This World Has Gone Bonkers: Disease X, Kanye, Banks, and Bill Maher



Episode 162

In this episode of the Removing Barriers podcast, we continue the series “This World Has Gone Bonkers,” where we pick a handful of headlines from the internet that demonstrate just how bonkers this world has become. The only saving grace is that Christ has conquered sin and death and has promised to return! This week, we discuss Kanye West, disease X, banks, and Bill Maher. What do these seemingly unrelated things have in common, you ask? They’ve all gone bonkers, that’s what! Kanye West declares himself to be God, governments and institutions are looking for a new disease to crown as the new pandemic, banks seem willing to facilitate government surveillance by screening and reporting purchases that draw their ire for whatever reason, and Bill Maher says he is okay with murder! If you take away anything from this episode, let it remind you not to put your trust in man or in chariots, but instead, look to the Lamb of God!


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Note: This is an automated transcription. It is not perfect but for most part adequate.


Cause you know, cause I’m God. And they want to disagree. I’m the God of me, and you can’t tell me who I am.


Thank you for tuning in to the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m Jay and I’m MCG. And we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the cross.


This is episode 162 of the removing various podcasts, and this is the 7th in the series of this world has gone bonkers and, in this episode, we have lined up a number of news articles that we think will show that this world is bonkers.


Hi, this is Jay. MCG and I would like for you to help us remove barriers by going to and subscribing to receive all things, removing barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and help us keep the mics on, consider donating at Removing Barriers, a clear view of the cross.


All right, Jay. What bunkers articles do you have for us?


The first article comes from USA TODAY, published in January of 2024. Titled Disease acts, what to know about the hypothetical pandemic world leaders hope to prevent. I found this article to be quite bonkers considering how we’re on the tail end. We’re on the heels of a previous pandemic and it exposed our so-called leaders for. Who they are and how much rot is in the system, but apparently they are already preparing for the next pandemic and for their response to it. The article says a hypothetical virus, dubbed Disease Acts, has world leaders convening at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland this week. To discuss how to prevent the threat of another cataclysmic pandemic. Tedros Gabriel ISIS, director General of the World Health Organization, planned to host a seminar on Wednesday alongside other health officials in Davos to prepare to confront the potentially deadly virus. The news ignited A heated debate on social media in the days leading up to the seminar. Where conspiracy theories proliferated, with some warning that potential measures could parallel the shutdown orders put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article goes on, and if you Scroll down a little bit further, it emphasizes that disease acts does not yet exist. Rather, it’s the theoretical term that represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease. The X means unexpected, but that doesn’t mean that leaders aren’t concerned with ensuring that the world is ready in case a deadly virus strikes. The reason that I find this article bonker. Is because they clearly haven’t learned any lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. They were running simulations and models of what would happen if a pandemic hit the globe back in 2011. And they were beefing up their responses and coordinating and setting things in place. And the response to COVID-19 was still catastrophically. Bad. And so they’re gearing up again for the next pandemic, almost as though they’re expecting it. And I don’t see anything in the article that would indicate that they’ve learned their lessons or that they plan to improve upon their response to the pandemic that happened in 20. 19 and 2020 ending in 2021, and so this article is completely bonkers. In 2018, the agency listed or added the term that is disease X. To a list of priority diseases and pathogens that are targeted for research and development. The plan, which includes known killers like SARS and Ebola, aims to fast track the availability of effective tests, vaccines and medicines that could save lives. During a major health crisis, The Who said, isn’t that exactly what they did with COVID-19. They were fast tracking and studying the potentiality of a particular respiratory virus. From a lab in China. The disease got out somehow caused the pandemic and the response to the pandemic caused severe economic social upheaval and this article is basically saying that they’re doing it all over again when they say that they’re going to quote fast track, the availability of effective. Tests, vaccines and medicines. What they’re saying is that they’re continuing the gain of function research that led to the COVID-19 outbreak. And nothing has changed. They are just continuing to do the same thing that they’ve always done. And that is bonkers to me.


Why does it sound like you don’t trust your government, Jay?


I don’t actually, and it was the pandemic, unfortunately, that shows how dense my skull is. It took the pandemic to really show me that these people have no idea what they’re doing and what’s actually concerning is that many Ivy League colleges, particularly in the news right now, Harvard are. Under intense scrutiny. Because of the amount of fraud and plagiarism that is represented in their scholarship, it seems that because you have the title of an Ivy League school on your research or behind your name, or you have a bunch of three letter distinctions behind your name that we just take your word for it that you know what you’re talking about. But in reality, many of these people have been found to be frauds. They have been found to take shortcuts and not do the actual research and. Much of our medical, political, social and economic policies are based on this research, so it’s incredible to me that not just the government, but the intelligencia in general haven’t learned a thing from this previous pandemic. What’s scary is. What we saw happening in this past pandemic, how many people are willing to take the knee and lick the boot of the government just so that they feel safe and allowing the government? Power and freedoms and overreach that they didn’t have before the pandemic, intensifying government rule and control over the people, which will be very difficult to reverse later on without any type of, let’s say, hot war. It’s incredible to me how many people about the needs of the government. And these people have shown that they are not all at all impressive, and they haven’t learned a thing. That’s bunk. This to me.


Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head when you say feeling safe, because I think that’s the route behind a lot of these things that or even rights that folks give up when things happen. This is not about gun control, but that’s the argument a lot of folks that are in favor of quote UN quote, gun control, they want to feel safe. The point? Is. That because you feel safe. That doesn’t mean you’re safe, you know. And that goes to the same COVID measures. You know, initially they told us that masks wouldn’t work because especially cloth masks and stuff like that.




We had all the experts on there, including Doctor Fauci, saying math wouldn’t work. Cloth Macy’s not going to work and then all of a sudden he’s going into Congress to speak and we’re in two or three miles that he ever just said, I know that they don’t work so. We might say that they miss hunger COVID, but I think the government gained another knowledge through COVID and how to enact stuff that the people would not otherwise give up. And they figure, hey, you know, I think it was Hillary Clinton who said, well, let the good crisis go to waste. You know, so.




They’re preparing and I don’t think they’re preparing. To handle it better in a sense of what did we do wrong, what can we do better this time? I think it’s more of how can we control the people more when this does happen. But anyways, yeah, that’s definitely bonkers. Alright, I have an audio. Clip. So recently Kanye West, or yeah, West or whatever he’s going by now. He was being interviewed on a podcast. Called Big Boys TV, I’m not sure it’s a podcast or it was just a YouTube channel where they interview folks. I think big boy, maybe a rapper or something and have no knowledge of these folks. But do you remember what it is? Probably a year or two now. When Kanye West said he was save or he became a Christian? Well, here’s a clip of Kanye West talking about his walk.

[Big Boy TV]

Are you in that space where you’re comfortable enough to say this is where I am right now? I’m still a man of God. I’m Jesus still is king, but this is vultures. Right now. This is where.


I am this is but I you know I I have my issues with Jesus. There’s a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed and. I ain’t see. Jesus, show up. So I had to put my. My experience in this world, my experience, and my children, my experience with other people, my experience and my account, my experience in my brand and my experience with the level of music that I was dealing with in my own hands, like a lot of times, I just feel like in our society in America, you know, people Christians will. Depend on Jesus so much that we won’t put the word in ourselves, and the main thing that really that I I don’t rock with this like it’s just always like I’m gonna pray for you and it’s just like you can actually physically do something yourself too. More than just pray. And we’re so in this mentality that’s, that’s all that needs to happen, but. We ain’t. We ain’t praying our way out of prison. We ain’t praying our way out of the abortion clinics. We ain’t threats.



We’ve been dealt dealt with and I didn’t pray my way through them threats either. I had to get up and do it myself. I have so much to do I. Had time to pray. So that’s where that’s that’s where my issue is and look where I’m at today. Show up, show up. You know, I’m saying I understand that that’s a controversial.

[Big Boy TV]

Now we gotta speak to you too though.


But I dropped the con. So I’ll be surprised that I’m still alive every day.


You have it. I have more. But go to pause it for a little bit. I’ll give Kanye this grudgingly, I guess. Yes, I do think that there’s a time to pray and there’s a time to act, you know, if you go back to the Old Testament when David was praying about whatever he should go to war, the Lord answered him and tell him yes, go and conquer. David prayed and yak. And I think Christine should be praying and seeking the direction of the Lord and also act on the behalf of the Lord. We can pray for souls to be saved, but we also need to go out there, knock on doors and share the gospel or whatever method you want to go and physically share the gospel. However, in my opinion. Kanye is using Jesus like he’s an aspirin. Or should I just say that he has finally realized that Jesus is not an aspirin? The Bible says in Galatians 6 verse 7. Be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever man suit that shall he also reap. No, I hate to get into people’s personal lives here on the podcast, but I know. Can they make it very publicly that he didn’t want to be divorced from his previous wife, Kim Kardashian? He wanted to be there, and raising his kids, and that’s a noble cause. He want to raise his kids and be with the mother of his kids. And I believe that’s what he was alluding to, that he prayed about this thing and quote UN quote Jesus did not show up or whatever verbage he used. But Kanye, you basically reject the Lord all your life. You basically live as you please, and then all of a sudden because your life is unraveling before you, your wife file for divorce. You realize you’re going to in an issue with your kids, going to be. With her, and maybe with you some of the time, and you find that that not to be too ideal. You prayed well. Let me grab a bottle of aspirin. I have a headache kind of thing. Well, the Bible says God is not mocked. Maybe if I put it in terms that you will understand. Kanye. Well, God is not the punk. You can’t punk. God, he knows your heart. I know that you were. Fraud and he has no obligation to answer your prayer and plus, coming to Jesus doesn’t mean he’s going to fix the problems that you got yourself into. If you murder somebody and start praying and turning to God, that doesn’t mean you’re not going to be arrested and not going to be tried and convicted and be sent to jail. He doesn’t remove that consequences, so this thing that oh, I prayed and I had to do this. I had to do that. You sound very selfish to me and very I’m the man. But you said pretty much that in the next clip.

[Big Boy TV]

How did you not so-called disappear? Like cause that’s a hell of a.


Fight cause you know, cause I’m God. And they want to disagree. I’m the God of me. And you can’t tell me who I am. I can’t tell y’all I could tell y’all it’s y’all job to listen. I’m the God of me. I don’t know if I’m in heaven already in show. I got #1 not well. You know, I might be on like 1/4 dimension version of the lifestyle. You know, I don’t know. Like I said, I must have died in this accident. It’s must be heaven. Should you fear, you know, it’s another thing I don’t like Christianity. The fear of God.

[Big Boy TV]



If God is love, why should you fear him? Because you place one fear you get another fear, you get another fear. What do you have at that point, you’re easily controllable. You’re easily sellable. You’re easily contracted. Because you have this fear on you.


Well, firstly. Can he clearly does not understand the fear of God. And of course, we know in English words have more than one meaning. You can talk about fear as being I’m afraid. Of someone or fear, as in. I respect someone. So of course, the fear of God would be podcasts all on itself, but clearly he doesn’t understand the fear of God. But wow. Initially, what did I say? Because I am God? And you might be surprised of that, but upon checking the Internet, it was not the first time he declared himself to be gone. There are other blasphemous videos out there. Statement all the way, he said that he’s God, at least. I guess he’s bold enough to declare himself what he thinks he is, because I think many celebrities live that way and behave that way, that they’re only accountable to themselves. And they worship themselves. Maybe the way they look and the money they have and the clothes they have and whatever the. Case. May be, at least he’s bold enough to say it, and another thing. He’s not wrong. The way he lives is that he’s a God. He say I’m the God of me. Is adultery. Worshipping yourself or worshiping your stuff but. That’s many people in the US. How many of us worship our home and our cars and our possessions and stuff like that? We may not say it out loud like Kanye, but. A lot of us as specialist celebrities. Worship themselves. Behaving themselves that they have no accountability. Thought to themselves. But unfortunately, Kenny, you’re not God or fortunately you’re not God. And you’re gonna have to answer to the God of gods. The king of the universe and the Bible declared that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. So you’re not God, honey. Sorry to inform you, but wow.


What blew me away in that clip was when he was asked that question. He didn’t answer right away. There was a long silence there, which means he thought about what he was saying. He moulded over. It wasn’t some slip of the tongue or he didn’t misspeak. He was very clear, very emphatic. And he took his time to declare that he is. God and wow. What arrogance. What blasphemy? I remember when he first declared that he was a Christian and everyone was just fawning over the guy. Ohh Kanye’s a Christian now and oh, it’s so wonderful. And he came out with his Jesus is king album. And at that time I still had a YouTube account. So I posted it and I said yeah, I’ll believe. I hated to be so cynical, but I actually put it out there and I said OK, well, I’ll, I’ll just wait and see on this one. And it’s proven to be correct. I don’t think that a genuine believer can say. Deliberately say those blasphemous things. Or maybe he’s saying it and justice suppressing the conviction of the. Holy Spirit I. I don’t know, but I was never convinced that he was genuinely saved. And what’s incredible is that he influences many, many people. And so for him to say that. And for all of the Christians so-called Christians that were fawning over him and being so ecstatic that he claimed to be saved, well, that just opens the door for everyone else to question and to follow that same path of being their own God. There are a lot of people that think that they’re following God, and they’re not. They’re just following someone that they appreciate or someone that they like or someone that they respect. And that’s a lot easier than having to do the work and do the work in the sense of. Evaluating yourself, as the Scripture says, holding yourself up to scrutiny by the standards of Scripture and not by what some pop musician or YouTube talking head says, the Bible says that we’re to examine ourselves and use the scriptures, and so that we know who we are. In light of who God is and who God is, who he says he is, and not what. YouTube or Kanye West says he is, and I think that’s dangerous because people’s spiritual lives are in jeopardy. People’s souls are in jeopardy, and he talked about Ohh. You don’t have to fear the Lord. Why do you have to fear the Lord if he’s love? Why you have to fear the Lord? Because Kanye the Bible says you are not to fear man. But you are to fear the one who can destroy both your body and soul in hell. That’s why you fear the Lord. And of course, as you said, McGee here, he misunderstands the meaning of the fear of the Lord. But. It’s sad that not. God is glorified in this in the sense that when he declared that it’s more difficult for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to inherit the Kingdom of God. He’s glorified in that we see that happening in our world. Now Kanye is so rich, so influential. He’s reached the heights of his particular industry or profession in terms of fame, in terms of money, influence, all of those things. He’s an apex predator. He’s really right up there with all of the other big names that we know and yet. On the most important thing that anyone could ever have to settle, he completely misses. The mark and that is frightening. I wouldn’t even call that bonkers. That is incredibly frightening. It sends chills down my back that this is where he’s at, right?


Now, well, you know, one of the problem is that we are so quick. To declare these celebrities and stuff like that save once they say something publicly or whatever the case may be, and of. Course. I do not have some kind of magic power to tell that someone is safe or not, or even the power that if I don’t believe someone is safe. I mean they’re not saved. I wasn’t given that gift. Quote UN quote that’s not a GIF anyway. But the Bible says that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things that passed away, behold all things. That. Become you. So I believe that they’re going to be some immediate changes in your life after salvation, and they’ll also be some continual changes. Meaning some of these changes might take months or years or. Even decades to come about in your life, but the Lord and the Holy Spirit will slowly change you, mold you into his image. One word for that is scientification. You start going to the scientification process if you want. To put it that way.


Nothing about Kanye West’s life change when he declared that he was a Christian. His music didn’t change.


Not that we could tell, yeah.


Well, I don’t know the man, so I only can just say from his public life his music didn’t change. His. Lifestyle didn’t change nothing that I can see change. Why would I declare that this money, say plus this is the problem I have with a lot of these celebrities as well, Jordan Peterson and all these people that if they get saved. What is the position within a church? I think that the position within the church should be. They should be discipled sure their position in the church should be you sit down and you learn, not immediately. Put them on the stage to sing a song or stuff like that. Or in the case of Jordan Peterson, to give us speech and stuff like that because they’re baby Christians. They’re babes in Christ at that point and.


So I think many times we lay in hand quickly and people and I think Kanye did his album Crisis King for money because it sells. For the same reason, while Elvis Presley produced a gospel album because it sells money, was the motivating factor, I don’t think anyone had any true conversion, but that’s just me. As I said, you know, I don’t hold a corner on that truth that I can point and say who safe or not, but in my opinion. This. Audio clip right here. Prove it that he was not safe. All along, yeah.


At all.


But anyways, you’re listening to the room of embarrassed podcast. We’re talking about some bunkers, articles, and news clips. We’ll be right back.


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All right, Jay, do you have another article for us?


I do this is an article about the House Judiciary Committee. It’s titled let’s see. Yeah, this is from, from the horse’s mouth itself. It says here title alarming surveillance. Feds asked banks to search private. Transactions for terms like Maga and Trump, this article is written in January of 2020. For federal investigators, asked banks to search and filter customer transactions by using terms like MAGA and Trump as a part of an investigation into January 6th, warning that purchases of quote religious texts could indicate extremism. The House Judiciary Committee revealed this and it said. That the committee obtained documents that indicate that officials suggested that banks query transactions with keywords like Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, Bass Pro shops and more. So the concern of the committee is the weaponization of the federal government seeking to prosecute and to find all of those people that were involved in one way or another. Even just by virtue of physically being there participating in January 6th and so the subcommittee of this committee are concerned about the weaponization of the federal government, and they’re conducting oversight of federal law enforcement receipt of information about those American citizens without the legal process. And its engagement with the private sector, the Chair, Jim Jordan, said that the documents obtained by the committee indicate that after January 6th of 2021, the Treasury Department’s Office of Stakeholder Integration, and it’s just this whole name, it’s a network called Finsen for short, FinCEN financial crimes. Enforcement network this whole organization distributed materials to financial institutions that outlined typologies of various persons of. Interest and provided the banks with quote, suggested search terms and merchant category codes for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement. The materials included in the document recommended the use of generic terms like quote, Trump or MAGA, or search Zell payment messages. As well as a prior fence and analysis, lone actor or homegrown violent extremism indicators. So according to these analysis. Sees Fenson warned that financial institutions of quote, extremism indicators that include transportation charges, bus tickets, rental cars or plane tickets or any type of travel to areas with no apparent purpose. I’m going to come back to this whole no apparent purpose thing or the purchase of books. Including religious texts and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views. In other words, this organization used financial institutions to go through people’s private financial transactions. Under the name of trying to stop extremism, let’s see here. There was one other thing I wanted to report. Of course, the Treasury Department declined to comment. Of course they did, of course, but a source familiar to Fox News Digital said that the effort by this network to work with law enforcement and to assist with their post January 6th efforts, it began under the previous administration. So obviously it began under the previous administration because January 6 happened under the previous administration. And so this is incredibly bonkers to me. And according to this, the banks complied. I went through the document or through this article. And I don’t see any indication of any bank that refused to comply. And many of the banks that they sought to interview for this article declined to comment.


Yeah. I was watching a YouTube video recently and they were talking about how. Banks report your financial information to the federal government even without, you know, your knowledge. And they were saying something very interesting that they were comparing the 1970s. On 1970 in particular, and then after the 1970, because apparently there were some law that was enacted. I can’t remember the law name off the top of my head right now. That was enacted in 1970, I think is has to do with their $10,000 limit transaction that if you make anything $10,000 or more, whatever they call that. That law. Because they have to report it to the federal government because it’s a large transaction, I want to think they were saying there is that well, if you’re just for inflation, $10,000 today is not same as $10,000 back in 1970 because you could literally buy a carpet or something like that for the $10,000 back in 1970.




Potentially to buy a house, stuff like that today, that’s not the. Peace. But I say all that to say this since the enactment of that law. Reporting their tender that all the more suspicious transaction and then the enactment of the Bill Biden signed into law that you have to report to the IRS and this transaction, I think it’s above 500 or $600.00 on these financial apps that people use or any transaction as a matter of fact that the bank deems suspicious.




So apparently called into that video, the banks transfer a whole lot of financial information to the federal government already, and one of the argument they made is that.


That’s bonkers.


Their data does not belong to you as the customer. The data belongs to the bank. So.


I wonder if there are any freedom loving banks out there that will not bow the knee to the pressures of the federal government. Unfortunately, I think I know the answer to this question because they’re all in bed together, but it’s incredible to me that anyone would think that it’s OK to screen people’s person. Financial transactions. If you’re doing it to catch money launderers and drug dealers and people like, I don’t know, criminals, that would make sense. But this is the financial version of the Patriot Act, where they’re screaming everything that you’re purchasing, every place that you’ve been, not just what you’re purchasing. The stores that you go to. And it’s interesting that they’ve targeted people who go to outdoorsy type places where you could purchase firearms or you can purchase things for the outdoors. And so that labels you as a particular threat if you’re shopping at bass pro shops or Dick’s Sporting Goods or any of these other businesses. Cabela’s is another one that’s incredibly bonkers to me because. To me, that seems like it’s the same thing that they did to the parent. And Loudon County, who were showing up and protesting and fighting back against the LGBTQIA agenda and the schools and the FBI turned around and called the parents terrorists, put them on watch lists and and treated them as terrorists. It seems like they’re doing the same thing here, which is incredible to me.


But anyways, I think the bigger issue here that we haven’t mentioned yet is the violation of your first and 4th Amendment rights. You know, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom from unreasonable search.




Procedure. Again, I am no lawyer and if they say that your financial records in terms of your transactions are not your data, I can see to some extent why they were saying that their data, but they don’t treat your medical records that way. Their medical records is your data.


It’s only a matter of time, I bet, yeah.


You have to give permission for the hospital to share your medical records. I guess not with the government, because I do know they report stuff to the CDC. So maybe when it comes to the government, you don’t have any privacy.




Well, we know when it comes to the government, we don’t have any privacy. But yeah, this is crazy, but I tend to frequent bass pro shops and Cabela’s a bit more often than usual.


So than most, how would they know for what purpose you travel to some place unless there’s more surveillance going on than they’re letting on in this.


Of course.


Article if we just decided, OK, we’re going to go to Pennsylvania to go to or let’s say we’re going to go to Canada for, I don’t know, some. No, no, some. State, let’s say North Dakota.


It’s not gonna be Canada, though.


Yeah, it’s gonna be Canada. OK, let’s.


It’s always cold up there.


Yeah. OK. So let’s say. We’re going to, I don’t know, let’s say Iowa to go see some natural earth form or something like that. That’s something that would appear random. We’re going without any indication to anyone around us that we’re going to go to Iowa. So in their eyes, there’s no apparent purpose, but we’re going to go see, I don’t know, say a mountain or something, I don’t know. Something natural over there. Unless they were listening in on phone conversations, perhaps reading emails or anything that would give them an indication as to why we’re going over there. How in the world would they know that information? How would they know that it was for no apparent purpose? What they mean is no apparent purpose to them. According to everything that they’ve been following along on you all along.


Well, I don’t think it necessarily mean that because I think it means that we’re not going to tell you what no apparent purpose mean. Until we do an investigation and determine that. That the purpose was not something that we would approve of to them is this. Hey, we will tell you if there was an apparent purpose after we do investigation after we charge you with something, whatever the case may be. But because to your.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime type of thing.


Right. Because I know of folks who decided that they were going to go into DC on January 6 not to protest, not to do anything just because they heard. Stuff was going on there and they drive up there just to see they didn’t never get out of their car. They just drove past it and watch and rubber neck as we will call it. Are those people going to be in problems too? I’m just saying, you know, people that live within miles of DC and even within a reasonable driving distance from DC, maybe they just wanted to see what their hype was about. But you know, if that’s a no apparent reason, I I don’t.


It’s bonkers, too. Well, on one hand, I’m glad that someone in Congress is looking into these things. On the other hand, I’m not entirely hopeful or I have very little confidence that anything will come of this, because our government has shown an incredible lack of interest. In pursuing those things that we, the people care about, and that’s crazy. That’s bonkers to me, so. That article there, what’s your next article?


Critical. All right. Well, I have another audio clip. This one is about two minutes long, and it’s about Bilma Bill Maher said. The quiet part out loud, so I think he was on his show and he had Piers Morgan and some other folks on there. And this is what he had to say.


Europe, for example, by comparison, the 60 countries of Europe, actually there are many countries in Europe where it’s completely illegal to have an abortion. Poland, Malta, in a place like Andorra, you know, so. And if you look at Germany and France and country like that, it can be 1012 weeks. Is the term limit that you’re allowed to an abortion legally so. America is not such an outlier. If it does go to the states, I think a lot of Americans on the left do think that this is somehow a really unique American problem or an issue that only pertains to them in terms of the legality of abortions actually comparative to Europe is not massively dissimilar.

[Female Guest]

But the thing that’s crazy is at a time. And America is facing so many huge geopolitical threat where there’s a huge tech revolution going on where the economy is faced with all kinds of challenges. The idea that you’re fighting an election around this issue seems to be, you know, just strange. Back to the 19th century.



[Bill Maher]

Not if you believe it’s murder. You know, that’s why I don’t understand the 15 week thing or the Trump’s plan is, let’s leave it to the states. You mean? So killing babies is OK in some states. Like, I couldn’t respect the the absolutist position. I really can. I I, I scold the left on when they say, oh, you know what, they just hate women people who aren’t. Pro-life they they the pro-choice, they just they don’t hate women. They just made that up. They think it’s murder and. It kind of is. I’m just OK with that. I am I I mean, there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry. We won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.


Yeah, exactly. I’m not sure.


Wow, your position if you’re pro-choice.


Isn’t that mainly because you don’t like children?


I mean, yeah, no, no.



[Bill Maher]

But if you are, if you said you’re pro-choice, that’s your position too.


Wow, OK, sorry. Go ahead. Let you let you respond to your own bunkers article.

[Big Boy TV]



Yeah, well, indeed, first thing I come to my mind, you know, he’s so selfish, but at least you. Know least he’s consistent.




That’s true, and he’s honest about it because a lot of the folks on the left argue about it as women’s right. And it’s a clump of cell and all these things. And Bill Maher say, hey, you know.




It’s murder and you think kind of think it’s murder. But Bill Maher’s murder, and I think he’s right as well in terms of calling out Trump and calling out they’re pro-life people who claim, oh, well, you know, 12 weeks is OK after 12 weeks. No. Well, if it’s. Life. It’s life, it’s murder, it’s murder. But again, the question asks Bill Maher. There are 8 billion people on the Earth. What about if we get rid of everybody that was born January 20th, 1956? According to Wikipedia, that’s your date of. Birth. Would that be OK if we decide to get rid of everyone who was born on that date? Because after all, the 8 billion people on the Earth, you know what other murder are? You OK with? It is the question because clearly, well, it’s murder, OK with it. And I think that shook pays Morgan. That is because they are also. Well, I think Percy, he was pro-life.




So maybe he disagrees with abortion, but he come across to me that others on the panel were pro-choice and they’re not against abortion. But if the argument is going to be that there’s 8 billion people in there, why not get rid of others? Because we’re not decreasing any faster. So why don’t get rid of some people that you know, what about the old people? What about the disabled people? What about their mentally ******** people? Can we get rid of some of them? Because after all, we occur with murder, right? Why stop at? Portion.


What he’s right about, though, is that this is a black and white issue, and the people who are limp, wristed and merely mouthed about it, they’re wrong. So Trump and many of the Neo con Republicans who claim to hold conservative values are wrong on this particular issue when they compromise and say, OK. Let’s initiate a ban after X amount of weeks. That shouldn’t even be on the table because this is a moral thing. This is. Not a political or economic, or even a a civil rights thing. This is a moral thing. Murder is wrong. And so he’s right in that particular sense. What I’m blown away by is the fact that he declares that it’s OK even though he’s laid out exactly what it is without the flowery language of weeks or limits or terms or whatever, that sort of thing is. That just shows the depth of the depravity. That’s there. Now I want to make a distinction. There are people who believe that killing is wrong under absolutely any circumstance, and I am not one of those that believe. Than that, if I am out and about with my children and someone threatens them and they are a threat to their lives or mine, I absolutely believe in self-defense and I would light that person up. But he’s talking about the willful and deliberate killing of innocent babies. I can’t even imagine a scenario where that would. Ever be OK? But in his worldview he has no problem with that. He’s very glib and nonchalant about it, huh. We won’t miss you. There’s too many people on the planet anyway. So like you said, MCG, I mean, I’m not affected. January 20th, 1950 whatever he was born, I’m not affected, but ohh those babies there. No one’s going to miss them. Let’s just go ahead and destroy them. And you’re right, MCG, when you said, where do you draw the line? What about the sick people or people born with congenital defects? That are a drain on the system. Let’s say if we as a society decide that these people are drain on the system in one way or another, is it OK to kill them? What about people at the tail end of their lives, which of course care for them is is notoriously. Time and labor and capital incentive, is it OK to get rid of them because there’s such a drain and there’s too many of them and blah blah blah. So that’s incredible. So he, well, he said like the title of the clip said he said the uncomfortable part out loud, the fact that it didn’t even move him, he still thinks it’s OK that’s shocking.


Yeah. And you know. What’s the difference between Bill Maher and the unborn baby? Well, they can say it’s size, position and dependency. So if we want to use those. We. Differences to decide who we’re going to get rid of. Well, if you’re smaller than some people or bigger than some people, maybe you get rid of them, maybe based on your position, whether it is economic or in the workplace or whatever, get rid of them and dependency. The unborn baby is totally dependent on the mother.


And will be for the next, at least what five years, 678?


Whatever the case may be. You know.




Anyways, we have done a number of episodes on abortion Episode 102 abortion the biblical perspective. Then we did episode 103 and Part 2 of that Episode 104 abortion illegal and such as perspective. So I’m not going to get all the details of abortion. You can go listen to those episodes if you’re interested in what we. Think and believe about abortion if you’re not clear, we believe it’s murder, but I think Bill Maher is highlighting. What we get, especially Christians, if you listening to this, what we get is from Kristen. When we turn to politics to solve a moral or even a spiritual problem. And great the Supreme Court overturn Roe V Wade before they understand there was still more.


Yeah. Yeah.


Abortion in 20. 23 then in 2022, when this thing was overturned, so it doesn’t seem like he had made much of A change. So what will actually make a change in our society, especially come to abortion, is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, and people say if you go listen to episode 102, I think Pastor Todd said in that episode that it was like. 8580 or 85% of the folks that have abortion, people who have got pregnant out of wedlock, unmarried women. Well, if that’s the case. The Bible tell us a solution for that. Marriage is honorable all and the bed undefiled. If folks are waiting until marriage, medical, marriage, before sex, then the rate of abortion go down and the only reason they will wait for that is if Christ is ruling in their heart. If they are saved, they have repented.




Senator scratching their savior. They’re not going to be forced to do it to the government because today a lot of abortions. Have now gone to this mailing pills thing where they’re mailing the pill to their home and people are having their abortion and their bathroom floor, and I get to be so graphic. But the law just changed the location of the clinic from downtown on the corner to the privacy of your bathroom floor.




So again, he’s right, you know, it’s murder and the Democrats are lying to us when they say, oh, well, these women’s right, but Bill Maher. You also scam though. Absolutely. All right. Well, let’s go into some dishonorable mentions. Do you have any dishonorable mentions?


Actually I don’t know if this should be a dishonorable mention. I think it should be. I really think it should be one of the actual articles. This is from the AP, AP News Black Immigrant Rally in New York City raises awareness about racial religious. And language inequities and what this is is a bunch of black men from certain African countries, from Haiti. And I think from a few other countries that actually showed up in New York City, these are illegal. In the country illegally, they showed up to. I just you can’t make this up. They showed up in New York City to the City Council to protest that they don’t have adequate shelter. They don’t have adequate accommodations and programs and things of that sort. And they they are. Essentially protesting for more money, better accommodations, more work, and expedited process into the country. There were about 1500 of them, actually that assembled. At City Hall. Park and.


I guess no one told them that in this country you have to work for. What you want, huh?


I just I can’t wrap my brain around it. The level of entitlement that you have to have to come into someone’s country and protest and demand things from the people, the people on who’s dying, you’re here and you’re stepping on. Them on their access to whatever it is the government offers, protesting for something better. The. Full of and and you know what? They are emboldened and enabled to do this by these non government organizations, these so-called charities that seek to so-called help these illegal immigrants in order to get them assimilated into the country when our borders are being overrun, we can hardly take care of our own citizens, our own defenses and our own. Institutions are in shambles and they just kind of, we’re just going to show up and protest and demand these things is absolutely bonkers to me. I don’t. Anyway, I can’t wrap my brain around it. I’ll let that be an honorable mention, although I think that this is something that Americans should really, really, really. Be fired up about because this administration and all of the liberal and progressive people that are enabling it have sent a message to the world that America is now the Titanic. It’s sinking and everyone is just here to get what they can out of it before the ship goes down. America is on a decline and here come get what you can while you can. Because there’s no one here to stop you or to prevent you from doing otherwise.


Well, as a token legal immigrant on this episode. I’m baffled at the American government that if you go into any major city and I’m assuming some of these people that are on this street sleeping under sidewalks.


Airports. Hotels. Yep.


Begging, I’m assuming that some of these are American citizens, or even veterans, or Americans who are. Affected by the fentanyl crisis or jogs or whatever the case may be, I’m baffled when I look at it, how the government treats an illegal immigrant compared to how they treat their own citizens. Yeah, you can remove all this stuff or whatever. Not you know what they should get if they come across the body. Legally and all this stuff, my stance is if you start illegally, I think you should immediately be. Jail or send back to where you come from. But hey, The only exception I will say maybe is for children who didn’t have a choice. Their parents brought them across. They didn’t decide on their own. But if you’re adult and you’re coming across the border illegally, send you back. But I’m even putting aside the fact that these immigrants went to the government and demand. Better conditions point is that they’re probably going to get what they’re demanding.




But a citizen probably wouldn’t. I’m baffled because. You want a riot? Go to their country as an immigrant and make the same demand. And they look and see that their government is giving you, as an immigrant, certain things that they don’t get from their government. They burn the place down. I don’t know. It’s baffles me. I don’t leave that right there any.


Yeah. Yeah.


More discernible measuring. That’s it for me. What have you got? All right. I have a couple here. Back in January, this is kind of old news now, but back in January it was pretty cold in Chicago and there was a new article out of Fox business saying that Chicago area Tesla charging station lined with dead cars in freezing coal and the subtitle was a bunch of dead robots. Out here. So the, you know, they’re pushing these electric cars and all these things and people that object to electric cars and stuff like that. If you have electric car, you want to donate it to me, I’ll take it and sell it. But but The thing is, you know, what do you do in a crisis with these things? It’s cold. People are being stranded and these cars are not starting. And and not only they’re not starting. The ones that are dead are not charging. Why are you pushing these things on us if we can’t get us in a crisis, you know, I just came from a long drive, but it was 20 hours one way, 20 hours back, and I stop. I fill up or whatever case may be half an hour to an hour and I’m back on the road and I could basically back on the road in 20 minutes.


I remember I was on another drive and I came and there was a Tesla at the charging station and the person was in the car on their phone and stuff like that, maybe watching a movie or something. I came to the gas station, I fill up. I went to get some snacks or whatever I got and I pulled out and he was still there charging. Unless there’s a justice improvements, I don’t know.


There was a time in the country where innovation dealt with all of those things. You didn’t have to force a product on people if it was superior and if it were better, the market would naturally gravitate toward that thing. But it seems now that everything seems to be pushed down from the top, like they’re forcing these Evo’s and other new technologies. Not on people when they clearly don’t work. Some people like them. Most people don’t let the market do what it’s going to do. There’s no need for the government to be pushing for these things, cause they’re clearly not working.


Yeah, I’ll agree. Another one. This one is from the Christian Post. It says copper cleans that new Ellie Christian nightclub. With the vision from God.


An LA Nightclub is a vision from God. Ohh my goodness.


Mm-hmm. The husband and wife founders of a new Christian nightclub launch last month, which will be December of 20. Entry in Los Angeles, CA claimed God gave them a vision to create a space where Christian can fellowship and have high time in the Lord. No, I don’t know what high time in the Lord mean, but isn’t there a place already where Christian can fellowship? What we call it again.




I think that would be correct, but anyways they said God gave them a vision to form a nightclub, clearly. You know, what do you say?


About this thing, they got a vision. It just was from God.


The nightclub, known as the Safe Social Club, was launched by Jordan and Cassandra Ramble in the heart of North Hollywood last December, and the parents of four who have been married for eight years. Are showing no signs of stopping. They did not invite a respond to an interview request from the Christian Post on Friday, but Cassandra Ramble explained in a. Post on the club’s tick Tock page that the club is simply a place for Christian to praise God through dance, music and fellowship. Anyways, I think they have a problem there with separation, but.


Just a little.


I’ll leave that alone right there, and I have another 1C clerk. Kirk. Sorry, Charlie Kirk said. And he got some heat for this. If I see a black pilot, I’m going to be like, boy, I hope he’s qualified.


Ah, he’s so right though. He’s so right.


Why you being so racist, Jay?


Being racist, this dei affirmative. OK, so de I is the grandchild of affirmative action. Or I should say, the child of affirmative action. This is one of the reasons I left active duty service. I considered becoming a commissioned officer. And one thing that one of my defensio said to me. Completely drove me away from it, he said. Go ahead and apply for it because you’re a woman and you are black, and so you’re definitely going to get it. And my goodness, he didn’t know it at the time, but that completely turned me away from continuing in the service. And this is the same thing. Why would you want to be in any position where? Someone can point a finger at your back and say you got that position because you’re a woman or you’re black, or there’s nepotism, or you knew such and such anyone worth their salt would only want the position because of their competency of their. Ladies, not because they fill some type of DEI requirement. This is how affirmative action and DE I hurt people. People could call him racist and say that he was a mean spirited all they want. But he is telling the truth. DEI only hurts people because it is not meritocracy and I would feel the same way. If I saw a woman or some minority flying the plane, at least for a moment, that question would pop into my mind. Is this a DI hire, or is does this person actually know what they’re doing?


You know what? DE I stand for. Right.




De I.


No, what is it earn?




Ohh, I’ve never heard that before. That’s a good one. Didn’t earn it.


Well, anyways, that was original from me but.


It was or was it? Ohh OK.


Wasn’t, but I’m black. I think the same thing sometimes too. And I’m getting. I’ve never. I’ve never really done it for a pilot, but especially when it comes to governmental positions. Mm-hmm. I always wonder. Yeah. You know, because the government especially is like that. And this thing I’ve seep into the private sector, too. So look, I’m sure there’s a bunch of black people there who wanted the same thing, too.


You racist you. Yep.


And it’s not because you’re racist or anything. It’s just because. They give you cookie points based on your intersectionalities, and if you’re black or minority woman or LGBT, whatever. They figured that somehow that make you more qualified so well anyways.


Yeah. There’s that where we’ve confirmed removing barriers are a bunch of racists now, because we questioned the effect of the EI and it doesn’t help anyone. And Charlie Kirk, Shirley isn’t wrong about that. He just said the quiet part out loud.


All right. And I have a final one. I think this is back in February when.




And they finally finished the investigation on Biden classified documents. The title of the article. This was out of New York Post. Biden willfully kept classify info, but the guy said he would come off as elderly man with poor memory at child.


If this isn’t a reason to lose all faith in our institutions, I don’t know what.


I think his name was Robert Hur. Who did the investigation? He said Biden will come across as an elderly man with poor memory, a child well anyways.


So if you’re an elderly man with poor memory, it’s OK for you to sell your country down the river.


Well, I think he was saying that no jury.


No jury would.


Convict a man like that. But I think if that’s the case, you need to drop the classify investigation against Trump because he’s an elderly man too. Maybe you’re not. Maybe you not come across that with poor memory, but hey, you know what, that’s your president anyways, that’s it. As I always ask in these episodes. Do you agree with us? Is this?




World bonkers. We have shown on some number of news clips that you might say yeah, no, but overall, when you look at the local News International news national news clearly, I believe that this world is bonkers. So if you agree to us, I can only encourage you once again to separate. You or Jerusalem, where the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God, then preaching the gospel, because that’s the only thing they’re going to change it, yes, vote the right way. Vote According to God’s word the best person.




In in the position of leadership or of representation for you, but they’re not going to change it. The Gospel of Jesus Christ would change it, and that would be my encouragement to go and pray and share the gospel. The Bible says in Mark 16 verse 15. And he said unto them, go he into all the world and vote in the right politician. Nope. He said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and I would encourage you to go and do that today for your faith and listen to it. Feel not safe. Definitely you need to be safe to repent the faith in Jesus Christ.


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Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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