stronghold. Beirut, of course, is the capital of Lebanon as well. Videos on social media show a number of men going about their daily business when they were suddenly. Knocked to the ground by the force of the exploding pagers and, of course, bystanders were also injured. You had the ambulance. Action rushed people to the hospital. Of course, emergency rooms were quickly overwhelmed and at least 200 of the 2800 were seriously injured. And it goes on to explain all of these different things that were carried out. So apparently the story is that because they know that Israel can carry out very sophisticated, highly technological attacks.




Decided to go low tech with beepers and pagers, and so there’s apparently a video of one of their leaders saying, hey, you know, get rid of your cell phone, bury it, get rid of it, use pagers instead. And so it turns out that all of these pagers that were apparently purchased from a a company in Hungary, I think it is. I may have to double check on that. Fact Check that, and subcontracted in Taiwan. All of these pagers went off simultaneously. All at the same time, if I’m not mistaken, as around 3:30 in the afternoon, or perhaps a little bit after that. And this is based off all the different videos and pictures of the pages and all these different things. And so there’s a discussion as to whether the batteries were rigged somehow to overheat and blow up, but it looks like because of the strength of the blast. That actual high explosives were implanted into each of these pagers and were designated. I can’t wrap my brain around the level. Of reach that a government entity could have to where it could intercept the supply chain with no recourse and do something like this. The amount of Intel that that would require and the amount of maneuvering and the amount of and. Blows my mind. I don’t mean to say that I don’t think the government can’t do that. It blows me away and I know that it shouldn’t. It blows me away that a government would do the. And one of the representatives that journalists spoke to for this article said the widespread nature of the pagers exploding indicates that the supply chain of the pagers was compromised at some point. No kidding. This isn’t a company that was in one particular place. This is a multinational. Effort. Court because apparently it was a shell company set up in one of these European countries. Whether it’s hungry or I have it here, I’ll probably have to look it up later. So there’s a shell company and let’s say Hungary, I’ll have to Fact Check that there’s a shell company in Hungary that sold these pagers made by Taiwan, sold to people in Lebanon, rigged and obviously booby trapped by Israel. And it worked.


Well, the IDF and it will have always been known for being very sophisticated. I’ll be honest. When I first heard this news, I thought it was fake news because I’m thinking there’s no way a small little pager can.




Blood with enough force to kill an adult? Mm-hmm. So I’m thinking, you know, the Israeli Government can’t just hack my phone and blow it up, but it makes sense that they intercept the route and the supply chain and and plant something in them so they blow up with more force and stuff like that. So. That makes sense, but how they went about doing it, we will never know. That’s the CIA.


Yeah, I.


‘S. Top secret stuff. They have spies and people in all kind of places too, you know? Quite honestly, you know, we have talked about. After Israel, Gaza, war and war English, you know a couple of times on this podcast, you know, at the end of the day where they say all is fair in love and war, you know, at some point, you know, my heart goes out to the innocent people that suffer when it comes to these things and both sides. But at the end of the day, I can’t say I understand. I’ve never been in war, nor can I say I understand.




Everything that’s going on and. Honestly, do I agree with everything the Israeli Government and the military doing? No. But I do understand that they were attack, you know, and do I agree with every punch back that they have given? Not really. But I do understand they had to punch back. So hey, and at the end of the day, the US is not much better.


Yeah. Ohh absolutely that’s true.


So we can, if we our stuff under the rug. And again, why is it that NPR is saying ohh, they told the US that we are the one behind of it, shouldn’t that be top secret?




I don’t know. We sound like something that I’m telling my ally, but I don’t want my enemy to know. But uh, I don’t.


Know that’s amazing to me. So to me that seems to be a really big problem that people throw the word fascism around a lot. But when you have government and businesses in bed together in such an intricate and pervasive way, that leaves a lot of concerns. Let’s say that leaves me very concerned that the supply chain could be infiltrated. To such a degree. That this could take place now I understand. Again, you mentioned war. Yes. Israel is at war and Hezbollah has made it incredibly clear, along with many other Muslim countries and entities that they hate Israel and that Israel needs to be wiped off the map. Israel should defend itself. None of those things are up for debate or question. I understand that. But what I’m getting at is the level of sophistication and. How deep governments have their tentacles in how much reach and influence they have in the business sector, supply or the supply chain, I should say. I understand that they do. I just. I guess I’m just surprised, even though I know that they have the capability, I’m just floored by seeing that in action. This story has been living rent free in my head for the past several days, so that’s my number one.


Alright, next one. Well, let’s take a break and then we’ll get into our next bunkers.


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All right, parents, I’m apologizing again for this one, but my next box. Hers is from the Christian Post. Its title school, 4th girl to Sleep with male allowed non binary female to supervise boys in showers and there’s a lawsuit going on right now on that. And let me clarify from being when you say sleep with boy, the mean in the same bed, not anything sexual.


OK so.


Street, Jefferson County Public Schools in Colorado allowed a non binary female to supervise boys showers and force a female student to share a bed with a male, violating parental rights over children. Privacy and accommodation decisions on school trips, according to the federal lawsuit. File on the behalf of. Parents, the lawsuit accused JCPS of not providing truthful information to parents concerning who will be supervising and sharing accommodation with their children on school sponsored trips. The advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom, which filed the complaint on the behalf of three families, said in a statement. The policy at the center of the controversy. Directs that students be assigned to share overnight accommodation with other students that share the students gender identity, rather than according to their biological. Effects. So basically what’s going on here is that they went on a school trip and I guess it’s going to be overnight parents. I don’t know why you would send your kids an overnight trip with the school, but that’s nearly here and there. That’s not something I would do, but they went on a field trip overnight stay and there was a student, I think the student is a biological male identified. The girl and they allow this biological male to sleep in the same bed with the biology. Male, female and they had a biological female supervising the boys while they were showing because she was non binary or whatever the case. Maybe Kate Anderson, ADF senior counsel and director of the ADF Center for Parental Rights, underlined the importance of parental rights in directing the bringing education of their children, parents, not the government, have the right and duty to direct the upbringing and education of their children, and that includes making informed decision to protect their child’s privacy. The filing site specific incident that’s per the legal action. And I’m just going to leave it there. They went on and named some different laws and different cases that are in the system or have gone to the Supreme Court. But why are we surprising this one? You know, I don’t know who to blame here. Obviously, the adults and the life, the leaders on this field trip, of course being the brunt of the blame. But if my kid is going on the overnight field trip, especially with anything associated with the public. School. I’m going to assume that they’re going to be work and they’re going to, when they say gender identity or girls sit in a different room and boys sleep in a different room, they’re not going to separate them based on biological sex, but they’re gonna separate them based on their definition of gender. I guess. I don’t know why you would assume that they would not. Could someone who identify as a a girl, but he’s really a boy in the room with the girls that has been happening, you know, look at the sports since Biden and well before him too. So I’m not surprised. But I think the parents here might be just a little bit. Too trusting.


Oh yeah, for sure. It seems that the school responded and said that they are still determining all the facts surrounding the claims made in the lawsuit, saying that it was only recently informed of what happened on the field trip. So it looks like the higher ups of the school say the principal and all these other people didn’t know what was happening. But the leaders that you know, set up the field trip, they’re the ones that knew what happened. They say, so they say, even if the leaders and the principles and things they didn’t know, as you said, MCG.




The organizers of this field trip absolutely should have let parents know what the situation was instead of charging ahead with it and then asking questions later. I think it’s I don’t want to say funny that one of these children identifies as non binary, but she’s female. There’s no other one. Wait. I’m sorry. The leader herself is non binary.


There was a leader. The leader, identified as non ban. She’s biological female and they allow her to supervise the boys in shower.


Ohh I thought that was a non binary student that was allowed. My question was going to be why are you allowing students to supervise other showering but OK.


No, no, no, no. No one of the leaders done binary female.




Allowed to supervise the boys while they’re showing.


I see. I see.


And then there’s a child also, who is a biological male but identifies biological female. Who was allowed to sleep with a girl in the same?


Bed. OK. So then I take my statement about the leaders like the principles, the principle and all those things. I take all that back. If they had a non binary person on their staff and that person was allowed to supervise males showering, then they knew exactly who this person was. What they were about and still allowed for all of these things to happen, they’re just as much as fault. And so wow, that’s incredible. I completely didn’t see that. OK. So the organizer is the one who’s non binary allowed to supervise students showering. OK. Yeah. Then no, the school is completely culpable. There’s no excuse for this at all. This wasn’t some situation where one woke teacher decides to do this thing and hides very important details from everyone, including the principal and including leaders. And then, you know, the leadership was blindsided by it. That’s what I thought this was. That’s what it sounded like to me originally. But clearly this is not the case. Clearly this school has a very permissive position and policy when it comes to people in the LGBTQIA community being in power and in supervisory roles over the children. And so I have no doubt that they knew, and there’s no way that they should not have known that. This field trip was a happening B. The things that were happening on the field trip were happening. I suppose the parents only found out that through the children there seems to be.


I have no idea. I’m still baffled.


Because the schools certainly not being open with their parents there.


I’m still baffled that a parent will allow their kids to go on a field trip overnight, field trip with people that they don’t know and may not have the same morals. I don’t know. I guess maybe I’m too protective. I’m or I’m the bunker one.




We’re bunkers now cause this right here is the norm. Apparently we’re the bunkers ones now. OK, I have my second one.


Anyway, what do you have?


Here. Hey, my second one here is about Steve Lawson. You may have heard the news that was published very well respected preacher, Bible College, Seminary professor. Conference Speaker Steve Lawson was both fired and resigned from all of his roles as a result of a quote. Inappropriate relationship. A woman. This one’s been living rent free in my head for a while as well. I remember when Ravi Zacharias was found to be the type of person that he was in secret. Only after his death. I remember the first thing I thought of was a conference that he had during the Q&A session. He shared the stage with a person who claimed that Jesus understood. Dysmorphia, because he himself was God in the flesh, and so he experienced both gender and body dysmorphia, and Ravi Zacharias said nothing to refute it when it came his time to speak. And I remember thinking that and thinking, whoa, that’s huge. That’s weird. OK, maybe he didn’t want to. Maybe he’ll address it. Later and thought nothing of it afterward. Only after his death did that raise up in my mind as a red flag. But for Steve Lawson, nothing. This was this blindsided me a little bit. I was completely surprised. Who hear about Steve Lawson now. Steve Lawson is of a reformed flavor of preacher. And so. Barring all of that, he is a sound preacher. If you ask him how to be saved, he’s not gonna tell you some nonsense. It’s the Bible doesn’t say wow. I was blown away by this. I suppose I’ll just read it because I’m so flabbergasted even now. This is from, Steve Lawson, Steven J Lawson, a prominent Christian pastor, was fired Thursday from Trinity Baptist Church of Dallas, becoming the latest North Texas religious leader to leave the pulpit this year due to controversy. Of course they’re referencing the other gentleman and Dallas big name, his name is escaping me right now. What’s his name? Ohh Tony Evans, and I think Morris is another one that had to. Shut down on Thursdays. Church elders issued a statement that the 73 year old lead pastor had been quote removed indefinitely from all ministry activities for the church after he self reported a quote inappropriate relationship that he has had with a woman. The elder said that they met with the pastor and planned to continue praying for him. With the quote ultimate goal of his personal repentance, they go on to say that he’s been fired, no longer compensated, and that everything that he’s had going on, whether it was a conference or speaking or preaching or teaching all of that’s been canceled. In addition to that, he was part of, I don’t know if he founded it, but he was part of this organization called One Passion, which like to press the issue of exegetical preaching, just line by line, verse by verse. They issued this statement, the board of one Passion Ministries mournfully announces that just recently Stephen J Lawson confessed to the board that he has had an inappropriate relationship with a woman. A sin that has disqualified him from ministry and response, he has resigned from all of his duties at one passion. Industries. All of the scheduled events and engagements have been cancelled. It goes on to say that Steve has confessed and regrets the damage that he has caused his family, the church, the reputation of one passion ministries and most of all, Jesus Christ. We are saddened for the glory of Christ in this matter. The truth of the Gospel will continue to go out to the lost world. As it is empowered by the Holy Spirit and not. By men, it is a reminder that we have been warned of the craftiness of the enemy. Then it goes on to quote first Peter 5/8 about being sober minded, being watchful because the adversary the devil, prowls around like a lion and it goes on to give people contact information about having to adjust their giving and all these sorts of things if they were donating to the ministry. Now the reason why I picked this one was. AI was blindsided by this, and I know I shouldn’t say that, but there are just some people where you would think that if they said something about them you’d be like, oh, no, not that guy. No, not that person. That was one of the situations for me and this one, but also I am disturbed by how they’re describing this so-called sin. Because it’s the same language that initially Ravi Zacharias was accused of and many others who had fallen, they always call it something mild, like inappropriate relationship. Instead of calling it what it actually is adultery or fornication. If they’re not married, there seems to be this soft handling whitewashing. Downplaying of the sin that these men were involved with. Yes, but they always say, oh, no, we’re concerned about the glory of Christ, and we’re concerned about the gospel going forward. And but they won’t name the sin as ugly as it is. They won’t name it, they downplay it. And in doing that, in some ways, they justify or excuse it, maybe justify as too strong a word, but they excuse it as if sin were this trivial thing. Like, it’s only a hiccup. Something that you just trip over. But sin of this kind, from what I understand, stems from a long trail of unrepentant personal sin that has finally come to a head. Maybe I’m speaking out of bounds here. But it’s highly unlikely that this is a sin that you just tumble into. And so I’m disturbed with how the language that’s being used here and the reason I find that this is bonkers is because. Judgment has to begin at the House of God. It has to begin at the church. It’s our so-called leaders. If grown men in the faith, if I could say it like that, are not taking heed to their walk, how much more the rest of us?


Yeah, concerning the vague language. If you want to call it that. So you have to protect the innocent in the matter, so to some degree we don’t need to know what happened, you know, is maybe to some extent it’s none of our business and to some extent the circle of confession should be as wide as a circle of the sin. So in a sense, they necessarily didn’t even have to make this public, but because he’s a public figure. So to speak, they would have to give some sort of announcement, but who knows? Who was this wait or whatever the case may be, you have to protect the innocent or at least give the innocent the opportunity to put themselves out there if they want to do that. So to some extent, yeah, I can understand and it seems to be the American. I always compare it to the islands and the islands. It’s small. Everybody and the dog would have known exactly who the two persons or four or five person involved would have been in the US it’s a complete different thing, but you have to take that in mind as well. Secondly, I never really knew Stephen Lawson. I’ve never really listened to any messages. I know I played a clip from him on one of the episodes. I think with the. Episode. With was his name. That guy that told the grandma to go to the.


Ohh Alistair Begg.


The bag I played the clip. With him talking about not going to LGBTQI weddings, and I found that on Twitter and found that he was, that statement was solid and I found out that he is contemporary to MacArthur and Alistair Begg and these guys. So I figure I’ll play him.




For that. So I never really knew Stephen last night and I’ve never listened to a complete message from. Him. I. Their dances and dances was their PIM. I director for many years. I think he also taught at the West Coast Baptist College. He might still be there. I think he has a book called over time or something like that. I’ve never read it, but I remember he was promoting it at my. Church. And one thing he said, you know, he’s an old man. Now I’m going to guess he’s probably in his mid 80s, if not older and.


He’s still currently at West Coast, by the way.


He emphasized the fact of finishing well and that’s kind of more pointedly important to men because we are and slave to our minds, so to speak. And no matter what age and I don’t know, they didn’t give any details about this. Was this something recently happened? It seems to me like it’s something that happened, at least not recently, and he just confessing it now. Or it could be something that happened recently. But whatever case may be, it’s important that we finish. Well, I’m going to take. This first, grossly out of context, but this is the first that kind of come to my mind as I listen to it and is an aspect of 14. I’m just going to read verse 15. I’m going to give you beginning the context on it and saying, sirs, why do he these things we are men of, like, passions with you and preach unto you that he should turn from these vanities.




Unto the living God which make heaven Earth and the sea, and all things that are daring. So this was Paul and Barnabas. When the folks that worshipping them and bananas and Paul say, hey, we are men of like passion. M. And that’s. Something Christians need to realize when we exhort these people on a pedestal what is a pastor, what a famous or not, who server the Ravi Zacharias of the world, and the Stephen Lawson of the world and the voting becomes of the world. If you want to exalt them, and then all of a sudden they fail because that time we fail to realize that they are men of like passion.




Just like we are, they are sinners, saved by grace. And just like we can fall, they can fall. You know, my heart goes out to everything that’s happening here with Steve Larson, but again, men of like passion, he’s more than capable of falling just like anyone else, and maybe even more so because of his famous status. Women might throw themselves at him, you know, if you don’t have safeguards up and stuff like that, you know, you will. Trip and you fall. This seemed to be a fall to me. Doesn’t seem to be something that he has been watering in the mud, so probably most likely he’s not gonna ever have a ministry again. Well, he’s 73 anyway, but most like, he’s not gonna have any ministry again. But he can certainly. Me. Repent and move on. And the Lord. So anyways, that’s what came to my mind again. That verse was totally taken out of context in a sense. But the phrase I’m looking at is men of like passion, which you need to realize that all these famous whatever people are men of, like passion and just encourage men. Let’s finish well and I’m things dance.




A book called Overtime. At this point, you know. I think a lot of times when you get to a certain age or you have been safe for X amount of years, you kind of let your guard down, you know, figure well, it’s not gonna happen to me. You haven’t happened to me in my 30s or in my 40s or in my 50s. Well, I’m in my 70s now, you know, but it was still happening.


So we’re. Reminder for all of us, for sure. OK, what’s your third one?


Alright. Alright, I have a last one here and this one. I don’t even know where to begin this one. It’s not only bunkers, but it’s probably one of the most. I guess the funniest one I’ve ever seen, so there’s this Mariah Carey impersonator who married herself and then divorced herself. So the article reads, turns out being married isn’t any easier when it’s just to oneself.


OK, I’m alright. OK, go ahead.


Influence the model and Myra Carrie impersonator. I guess her name is pronounced as sullen carry. If it’s not, I’m sorry. Who made headlines last year when she tied the knot in a bizarre summary to herself in. Has ended her nearly one year marriage, according to a report reflected on her decision to call it quits. Carrie expressed the difficulties she faced committing to herself, the mirror reported, and when listed, the Mirror report is actually a news organization called The Mirror. But I guess the point is intended.


They did that on purpose.


It’s critical to know when to add a cycle, Carrie reportedly said. Even commitment to oneself can have its challenges, such as dealing with the expectation of being perfect for yourself all the time. She added that she realized I was putting a lot of pressure on myself, and that sometimes. Left me exhausted. I understood that even in a marriage with ourselves, it is important to accept our imperfections. The 36 year old was born in Brazil, but currently lives in London says she even went to couples therapy to try and work through her soul of marriage, known as Sologamy. But after 10 sessions of therapy, she decided it was time for the. It’s you can’t make this thing up, man. You can’t make things like this.






Admitting that she at times felt lonely in her relationship, according to the mirror. Alright, do you need to repent?


I’m sorry. OK, I’m alright, alright.


I realized that the solar governor’s marriage was a process of healing and self discovery, she continued. But I also understood that personal growth can lead us in different directions. In an Instagram story post, the influencers shared a puberty post about her divorce and puberty. Some company and caption it I need.




A new hub. Human as well as an emoji of an laughing face with tears and a heart, Carrie, who has some 433,000 followers on Instagram, announced her nuptials on September 21st, 2023, posting a photo of herself in a white wedding. Just saying it was one of the happiest days of her life. Today I value and love myself. I married myself here in London, Carrie said. The celebration is important because I learned to prioritize my well-being and mental health in my vows. I wrote and declared my commitment to caring for and valuing myself. Love Carrie has also. Work as an in demand, Mariah Carey impersonated, getting her brick back in 2019 after she was invited to perform at a look alike party by 20/22. She said she was reckoning 1800 during the Christmas season.


I think that might be a typo. I think that’s 18,000 maybe.


Yeah, it might be a typo, but it’s one out of 800, but they have to come in the wrong place anyways. I’m going to leave it there. One thing the article didn’t mention, but it appears to be. I know I used the female pronoun, but the person also appeared to be transgendered, so I don’t know, but whatever.




Maybe so. They marry themselves. Then they became lonely and they find it hard to please themselves to even walk through marriage counseling and therapy and all this stuff with their spouse, I guess. And they finally decide to divorce themselves. Well, I guess you know what I think. That was the probably. The most bonkers articles we have. Read.


That is bonkers, my goodness.




If I may say something, I apologize to everyone that had to hear me laugh in the background, but this is very sad. Clearly this person has. I’ll be nice mentally.


Clearly this person is.


That’s good to say mental issues that need to be addressed, but at the same time, what makes it so sad? The number of people that has gone on with his delusion and it has encouraged it and affirmed it.


Well, I’m not sure if they’re transgendered. I’m just.


Oh, OK.


Some other stuff I’m seeing from the person appeared to be that they are male. Who, who have translated to female? OK, but I could.


Be wrong could be wrong. OK, then let me just say they then. I don’t know if this person is male or female, but OK, so the number of people that have gone on with this delusion alongside with this person affirming it, the what do you need to for a marriage certificate? Don’t you need a notary? Don’t you need a judge? Don’t you need the judicial system to? You know, take the paper and say, OK, yes you. Married. I’m pretty sure that you need a witness.


I don’t think she went to all that. I don’t think she went and signed papers and all that stuff. I think they just had a ceremony. I’m just assuming I’m just assuming.


So oh OK, because OK. And then they go.


Look, no this. Well, it’s bonkers, but I don’t think it’s that bonkers. At least. At least hopefully.


No, I don’t know. I’ve been. I I just read a few things that were incredibly bonkers that made me think, you know, she probably went through the whole thing with this. But I mean, OK, let’s say that they just had a ceremony and then, you know, put it on Instagram on social media for people to see. But what about the therapist that she went to or filing divorce papers? I mean, there’s.


Yes, Sir, Prince.


Paid. Ah, yeah, I suppose anything for money? Well, then that’s a problem. The love of money is the root of all evil. The scriptures say. But how many people had to affirm this delusion? Let’s say she didn’t really get divorce papers and marriage papers and all these different things. Let’s say that. But the therapist, of course, is someone that had to go along. I would say a majority of her followers would be people that would affirm this delusion that she’s living in. Perhaps her family. I don’t know the extent to which her family fought back against this or tried to pull her back from the brink. But this is something that is a window. A mirror into how degenerate our society is. Well, I’m just laughing at. I’m laughing in the background because it’s so silly on its face. It’s also like.


Oh yeah. Yeah, but I have a bunch of questions that like, OK, she divorced herself. I want to know who got the house. How did they fit they asset? You know, stuff like that, where children involved, who get their children, you know?


How much alimony, exactly, exactly?


Ohh goodness.


But anyways, I guess I’ll leave it there.


OK, I have one last one before we wrap this podcast up and that this one perhaps I should have gone before you MCU that way we could end on a lighter note, but this one is a little dark. This one says a Virginia school photographer loses her job after she allegedly asked young students. Quote, can I eat your soul? I’m going to assume that parents. Have already shoot their kids out of listening range because of the previous bonkers articles, but this one I’ll just read it a few lines from. Vertical here of Virginia Elementary school photographer reportedly lost her job after being accused of making improper remarks to young students, including allegedly asking one boy can I eat your soul? The principle of Chatham Elementary School in Chesapeake? Bridgette outlaw. OK, the principal of this school. Her name is Bridget Outlaw. She said that she sent an e-mail to parents last week informing them that photographer was hired to take school picture. And was escorted off the campus for making quote inappropriate comments to students. They didn’t name the photographer. They didn’t name the child she was talking to. The child apparently went and told Mom and Mom went to the school to demand answers. The school was using a photography service owned by Shutterfly. So in an interview, the parent said that her son came to her and said the photographer was asking him. Very, very uncomfortable questions. The photographer asked him. Hey, can I steal your identity? Can I eat your soul? And the boy was at a loss. He didn’t know what to say. And the mother is saying no, that’s not funny. You should not be able to talk to a child that way and say. These things. And some people are writing it off saying ohh she’s just joking. She’s just being funny. It’s not a big deal, but the mother’s adamant and I agree with her that it’s not funny and you don’t make children feel uncomfortable like that scares them. It’s not appropriate. And I wholeheartedly agree with her. She says that her son told her that she asked him. Can I steal your identity? And so he responded, no. An innocent kid just says no, and her next question was can I eat your soul? And he’s just flabbergasted. And he’s saying no, no. And so after she asked. On that, her next question was well, you know, if I can’t eat your soul, what can I eat? Apparently, he said to his mom. You know, Mommy, I didn’t know what else to say, so I said the first thing that came to my mind. And you know what came to his mind? He told her noodles. You can have noodles. You can. Eat. Noodles and for kid. And her response? This person’s mentally ill. Her response was, quote, demons don’t eat noodles, she. Said that to the kid and so. The mother initially took to Facebook in order to warn other parents in her community and in the school of this particular photographer. Apparently, the school responded swiftly. That woman was fired and that was that. But some people will say, yeah, she was just joking, but I think perhaps as parents, this is source is a good reminder. That there are evil people, evil beings that are out to. Who devour our children, and they don’t always, although this is a bonkers article that someone would actually say something like that to a kid. But these people are just as effective and they are present in the media that we consume. I was saying this to MCG the other day. There’s been such an uptick, a cult or witchcraft type stores that I’ve seen open up even in our immediate area. And of course this type of thing is present in the media that we consume and. Has been for many many, many many years. I would warn people that it doesn’t always have an obvious demonic face. My mom always. Says that if the devil came to you with redskin and flames and a pointy tail and a pitchfork, you would run because you’d know exactly who he was. But he never comes to you like that. He’ll always come to you disguised as an Angel of light and disguise as a good thing, seemingly offering you good things. And therein is the hook that’s in the bait. And I think when it comes to the entertainment that we set in front of our children, that we need to be absolutely wary on guard because they will insert these things. In very small ways, unobtrusive, inoffensive, little jokey ways, in order to set you up to receive, and to affirm this particular condition, I’ll give you one example, one of the most famous movies in recent years is it’s amazing to think that it’s been so many years now, but it was Avengers end game. Came huge cultural moment. So many people went to the theaters to watch this film. So many people who were fans of the comic book series and then people who watched the entire MCU Universe, Marvel Universe that wanted to see the ending. And there’s a scene in there in which these two sets of Avengers ran into each other and they didn’t recognize they didn’t know each other, and they took the Lord’s name in vain in a very funny way, in a way that most people would laugh at it because of the way the joke was set up in that scene.




You wouldn’t think anything of it, even as a Christian, you would look at that and think ohh haha that’s funny because it wasn’t just blatant taking his name in vain. If you wanted to you could explain it away, although clearly it was a jab at the Lord at his name but they did it in such a funny, engaging sort of way that most people wouldn’t even bat an eye at it. And I’m sure the rest of the film was really gripping in its story, telling the cinematic value and all that sort of thing. And it was a very fleeting. Moment. No one thought anything of it, apparently, clearly. But even those little things are more than enough to undermine your worship before the Lord. Your heart, positioned before the Lord because it’s with those little things. A little jab here, a little cut there, a little bit of a joke here, a little bit of an innuendo or intonation there. And suddenly you find yourself. Compromised. You find yourself making excuses for the sin in the media that you can. Zoom you find yourself setting your children down in front of questionable media and you find yourself finding ways to explain that away. I know that makes me sound prudish and alarmist, perhaps, but I really think that this is how the enemy operates. He’ll never come to you with Redskin and a pitchfork and horns. He’ll always come to you in a funny, engaging sort of ecumenical. Hey, let’s all be friends type of way. And until you realize that you’re in deep and you didn’t realize when you had stepped in it, so this weird, obvious mentally disturbed. Person seeing nothing wrong with asking a child. Hey, can I eat your soul? And demons don’t eat noodles. Seeing nothing wrong with that is clear indication of someone who has. Just bit by bit by bit by bit, step by step by step. Not just her, but us as a society, us as a people have gotten to the point where we don’t even bat an eyelash at these obvious, evil, demonic things. We make light of it and we do not fully apprehend or fully believe the danger that these things represent. So for me it was bonkers that she would actually say that, but it also served to warn us of very small ways. Small, persistent, constant ways that we open ourselves up to spiritual attack. If you notice the rocks that are in a river or in a Creek, they’re all very smooth and you don’t get rugged rocks to become smooth.

The by immediate action, it’s always the soft constant running of the water that will shape those rocks into what they need to be, and so we’d be fools to think that we can expose ourselves to this type of so-called entertainment and not be affected by it.


Earlier, but I agree with what you just said. That I’m gonna go from a different angle because I’m curious what this photographer look like.


Ohh that would be a very good thing to know for sure too.


Because. In my mind, I’m seeing someone with blue or pink here. Sure, a number of piercings and tattoo all over the place. I could be wrong, but that’s the vision of the person I am seeing this young lady.




To be that did this.




And where am I going with this? Well, professionalism has gone out the.


Out the window.


20 years ago, no one would have hired someone that looked like that to come to a school to take photography, you know? No one. But why is it today that you can just anyhow you want? Have it here anyhow you want have any number of piercing. You want any number tattoo you want and then go into the classroom. The teach people kids. It does show that the world has gone bucking the deed. I’m just saying I don’t know. It could be well, just well put together, lady. Maybe. But the person I have in mind is someone in their early to mid 20s with pink hair and tattoos and all that stuff. I could be wrong, but that’s the picture that come to my mind when they talk about this person. But anyways. I guess I’ll leave my judgmental ways there and we go into a break. You’re listening to the room of embarrassed podcast. We’re looking at bunkers, articles. We’ll be right back.


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All right, Jay, any dishonorable mentions?


I actually don’t have any dishonorable mentions. Which ones do you have?


All right. Well, for this one were mentioned. I have one and this is somewhat ironic, but Black Lives Matter rips Democrat party. On democratic selection of Kamala Harris, Party of hypocrites. That’s what Black Lives Matter is calling Democratic Party because of their installment of Kamala Harris as the nominee. So I found that interesting.




That black life matter would be the one calling them out, but anyways, we won’t get into the hypocrites that black life matters are. But anyways, I’ll leave that there. None of this I never mentioned and this one is not necessarily bonkers, but I’ve not found it interesting. Has babies for. Putin presses women to embrace patriotism over feminism. So putinism encourage young Russian ladies to have babies, and they had to get into the number of children previous generation having, which was somewhat closer to 678 compared to what now today. And the President of Russia is encouraging women to have babies. Which I think is an over call but. Don’t tell the American ladies here. And then also at the DNC, Planned Parenthood offers free abortion and vasectomies.




While outside, I don’t think it was directly outside, but they’re set up like a mobile clinic and they offer mail to come and have a free vasectomy and a woman free abortion join the TNC so.




Yep. So those are my dishonorable mentions. Alright, so as I have always say, do you agree with us? Do you agree with us? You know, we have made light of some of these articles. We probably laughed to some of them, but do you agree with us? It’s this world, bonkers. You know, we can read these articles, we can shake our heads. We can be disgusted. But I more want to know. Do you agree with us and if? Well, as I always ask, what are you doing about it? What are you doing about this bonkers? The Bible says in Max 16 verse 15. And he said unto them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. What I am doing about this bonkers world while I try to share the gospel as much as possible, as much as I can and our country urge you to do the same to reach your Jerusalem. With the Gospel of Jesus Christ in acts chapter 17, the Bible talks about and say and those who have turned the world upside down have come here also. I’m like, let’s turn our Jerusalem upside down with the Gospel of Christ. And if we can’t do that. Please let us try absolutely. So this world is bonkers, but we can do something about it. And I personally believe what we can do about it as Christians is shift the gospel.


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Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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