Pope Francis v. The Bible



Episode 171

In this episode of the Removing Barriers podcast, we discuss a recent interview that Pope Francis gave to Nora O’Donnell. The Pope leads nearly 1.5 billion souls across the globe. That’s 1.5 billion souls that are “baptized” Catholics, but that does not include the additional millions that give his words and actions weight in determining what the orthodox Christian position is on any given issue. Even so, his conversation in this interview is rife with very disturbing declarations about very important subjects such as the nature of man, the nature of salvation, LGBTQIA issues, women’s role in the church, and more. We must critically examine all that we hear in the world and hold it up to the scrutiny of scripture. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the theological differences between Catholic doctrine and what the Bible teaches.


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Note: This is an automated transcription. It is not perfect but for most part adequate.


So, is he speaking as the Pope and that’s on par with Scripture, even though it contradicts Scripture? And how do Catholics marry up the two and bring them into harmony? Because it seems to me that it’s either or. Either the Pope is right, or either the Bible is right.

Thank you for tuning in to the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m Jay and I’m MCG and we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the cross.


This is episode 171 of the Removing Barriers podcasts. And in this episode, we will be responding to a recent interview of Pope Francis on The First with Norah O’Donnell. Pope Francis and Nora discussed a number of things in the hour long sit down and we will be looking at a number of relevant clips.


Hi, this is Jay. MCG and I would like for you to help us remove barriers by going to removingbarriers.net and subscribing to receive all things Removing Barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and help us keep the mics on, consider donating at removingbarriers.net/donate, Removing Barriers, a clear view of the cross.


Alrighty then. So here is the first clip we would like to respond to from Pope Francis sit down with Nora.

[Nora O’Donnell]

On Holy Thursday, you chose to wash the feet and kiss the feet of female prisoners. Only women. That was a first. Many people interpreted that perhaps as a message you were trying to send. Since this time it happened to be only women.

[The Pope’s Translator]

It is true this time it was only women because it was a women’s jail. And the message is that men and women, we are all children of God. That men and women, we are all apostles, and we all can lead.

[Pope Francis]


[The Pope’s Translator]

Let us not forget that the bravest apostles, the most courageous, were the women.

[Pope Francis]

Maria Madalena Maria Salomea Maria.

[The Pope’s Translator]

They stayed with Jesus to the very end.

[Pope Francis]



Alright, so Jay, there you have it. Pope Francis said that we are all Trojan of God. What says the Bible?


The Bible says that we are all God’s creation, each and every one of us are created by God. We are made in the image of God. And God sends reign upon the just and the unjust. But we are not all children of God, the only ones. That can call him ABBA father. Are those? Who have been saved by the death, burial and resurrection. Of Christ putting faith in Christ. Trusting him to take away their sins and to regenerate them and make them new. And at that point they become a child of God. There’s a common misconception in the world that we are all children of God. We’re all basically the same. There’s no genuine distinction in the eyes of God between people, and that’s just not true. Who, unfortunately, the Pope has incredible and far reaching influence globally. Anyone hearing him say that will take that as gospel truth. In fact, in the Catholic Church, if I’m not mistaken, the words of the Pope are on par with script. Sure. And so to hear him say that is problematic to say the least.


Yeah. So I think about John, 111 and 12. And the Bible says, and he came unto his own and his own received him not, but as many as received him to them, gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. But that is right in line with what you just said. How do we become sons of God? Then we have to believe in his name, meaning we have to have repentant faith in Jesus Christ and Galatians 4, verse four to five made that a clearer. And he says. But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of funds again, Galatians 623 for year, all children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus. So we are not all children of God. So as Jay said, we are all God’s creation, but we are not all children. God, of course. The Bible then also in first John three, one to two. Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God. Therefore the world know it us not because it knoweth him not beloved, nor we are the sons of God, and they do it not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. So by kind of make it clear there that there are some people who are sons or children of God, and there are others who are not. The Bible also make it clear that there are some who are the children of the devil and John 844. The Bible says he have your father, the devil, and the loss of your father. He will do. He was the murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth. Because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his. Own for he’s a liar and the father of it. First John 310. In this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil, whosoever doeth not righteousness, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. So therefore the Bible seems to make a clear distinction that there are some people who are the children of the devil. And there’s some people, children of God, and their distinction is that you’re either in Christ, and if you’re in Christ. Or you have received Christ, you will become a son of God. And if you not receive Christ, you remain a child of the devil. So they basically two sets of people in the world, children of God and children of the devil. And the only way you can be adopted in the family of God is to salvation. We are born. In center shape and inequity. So we were born technically into the family of the devil. But when we receive Christ to repentant faith in Jesus Christ, then we become Child of God. Of course, we talk about collusion 116 for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in the Earth, visible and visible, whether they be Thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers. All things were created by him and for. So therefore we can see here, OK. And we know that we are all God’s creation, but we are not all God’s children. And how do we become that alluded to that the Bible says here in Romans 814 to 17 for as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of God for he have not received the spirit of *******. Again, to fear. But he have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, ABBA, father, the spirit itself, spirit witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. And if children then he is he is of God. God and Johnny is with Christ. If so, be that we suffer with him, we may all be glorified together. So Pope Francis, that’s a big no. We’re not all children of God and by. The. Way we are not all apostles neither, and as far as I know, the last apostle was the apostle Paul. You can see that in first county in 15-8 and in order to be an apostle you have to see the resurrected Christ in bodily form. And I don’t think anyone alive today have seen the resurrection Christ in bodily form to be considered apart. And can you think of any woman in the Bible that was an apostle?




Yeah. So that’s another one, but.


Can’t think of any of them as leaders either. I don’t know if the scope of this conversation was the fact that in our world today, women are considered to be equal to men in terms of roles. As it seems like there’s this emphasis on washing the feet of women, and then he went on to say that women are apostles, they are lead. And this is problematic because the role of women in the church is not one of worth or dignity or value. It’s about roles. The Bible is very clear what the Holy Spirit through Paul in the scripture says that I will not suffer women to teach the men they are to be silent. In the church, if they have a question, go home and ask your husband and it’s not because women are less than less capable, less intelligent, or that they cause chaos and you have to keep them controlled. It’s an issue of order and it’s an issue of roles. The Bible says that God created man 1st and it was not man that was deceived by the serpent, but the woman was. And so God is not a God of chaos. He is a God of order. That’s very clear in the scriptures. And so for him to get these fundamental things. Wrong things like the nature of salvation. That is, whether or not we are all children of God, things like the role of women in the church, things like what is an apostle in that little clip he got all of those wrong. So then my question would be. Wouldn’t this be a gigantic red flag to anyone listening that this man is not someone that you should be following spiritually?


Well, that’s why we are comparing whatever he’s saying with the scripture, because then it comes down to who your final authority is. And you’re correct. The Bible does not give man. More worth than a woman we have equal worth, and Christ would have died for a woman just as he would have died for a man. But he did give. Us. Different roles, and I think that’s what the feminist movement kind of push on, right? But here is the second clip of Pope Francis with Norah O’Donnell.

[Nora O’Donnell]

I think that’s why so many people have found hope with you, Your Holiness, because you have been more open and accepted thing. Perhaps than other previous leaders of the church.

[The Pope’s Translator]

You have to be open to everything you have to everyone. Everyone, everyone. That’s so and so is. A. Sinner. Me too. I am a Sinner, everyone. That here is someone with a diverse sexual gender. Everyone. Everyone in everyone. And once inside, we’ll figure out how to sort it all out. But everyone.

[Pope Francis]

Total. Paratore.

[The Pope’s Translator]

Do not forget that the gospel is for everyone.


All right, so.


I’m sorry, could I just quickly say that was like nails on a chalkboard for me to listen to, but go ahead.


Yeah, of course. I would encourage our listeners to go and listen. To the full. Interview of Norah O’Donnell with Pope Francis because we’re just taking up clips here. We have listened to the entire stuff, but we’re just taking our clips here, as Jay mentioned about. Women leadership. Nora did ask him about women in leadership. He does believe that the place of women in the church is not necessary to be priests or whatever the case might be. So I just want to give a follow up there. But here the interested part here is that he actually admitted to be a Sinner. No, I’m not 100% verse on Catholic.




Doctrine, but from what I understand, don’t the Pope come to a point of sinless perfection or something like? That.


Yeah, there’s an idea that he is infallible in the Catholic Church and that his word is on par with scripture on par with scripture.


Well, I found it interesting here that he admitted it is a Sinner because I wouldn’t. I didn’t expect that to come from him. And of course we know that we all see this through the scripture. The Bible says in Romans 3:10 to 12:00 as it is written, there’s none righteous, no, not one. There’s none that understand it. There’s none that seek it after God, they’re all gone out of the way.




They are together, become unprofitable. There’s none that do it good. No. Not one Romans. 323 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Ephesians 7, verse 14, for there is not a righteous man upon the earth that do it good and sinneth not so by Pope Francis admitting that he’s a Sinner, which is the first step. Then he must acknowledge that there’s a need for a savior and that need for savior and salvation is not by works. Think about Romans 324 to to. M8 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth to be of appreciation, true faith in his blood, to declare his righteous for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God, to declare. I say, at this time his righteousness that he might be just. And justify of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting, then it is excluded. By what law of works? Nay, but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that the man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. So I will say the next step after you admit that your Sinner. Is to see your need of a savior because your rotten, wretched Sinner. You should have a need for a savior.


I’d like to know what the Catholic doctrine is on papal infallibility. From what I understand is that the Pope is infallible. This is according to Christian doctrine, not according to biblical. Doctrine, but the Pope is infallible when he speaks ex cathedral like I think that means in the office that he holds so whenever he speaks, isn’t that ex cathedral?


I have no idea.


So it means that he’s preserved from the possibility of error on doctrine that’s related to faith and morals. If you’re being interviewed by someone and you say things along the doctrinal things, he’s not just speaking and answering her questions, he’s speaking doctrinal things. I don’t think it would be wrong to say that in this interview. He’s speaking ex cathedra and that falls in line with the Catholic doctrine of him having papal infallibility. But it’s interesting that he calls himself a Sinner and yet. That that seems to contradict the Catholic doctrine there. But in addition to that, what he said about being open to everyone, being open to everything, come on into the church, and then we’ll figure everything else out. That’s not biblical either. So is he speaking as the Pope? And that’s on par with Scripture, even though it contradicts Scripture. And how do Catholics marry up the? To you and bring them into harmony because it seems to me that it’s either or. Either the Pope is right, or either the Bible is right. The Bible does not call people to just come on into the church, and then we’ll figure out how to deal with your sin. Afterward. The Bible calls us to repentance. And as you grow in the Lord, and as he sanctifies you, you’ll learn and see more and more of how you’re sinful and how he will peel those things away as you put off the old man and walk in the new man. But there’s nothing in the scripture about just opening up your arms to everyone. Every. I wonder if he was trying to say that anyone can be saved, but that doesn’t sound like what he was saying. Yes, it’s true. Anyone can be saved, but it sounds to me like the way that he answered the question in relation to what she asked. She said people find more hope in you because you seem to be more. Open and willing to engage than previous popes. In other words, what she’s saying is you seem to have a more welcoming. Position when it comes to things that have traditionally been declared a sin, even in the eyes of the Catholic Church, you have a more liberal point of view, let’s say. And so people feel more comfortable reaching out to you. They find hope in you. But that contradicts scripture if people. Find more hope. In you because you’re more tolerant of their sin. That means you are the problem. You have a problem with the scriptures. You are not doctrinally sound. The gospel is offensive. Not that we’re trying deliberately to go out and be offensive, but the fact or the idea. That someone would be a rotten center before the Lord, and they can do no good to please him and that they have to turn from their sin and they have to put their complete faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and abandon all of what they are. All of what they know, all of what they plan for their lives. That’s offensive to most. People. I’m a little flabbergasted. It’s. How do you marry up these things? They are in complete contradiction to scripture.


Yeah, well firstly, he’s known as the People’s Pope just because of that outgoing or maybe the better word is welcoming spirit. I guess the Catholic Church does exalt tradition in power with scripture, so. But.


Tradition in terms of like what the Catholic Church traditionally does.


The trip. Believe and practice in life, scripture.


So, whatever the Pope has established is that that’s part of their tradition. Or is it just the history of the church altogether?


I will, I will say more. The history of the church altogether, because usually when the Pope says something that is not in line. The tradition many Catholics balk against it because that has been so, and that would be his seemingly acceptance of homosexual marriage, which is the next. Clip.




He’s going to clarify what he means about homosexual marriage. He is an expert.

[Nora O’Donnell]

Last year you decided to allow Catholic priests to bless same sex couples? That’s a big change. Why?

[The Pope’s Translator]

No. Would I allowed was not to bless the Union. That cannot be done, because that is not. That is not the sacrament.

[Pope Francis]

No puedo senor luisi.

[The Pope’s Translator]

I cannot. The Lord made it that way, but to bless each person, yes. The blessing is for everyone.


So, in my opinion this is a difference with the distinction, because he’s saying we’re not gonna bless the union. But we’re gonna bless the. Person. Right. What the LGBTQIA Plus community needs is not. Blessing in their sin because you cannot bless them.




What they need is salvation through repentant faith in Jesus Christ, God condemns their lifestyle. I know they don’t want to hear that, but the scripture is pretty clear God condemn their lifestyle so because their lifestyle is condemned by God, not by me, but by God.


Yeah. But.


It cannot be blessed. So the person that is indulging in the sin and the person that is involved in the Union. Cannot be blessed. The Union cannot be blessed. The person cannot be blessed because the lifestyle the person’s actions are condemned by God. Ephesians 511 says, and I have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them first 7520 them that sin. Your beauty before all that others may fear so. The Pope made which I want to split. He is here. Say no, I didn’t say. Bless the union. I said bless the person but. You cannot really separate the lifestyle from the person. It can’t separate the union from the person. So no, you shouldn’t be blessing neither. And I think the Bible is clear and clear with that one.


We’re teaching our boys a scripture. One of the scripture passages that they have memorized as Psalm one and the Bible is clear about who is actually blessed, who is actually blessed. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly. Nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he do with shall prosper. And then there’s a contrast, the ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment. Of sinners in the congregation of the Righteous, for the Lord Knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. We cannot look sinners in the eye and say don’t worry about your sin. Jesus loves you. You’re welcome here. Come on in. Come on into the church and we’ll figure out this sin thing later. Don’t worry about that is unloving because it’s not true. It is contrary to the word of God and it is not what they need to know. No. In order to be saved, that is the broad path that leads to destruction. That narrow way that straight gate that they ought to know that they ought to be taught about. He’s deliberately hiding from them. So that’s not loving. That’s not biblical. And he’s the head. Of all the. Priest and whatever sort of hierarchy is in the church, he’s the top guy. If that anyone should. No, these things, it would be him. And if anyone should proclaim these things, it should be him. And he’s refusing to do that. That’s incredibly negligence. Spiritually negligent if you’re the shepherd, let’s say the head shepherd of the Catholic Church, let’s say. And you can’t tell people these basic things about sin. And salvation and about the church and about, you know, what is an apostle and what does it mean to follow Christ? What does it mean to be saved? Why should we follow you? You don’t know what you’re talking. About or you know exactly what you’re saying. And you don’t care. You’re completely contrary to scripture and you don’t care.


Well, we will be talking about an unsafe man interpretation of scripture. So you’re listening to the Removing Barriers podcast. We are comparing Pope Francis recent interview and his claims to the Bible. We’ll be right back.


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Hi, this is Jay. MCG and I would like for you to help us remove barriers by going to removingbarriers.net and subscribing to receive all things, Removing Barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and. Help us keep the mics on. Consider donating at removingbarriers.net/donate, Removing Barriers, a clear view of the cross.


All right, if you think the other things that Pope has said in the last three clips were bad, well, this one is a doozy.


OK, embrace myself.

[Nora O’Donnell]

When you look at the world. What gives you hope?

[The Pope’s Translator]


[Pope Francis]

The heaviest. Bear away.

[The Pope’s Translator]

You see tragedies, but you also see so many beautiful things.


I wanna be mad? Open.

[The Pope’s Translator]

You see heroic mothers, heroic men, men who have hopes and dreams, women who look to the future, eh, that gives.

[Pope Francis]


[The Pope’s Translator]

Me a lot of. Hope people want to live. People forge ahead.

[Pope Francis]

The land.

[The Pope’s Translator]

And people are fundamentally good. We are all fundamentally good.

[Pope Francis]


[The Pope’s Translator]

Yes, there are some rogues and sinners, but the heart itself is good.


Alright, the hat itself is good. People are fundamentally good, says the Pope. What says the?


Bible I’m trying not to sound, you know, biting or sarcastic or anything like that because we are talking about an unsaved person talking to another unsaved person. We are not fundamentally good. The scripture is crystal clear on this. From Genesis all the way through to revelation, the Bible is clear that sin entered the world. Through. Us. We are the ones who send against God brought the curse. Upon not just ourselves, but also upon creation, and that the whole reason that the Lord Jesus Christ, condescended, became a man to save us is because of our sin, and because. Because we’re unable to save ourselves or to be good enough for God, it is his glory it reveals his. Mercy and his grace toward us, his love toward us, and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He didn’t die for us, for fun, or for a narrative. He died for us because there was a sin penalty that we could not. Pay. He didn’t have to. He wanted to, and he did. And I praise his name for that. The Bible makes it very clear that there is none that is righteous. None of us are good. No, not one. You know what he speaks like that. He reminds me of the verse. And second, Peter, that says that men are willfully ignorant, that in the old days. In fact, let me pull up the verse here. I have it here. Let me just quickly pull it up, if I may, so that I could read it verbatim. Second, Peter Chapter 3, verses 5 through 7. For this. They are willingly ignorant of. That by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the Earth standing out of the water and in the. Water, whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished, but the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. There was judgment. And Noah’s day. And there is a judgment coming. Because of our sin, how can he say that we are all fundamentally good? You know, when she asked him? When you look out in the world, what gives you hope it could not escape me. The utter hopelessness of that question, because those are two unsaved people. And they have no hope, he says. He looks out into the world and everything gives him hope. And he goes on to pick out a few good things in the world, and he calls that something to place your hope on the struggling mother or the strong mothers that he described. Praise God for mothers and praise God for the ones that are just in the trenches fighting day in and day out. For their children. But what does that do for the souls of men? If it were not for the Lord Jesus Christ, what hope does that struggling mother have, except to toil away in this world and die and spend an eternity in hell when he talks about all of the good things that he sees? What good are those things apart from a savior who has redeemed? Us, I suppose in his case makes redemption at least possible. There is no hope, apart from Christ. Ron Hamilton has a song that we sing called my hope is Jesus and the chorus of that song is. My hope is Jesus, the anchor of my soul, the ruler of this universe, the one who’s in control. He saved me and he will keep me to the end. The rock of my salvation. On Christ. I will depend. How can we look at what’s happening in the world and have hope. It’s not possible unless you either a. Are coming from the perspective that we are all basically good and we’re going to find our way somehow, even though we’ve existed for the past 6000 years and we still haven’t figured it. Out. There’s no other possible way for us to look out into the world and have hope because the Bible says that evil men will wax worse and worse. It’s not going to get better on this side of glory. What he should have said if he knew the source of hope, if he knew Christ, if he knew what the scripture said he should have said, my hope is Jesus. But his answer shows. That his hope is not Jesus. And if his hope is not Jesus, that means he doesn’t know Jesus. And if he doesn’t know Jesus, why are we following this man? No.


That’s a wrap deleted and gentlemen. Alright, well, he did so that people are fundamentally good and I think that’s their foundation. That he’s coming from. Why he doesn’t have his open Jesus, as you said, of course, during my 1719, which is the most of your first, that will come to mind. The Bible says the hat is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it. I the Lord searched the heart. I tried the reins even to give every man according to his ways.


You can.


And according to the fruits of his doing the hookah know the heart well by with all of the Lord would know it. And the Lord tell us that is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Of course, the Bible said is Matthew 15, verse 19. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile the man for out of the hat, proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, tests, false witness and blasphemies. So both Jeremiah and now crisis concurred with Jeremiah. Of our heart that is, is desperately wicked. Romans 312. They are all gone out of their way. They’re all together become unprofitable. There’s none that good. Good. No. Not one. And hear what Jesus said to the young rich ruler. Matthew 19, verse 17. 21 and he said unto him, why Callest stole me good? There’s none good but one that is God. But if thou will enter into life, keep the commandments he said unto him, which Jesus said, thou shall do no murder, thou shall not come into adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not be a false witness. Honor thy father, thy mother. And thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, and the young man said unto him, all these things have I kept from my youth up what lack I. Yet Jesus said unto him, if thou will be perfect, go and sell all that thou has and give it to the poor, and thou shall have treasure in heaven, and come and follow me. So there’s a lot of things here you can pull out from the scripture, but of course you see here Jesus telling that there’s none good, but one that is God. And then of course Jesus. Use the law to show this young which. Ruler his sin, the young with ruler lied and say OK, all these things I’ve kept from my youth. What? Like I yet. And you just say hey, you’re gonna have to be perfect, which is God’s standard God standard of perfection and all of us have fall short for all have sinned. Come short of the glory of God. All of us have fall short. So Pope Francis again? No, we are not fundamentally. But the truth is quite opposite. We are fundamentally rotten and the only way that can change is to repent their faith in Jesus Christ. That’s where now we have our position in Christ that in Christ Jesus. When God sees us, he will see Christ’s righteousness. We can be good because when God sees us, we can see Christ’s goodness because we have none of our own. We have no righteousness of our own. Anyway. The conversation continues. Here is the next clip.

[Nora O’Donnell]

Me. That the church is for everybody.

[The Pope’s Translator]

Yes, for everybody. And in particular for the privileged, do you know who are the privileged in the church?

[Pope Francis]

To errors. The pecadores. So it wasn’t really here.

[The Pope’s Translator]

The sinners we, the sinners, are the privileged ones, because Jesus came to call upon us sinners, all of us.

[Pope Francis]


[The Pope’s Translator]

The Lord forgives everything, everything. It is we who get tired of asking for forgiveness.

[Pope Francis]



Today, the Pope said that the church is for everyone. Then again, I think the Bible differs.

[Pope Francis]



The church or what we call ecclesia, meaning the call of the Assembly. Is for Christian. It’s a pit stop to refuel and to head back out and win this loss and die. Rural. No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying people can’t join us on a Sunday morning or Sunday evening or whatever time of worship, but the purpose of the church is for believers, is for the body of Christ. 1st Corinthians 12 to 13. For as the body is one. And had many members, and all the members of that one body being many our one body so also is Christ. For by 1 Spirit, we are all baptized into one body, whether be Jews or Gentiles were to be born or free and have all been made to drink into one spirit. The church again. Is a body of believers working together for a common purpose? And that purpose you can say is to edify the believers, glorify God and to evangelize the world. The Bible make it clear that the church is purchased by the blood of Christ. So if the church is purchased by the blood of Christ, he must be those that are in Christ, who are in the church acts 20 verse 28. Take heed therefore unto yourself and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit had made you overseers, to feed the Church of God which he had purchased with his own blood, and first Peter one, verse 18 and 19. For as much as he know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Jesus as of a lamb without blemish, and without spot, for now the church is not. That for comments you are set. You are live as you are live as you are. Type of people. Is it for believers? For believers to come to refresh themselves, to be reenergized, and then go out into this lost and dying world to win a loss? You know, many times you go. So when we like to invite people to church and that is somewhat of a pet piece to me, I think we should go. Then we present people the person of Jesus Christ. Show them that their sinners and their need of a savior, and then after they get saved, they can come to church again. I have no problem with a person who doesn’t know Christ. Joining in our service. But the purpose of them coming is for them to hear that Gospel of Jesus Christ and be saved, not to be a part of the church, because it cannot be a part of the church, because another part of the body of Christ, and because only or we can be part of the body of Christ is by repenting, faith in Jesus Christ.


Ephesians chapter 5, verses 25 to 27, says husbands. Love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by. A word that he might present it to himself, a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish. I wanted to use this verse because earlier in the conversation in the interview he talked about blessing the people in a homosexual marriage. Not the Union necessarily, but you can’t bless the people in their sin without obviously blessing the Union, and the Scriptures are clear. Husbands love your wives. It’s not wives love your wives and husbands. Love your husbands. It’s husbands, love your wives and the picture of. The church is that of a bride, his bride, and that he gave himself for it. And what way did Christ give himself? He died for it. He lives for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water, by the word, and further down. Not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing. The sin that he’s glossing over the sin that he’s making accommodation for the sin that she is saying that he is more open to than previous popes have been, is that. Spot that wrinkle. That blemish that Christ died to purge from his bride to remove from his bride. So again, we have the Pope, the head honcho, the head guy and the Catholic Church speaking completely antithetically to scripture, completely bowing down to the norms of the world. That says hey. See, you need to be tolerant. You need to be accepting. Loving means that you welcome people just as they are. You can’t say hateful things like sin and repentance. Those are icky words. We are accepting people here. Love is love and all of it is. OK, that’s the position that the Pope has taken and it is a godless, sinful, evil position that has to be rebuked again because he has such an incredible following. Everyone listens to him when he speaks, both saved and unsaved. And what he’s saying is antithetical to scripture. If you’re following the Pope, he is leading you to hell. And I pray that people, someone, somewhere, might hear this podcast and realize that and turn to Christ the one who can save. Yeah, definitely.


So here’s the last clip with the Pope and Norma O’Donnell.

[Nora O’Donnell]

Your Holiness, I read in your book that when you were growing up in the seminary that you watched Neil Armstrong land on the moon and it was on CBS translated. This is a record of that moment. This is from then, and of course on the back.

[Pope Francis]

All of them.

[Nora O’Donnell]

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Thank you.

[Pope Francis]

It’s very kind of you. Thank you very much. Thank you. And pray for me. Don’t forget in favor none against it.

[Nora O’Donnell]


[Pope Francis]

Thank you. Nice, thank you.


Alright, Jay! So, there you have it. The Pope asks Nora to pray for him. What is your prayer for the Pope?


My prayer for the Pope is the same as the prayer that I have for people that I talk to at the door when we go witnessing on Saturday, I pray. That the Pope will turn from his sin. Repent and put his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and be genuinely saved. I am a bit torn and conflicted though, because of part of me. Me and perhaps I should be very careful not to sound judgmental or just sour or angry, but part of me wants to pray an imprecatory prayer because he is not only deceived, he is deceiving others and the large. Number of people that he is deceiving makes me want to pray. That the Lord would deal with him in such a way that it removes the negative barriers hindrance that he is to people and seeing the cross this podcast is about removing barriers. He is a significant barrier you and I have interviewed. The. How many former Catholics and how difficult it is to be religious but not saved and? And he is a reason he is a source and he is a promulgator of that. And so part of me is praying for his salvation, a part of me is also praying, a sort of imprecatory prayer that God would remove that influence, that. Death grip that he and by extension by he, I mean Catholicism has on the eyes and the hearts of the world whole. Sale. That is my prayer for the Pope. And not just for him, but for every Catholic blinded by this sinful, godless counterfeit of Christianity called Catholicism. I don’t mean to be offensive or harsh or hyperbolic with my words, but it is simply. Not possible to believe the doctrines of the Catholic faith. To follow this man, we call the Pope and to end up in heaven one day. It’s not possible. Everything he has said contradicts scripture.


Yep, my prayer for the Pope would be the same as the apostle Paul’s prayer. For Israel in Romans 10/1. Brethren, my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be safe. Listener my hearts, desire and prayer to God, for the Pope is that he might be safe, and that is the same prayer I have for you too, my friend. If you’re not safe, that you might be safe, I’m not quite sure I would say. I’ll pray that God take him out in that sense because I imagine that if he should be saved and. Be discipled. Maybe he could be influenced on the other side and to win a lot of other folks to Christ that they may see their sin and trust Christ and stop believing in tradition and all the other things of the Catholic Church. But I do pray that he would be saved because he’s a Sinner who’s in need of a savior. I know. I think if the previous Pope before this one when he died. A lot of Catholics will say that they’re going to pray to get him into heaven, so even if the Pope, the highest rank, so to speak, of the Catholic Church, have no assurance of salvation. But I don’t think that scripture, the Bible tell us that we can know for sure that we are safe and on our way to heaven. The Bible does tell us that there’s one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time. So in order for you to be saved, you don’t need to go to the priests. You don’t need to go to the.




Oh, you need to go to Christ acknowledge firstly that your Sinner and exactly acknowledge your need of a savior and the savior is Jesus Christ and turn to him and repentant faith the Bible said in Romans 8 verse one to four. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit for the law. The spirit of life in Christ Jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do, and that he was weak through the flesh. God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh. And for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilling us, who walked us after the fish, but after the spirit my friend. It is whose server shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. It is repentant faith in Jesus Christ where we can be saved is not to the Pope, is not through any other mediator but the mediator. That is Christ Jesus, that we might be safe. Would you trust him? Would you turn to him in repentant faith today?


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Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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