Charity, How Were Your Barriers Removed?



Episode 131

In this episode of the Removing Barriers podcast, we are delighted to hear the testimony of Charity. Charity is in full time Christian ministry, but that was not always the case. In fact, for an extended amount of time, she thought she was saved because a pastor prayed a prayer with her and declared her so. But she didn’t understand the gospel and she was seeking her mother’s approval. It wasn’t until she met a special young man who introduced her to the gospel of Jesus Christ with a warm joke and genuine concern that she came to understand her need for the Savior. Let us listen to her testimony and praise God for His goodness, never allowing ourselves to become used to God’s love and power in providing salvation to all who turn to Him!


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Note: This is an automated transcription. It is not perfect but for most part adequate.


I have never repented of my sense because I never even saw myself as a Sinner. I didn’t see sin as that big of a problem as long as I kept. Covering it with these prayers.


Thank you for tuning in to the Removing Barriers podcast. I’m Jay and I’m MCG. And we’re attempting to remove barriers so we can all have a clear view of the cross.


This is episode 131 of the Removing Barriers Podcast, and this is the 35th in the series on how were your barriers removed? And in this episode, we’ll find out how Charity’s barriers were removed when she came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Hi, this is Jay. MCG and I would like for you to help us remove barriers by going to and subscribing to receive all things removing barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and help us keep the mics on, consider donating at removing Removing barriers, a clear view of the cross.


Charity, welcome to the Removing Barriers podcast.


I’m so glad to be with you. Thank you for inviting me.


So Charity, tell me what state or country were you born in?


I was born in North Carolina and I have spent most of my life in Western North Carolina.


OK, tell us what type of family you were born into charity.


I was not born into a Christian home. My family was very much the opposite of that. Even though my parents stayed together until I was about 16 years old, it was a broken home. Long before that there was fighting all the time there was drinking, there was drug, it was truly. A broken home.


Can you tell us more about the home that you grew up in, in the sense of you were not a Christian family and everything that you saw, it sounds like as you were growing up, that seemed to be normal to you? Could you tell? Us in terms of the fact that your home was broken, even though your parents didn’t separate until you were 16. Was that because of the area that you were in or was it because of the people that you were surrounded by, or was it a combination of those two things?


When I was growing up, we lived on the road with a lot of our extended family and the area that we grew up in, everybody pretty much had the same kind of lifestyle that we did. So I grew up thinking this was absolutely normal, that there wasn’t anything different. We had no idea there was anything different out there.


OK. So take us back into your childhood charity. Describe for us before salvation. What were your life and upbringing like, and bring us up to the point that you heard the gospel.


Well, I really don’t remember ever going to church until I was about nine years old and for some reason my family decided to go to church at that point and. I remember when I would go to church, I would just lay on the back view and sleep and that’s pretty much all I remember about the services, except for toward the end. I saw young people, children going forward to be safe. I had no idea what that meant, but I wanted to do what all the other kids were doing. So one day after church, I told my mom I wanted to do that, and so she took me to the pastor of the church and in his office he led me in a prayer and then declared me to be saved. But I really had no. Clue about the? School or anything like that and so. I remember as I. Was praying that prayer that he was leading me in. I remember looking up at my mom and seeing her crying and I thought ohh I’m making her proud. So my motivation was all wrong. I wanted to do what the other kids were doing. I wanted to make my mom proud when I left there, I really left just how I came. There was no change in my heart and life.


What did you understand about the gospel when the pastor was talking to you?


Nothing, absolutely nothing. I remember he was asking me a few questions. But I don’t even remember the questions, but it seemed like, you know, I was just trying to give the right answers. Whatever he wanted me to say so that I could become a Christian and be saved, whatever that meant. But I really don’t remember him really explaining.


Oh wow. Wow.


So you said that your parents all of a sudden decide to start going to church at 9. Did your home life change when they start going to church? Did they will just stay of their home change? They said that they were drinking and basically unfriendly atmosphere in the home. Did that change any once your parents are going to church?


No, nothing changed about six months after this time, my parents decided that church wasn’t exciting enough for them, so we started going to another church that was more emotionally driven, very exciting. But the whole time I attended there, I never remembered hearing the gospel. But when I was about 12 years old, I started noticing the hypocrisy that I was seeing, not just in the people around me, but. Even in myself because. We acted very religious in church and we would say all the right things and do all the right things to sound like we were really right to. But the moment we left church, we were just as wicked as the way we came. And then I remember thinking, you know, if this is all there is to life, why bother? My home life was very painful and dramatic. There was no joy, there was no peace. There was no hope at all. And I hated life. I wanted it to end. So when I saw this hypocrisy, I started examining myself and I started examining those around me and the church. And I started thinking this isn’t real. I want something that’s real. And I remember praying. God you are. Whoever you are, if you’ll just show me what’s real. That’s the God I want to follow. I don’t care what name it is. If it’s Buddha or Allah or Jesus or whatever, whoever is the real God, that’s the one I want to serve. If you’ll just show me who you. It wasn’t long after that that I met a guy. In high school. It was in. Computer class and the first day of class. We chose the computers that we had had in previous classes and those two seats just happened to be beside each other. And I on the project class I wrote a 🙂 on a little scrap of paper and secretly passed it to him in the. Middle of class. And he wrote. A frowny face on it and passed it back. And I was. So shocked that he would then. And then I looked at him and he started smiling, so I knew he was joking, but then he just held up a finger and said after class. And so after class he introduced himself and the first thing he said to me was, are you a Christian? And I have never had someone so bluntly. Come out and ask something like that. And so I said, yeah. I played a prayer when I was 9 and he said, well, why don’t you come? With me to church. And I thought, well, that’s a strange place for a date, but OK, so I went with him to church. And that was the first time I had ever heard the Gospel priest about Jesus dying for my sins and that I was a Sinner, but at. That point I. Was still very. I was convinced I was a Christian. I had already said the prayer I had already done everything I needed to do.

And so it took quite a bit about two years later. What I truly understood. And what had happened was after high school. I decided I wanted to. Go to Bible College and in Bible College I was in missions class and the teacher in missions class was telling us how to be more effective and better present the gospel. So one of the things that. He said was. You can’t just use churchy words because some people will hear those words and they have one meaning in their head that’s different from the Bible meaning. And so you have to, as you’re using these churchy words, there’s nothing wrong with the words. There’s Bible words. You need to define those. And so I started listening to these definitions and I thought well. I know all. These words, but as he started defining them, I realized I didn’t know what these words really meant. He started defining words like holiness. And justification and righteousness, and one of the words that he defined was sin, and I didn’t understand sin, and so he was explaining sin is the transgression against God. It’s when you do something against what God has said, it’s something that displeases. God and God has given us his word so that we would know exactly what. Thing is, and then he started explaining what his dinner is, and one of the things that he said was you’re not a Sinner because you sin you sin because you are a Sinner. It’s who you are, and that’s why you need a savior. And that just opened my eyes to a truth that you know. I have been praying every time I stand, I prayed over each individual’s sins and thought as long as I keep praying over these sins, if I. Get every one. Of them covered then I’ll be OK. So I was relying on my own self consciousness, my own. Work to make sure that I prayed and ask forgiveness for each individual fan, and then I would be OK and he was telling me no, the problem isn’t just what you do with who you are. You’re a Sinner. And so then defining these words. And he got to the word repentance. Never really heard that word explained to me. I thought repentance was just this guilty feeling. When you do something wrong, you feel bad about it and then you. Just ask forgiveness and you. And he was explaining that repentance was a change of mind that causes a change in direction. It’s when you realize God’s truth in his word. And you’re thinking don’t match, and he’s right and you’re wrong. And I was, as he was, explain. Doing all this, I have never repented of my sense because I never even follow myself as a Sinner. I didn’t see sin as that big of a problem as long as I kept covering it with these prayers.

So at that point I realized I’m not truly safe. I have never trusted what Christ did for me on the cross. He paid for all that he was the only sacrifice. The only righteous lamb that could die from my sins, because he’d never sin. And he was trying to pay for my own sins, and he’s already paid for them. And I realized I had never trusted what he did for me to pay for my own sins. And so I didn’t immediately trust Christ right then because I had this plethora. Of emotions and thought. First, I was angry at that pastor who just led me in a prayer and never explained any of these things to me, and then I had thoughts of, well, I’m in Bible college. How am I going? To explain to others that I’m not saying, I’m saying that this embarrassment and this pride that you know I can’t tell people I’m not. Why really wrestled with us for a couple of weeks after that, and then finally the conviction was so strong that I needed to get things right with God. I was guilty before a holy God, and I was separated from him because of my sin. I didn’t want that anymore. I didn’t want to be God’s. To me anymore, I wanted to be his friend. I wanted to be his child. But there was nothing I could do to change my station. There was nothing I could do to clean myself up and I acknowledged that because, you know, we did the religious stuff and we would always go home the same as when we came to church. And the only hope for me was that he would change me, that he paid the price. For me, and so I remember, one day I was driving in my car and I just started crying and crying. And I said, Lord, I really don’t understand all this salvation stuff. But what I do? Is that Jesus Christ is a son of God and he died for my sins to pay a debt I could not pay, and I can never be good enough. I’m a Sinner and the only hope I have is Jesus Christ, and I ask God, I said, forgive me. And from that moment on, there was a joy I had never had before. It was an unexplainable piece before that, mom. I had cried myself to sleep almost every night of my life, and from that moment on I had a purpose in life. I had a reason I knew why I was here. I knew where I was going after here. I knew that I had someone with me at all times and that I was truly his child.


So take me back. You said you cry many nights to sleep while going to sleep. What do you think it was that didn’t allow you to? To go and talk to the professor or go talk to someone who you know was truly save. I guess the question is what were those barriers that were preventing you from coming to Christ sooner? I know you mentioned some of them, maybe the family and the preacher, but if you could just maybe give us them in a bulleted list. What we do barrier that we’re preventing you from.


The first one obviously was just a lack of understanding and then you know, after being led on a prayer by someone you trust as a pastor and then declaring you saved, you come to put a lot of stock in that and want to trust that rather than taking a look at. What does God’s words say? So there was a lot of confusion. And then after I did understand the gospel, it was just this embarrassment and pride of, you know, what are other people gonna think if I tell them? Ohh, I’m already a Bible college to it. But I wasn’t truly saved. For so just wondering what other people were going to think. If I were. To step forward and say, you know I’m not truly safe.


When those barriers came down, was it a result of just the weight of God’s conviction on your heart, or was it a sermon that you heard? Or maybe was it a conversation with someone at your college? What was that one thing that tossed all of those concerns to the wind and had you flying to the arms of?


It really was the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I could, of course, in the church that I was now attending with this young man. I saw other people that was really the time when I first saw people living out the Christian life, so I knew there was something different and I wanted what they had. Well, now I knew how to get what they have. And at that. It was just a. Of surrendering to what I knew was true, setting the pride aside and saying, you know, it’s not worth this pride pretending I am saved when I know I’m not, when I could have what they have, I could have the peace and the joy that they have. And it was them living out their Christian life and being vocal about it.


Did you tell anyone afterwards? I assume you did because if you get saved and don’t tell anybody that’s.


Yes, I did, I said. The young man that I was attending church with, I actually ended up marrying him. But after I check the price, I did tell him very, very soon after. That I called him up and I said I’ve got something I need to talk to you about. And then as other people began to discover that I have trusted Christ, I realized, you know, they weren’t condemning me or shocked or anything like that. A lot of them already knew that I wasn’t truly today because there really wasn’t a lot of difference. In my life. But after when they found out that I had trusted price and was saved, I received nothing but support and love and excitement. And then I had people who were basically just taking me under their wings and saying, yeah, we want to help you. And your Christian? So that was an exciting time.


So let me ask you this charity, because I know you and your husband have what, 4 kids or three kids?


We have 3.


Yeah, I you would imagine that something like this that you were a little bit more adamant not to have it occur in the life of your kids. You know, sometimes when we go through emotional stuff as children, young adults, we kind of shield our children from it because, you know, come hell or high water, we not gonna let our kids go through that. How did you prevent your kids?




From going through the motion or making a false professional saying they say when they’re not, how did you manage that in your home? So your kids don’t believe they’re safe when?


We were a lot more careful with our children, of course, even with what church we attended to make sure that it was a church that preached the gospel and preached it clearly. But then we also gave our children a Christian education, but we never pressured them into trusting Christ. We explain things to them we can’t see inside their hearts. So there were times when they would come to us and say, you know, I want to be saved and we would ask them questions and. We would talk. To them about. The scripture and we would kind of listen. And there were times I remember my youngest child, especially he had wrong motives, but because he grew up in a Christian home. With a good Christian education, we went to church all the time. He knew all the right answers to give and all the right things to say. But he too had the wrong motive. But when he prayed, we never declared him to. Be a Christian. Or we said if you did what? Word said if you call upon the name. That he would save you. He made that promise. But it has to be from your heart. And you have to be trusting what he said. And the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for the payment of your stand by faith. And so we never declared our children safe. So when later on that same child came to me and he said. I’m not sure if I’m saved. I didn’t question that I went forward with sharing the gospel again. You know what? The truth is. So we were just really careful not to declare our children safe, but to let God’s word to declare that to them. That can cause later on. And he had said he was safe. He had even been baptized. But he one morning in church heard a message that made it very clear to him that he never truly trusted Christ as his savior. And that morning. His dad led him to the Lord and he has never doubted his salvation sense. Because he has his faith placed in. What God’s word says? Rather than I said this little prayer, he called out to the Lord and faith, and he trust that God made the promise. If he did that, then he would be saved. So I guess the main thing is, is that we never declared our children be safe. We were very careful to lead them through the scripture to define the words, make sure they were understanding. To the best of our. Knowledge, but the best. That we can do is we can reach their ears only God can. Reach the heart.


One last question before we go into this break.




I would imagine that you know as a little girl growing up in the home that you grew up in making a false profession to please your mom and stuff like. That what were the emotions as you think about it, you contemplate on it what kind of emotions come out. Even now when you go back to that time.


A wide range of emotions from Title 9. Of course, when I said that prayer was all excited because I. Had pleased my mom. But then our whole life never changed. And so it was a great disappointment. I really thought that this would make things different and then later on realizing he’ll have a broken home, he’ll, you know, no security, no peace. That was very discouraging. But then after trusting Christ and looking. Fact there’s a peace, you know God can use even those circumstances. And he has many times he used my testimony of making a false profession. Not understanding the gospel to be able to share with others who also made a false profession. Some of them they went to a charismatic church where they were told if you come to church you’ll get healed by God from this sickness that you have, and then you’ll be saved and you’ll be a Christian. And they didn’t know any different. But after hearing my test. Money of how I. Also prayed a prayer, but then God’s word made it clear what true salvation was. They were willing to step forward and say, you know what? I need to follow what God’s word says rather than what someone has told me in the past, even if they led me in a prayer or declared me to be saved. The question is, what does God’s word have to say about salvation?


Man, you listening to the Removing Barriers podcast, we sitting down with charity and we are finding out how we’re hurt. We’ll be right back.


This is the removing barriers podcast. If the podcast or the blog were a blessing to you, leave us a rating and a review on your favorite podcast platform. And don’t forget to share the podcast with your friends, removing barriers, a clear view of the cross. Hi, this is Jay MC G and I would like for you to help us remove. Barriers by going to and subscribing to receive all things, removing barriers. If you’d like to take your efforts a bit further and help us keep the mics on, consider donating at removing, removing barriers, a clear view of the cross. 2nd Corinthians 517 says therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become NEO after salvation. What changes were evident in your life that you can remember?


The immediate change was that I had a joy that I’d never experienced before. And then became a bigger deal to me at that point than it had been before. I became aware that you know what I really want to please God, he’s pleased with me who I am because I’m his child. But there was just this drive and this desire to please him just because I loved him and all that he had done for me. I had a desire to learn his word and at that point I began understanding his word more clearly. I also had a desire to share my life and my testimony with others. Because he had made such a great change in my life, my friends change. The places I went changed the things that I would watch on TV or the music I listened to that began changing because I began realizing what I was seeing and listening to and who I was hanging around before. They didn’t have the same goals that I had. My goals had changed, and so it began putting a barrier. Between us because they still wanted their old life and I didn’t. And the things that I watched on TV, it really wasn’t enjoyable anymore.


Take us back. Just imagine that there’s a little girl growing up 9/12/14 year old girl growing up in a similar household like you. Do you think the way your barriers were removed would be effective to help this sort of girl or anyone else have their barriers removed as well?


If someone takes the time with even people, no matter the age, takes the time to explain the gospel, make sure that they understand what the gospel is. The gospel is really, really simple. There’s nothing complicated about it. Sometimes we make it way more complicated than it. Is, but you do have to understand what it means for God to be holy and you’re a Sinner, or that separation or repentance. Things like that have to be explained because someone might have a different idea in their mind than what the Bible really explains is the definition the biblical definition of those. Words, but even young children can understand the gospel. If someone takes the time to ask them questions and to explain it clearly on their level, and to be really patient. And not try to force a quick prayer out of them just to toss up another. What would be called a salvation? But if it’s not understood, they can’t be saved unless they understand the.


So now that you know the gospel and you’re sure that you’re saved and all of the confusion by God’s grace has been lifted, and now you know what it means to be saved and to live for Christ. What are some of the things that you do personally in the area of evangelism or discipleship to help remove barriers like the ones you faced in your life that others may have in their lives?


Some of the things that our family does, first of all, God has called US submissions, and we do serve on. A foreign field. So we’ve dedicated our lives to sharing the gospel with others who either haven’t heard or who have been confused by poor presentations, or maybe just some of their beliefs have been mixed up and they need some help understanding. We also love passing out tracks. We love spending time one-on-one with people and just talking to people and. Trying to turn that conversation around to eternal things, to spiritual. And that will help them and just pray that God prepares their heart and gives us opportunities to share the gospel.


Are you finding that these days when you interact with some of the people that you talked to one-on-one that many of them have had the same experience that you did where there was a false profession? Perhaps they thought they were saved, and then in the course of interacting with you or with maybe Pastor or someone, they come to realize that they’re not safe. Is that something that you encounter?


We do encounter that quite a bit especially. Like I said, we serve on the mission field and even in foreign countries this is a problem. When they do hear the gospel, sometimes the presentation that they are given does not explain the gospel at all. Sometimes it doesn’t even contain the gospel. And so there’s a lot of confusion. But then whoever is leading them or whoever is talking to them, declares them to be saved and they rest on that declaration. Nation instead of understanding the word of God, and here in the states we are currently stateside, we see the same thing that people really don’t have a comprehension.




A lot of people have this idea of ohh my salvation is I’ve turned my life over to the Lord. But they don’t understand. They have to deal with that. Legal side of it of. You are guilty before a holy God as a Sinner, and there has to be that transaction for your. Fan for you to be saved. It’s not just. Giving your life to the Lord. That comes after salvation. When you surrender your life and make him Lord of your life. But at salvation, they need to understand that the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ for our sins according to the scripture. I do encounter that a lot and I try to. Follow that pattern of explaining the gospel that Jesus Christ, death, burial, and resurrection for our sins according to the Scriptures. That is the gospel, and they have to understand that.


Alright, charity, we’re going to go into a little bit of fun section and find out some of your favorites. So tell us, what is your favorite scripture verse?


My favorite scripture verse is Nahum, 17. The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth him that trusted him. The reason this is my. Absolute favorite scriptural verse is because this is the first that the Lord gave me my dad back in 2012 passed away very suddenly. And this was the verse that I did for my personal devotion. I had just read that verse and memorized that verse, and that verse came up with the moment I found out the news that my dad had passed away. God used that verse to stabilize my heart and to move me forward in my grief.


I’m sorry to hear about your dad. But first of all.


What is your favorite Bible history, your favorite biblical historical account?


I really love studying the women of the Bible, whether they be the well known ones or. The more obscure Bible. The lady that God has used women throughout history in very powerful ways. But if I had to. Choose just one account. I think I would go to mark 14 when the woman who was actually unnamed in the book of Mark came and anointed Jesus’s feet. And she broke up in that alabaster box and poured out that precious ointment. And there were so many around her that were criticizing her. But she didn’t worry about the credit. That and then Jesus said something that had a powerful impact in my life personally, he said she has done what she could, and as I tried to serve the Lord, there’s so many times and so many things that I cannot do either. I don’t have the skill or the talent or the resources, or sometimes I just don’t have that permission. Necessarily to do certain things for him, but I don’t need to worry about what I cannot do. He just wants me to be willing to do what I can for him. So that’s why that account is so powerful in my life.


And then the law still used broken things. What is the most convicting scripto passage to you?


Oh, that would definitely be John 13 when Jesus laid aside his garments and grabbed his towel and the basin and started washing the disciples feet. So here you have the creator of all things kneeling down to serve, and they were just gross. You have to admit, feet. Are gross, but he. Was willing to do the most. Unwanted tasks to serve. And what’s even more convicting is that one of the pairs of feet he was washing with Judith’s feet, knowing that Judith was going to betray him, he still washed his feet. So in my life, I think, you know, it’s really easy to serve people we love or serve people that appreciate what we’re doing or do hard things. For people who. Are good to us, but the question. Is am I willing to serve people who treat me fully or? Do me wrong.


You know, as you were describing what the Lord himself did when he laid aside his garments and took a towel, guarded himself and washed, you know, gross feet. I tried to visualize what that must have been like for the disciples, how shocking, and how it must have made them feel. That would be like. I don’t want to sound like I’m diminishing. The position that the Lord has in the universe, but the closest thing that I could think of would be like the King of England. Or maybe the president coming to my house and washing my feet and he’s greater than any of those two that I. Mentioned the fact that the God of the universe would lower himself to such a state to where he’s serving others, doing the low meanly task of washing their feet. That’s an incredible that’s an incredible one, incredibly convicting as well. What would you say is the most comforting scripture verse for you? Is it the same? As the verse that you mentioned was your favorite, is it the same as Nahum once?


It definitely is because in the dark times and the troubled times. Not alone. And he’s good to me. So it says the Lord is good. So he’s not just good in the good times. And when everything’s going well, he’s also good when it rains. And he’s also good when you’re going through a tragedy. And he’s also good when things just didn’t go as he planned. He’s always good. And he’s where I can run. To when the trouble comes and the reason I can run to him is because I’m his. He knows who trusts in him.


And consider how good he is to that. And all of the world throughout all of time, he came down to save us specifically, like he came down to save you charity specifically he sent. Well, you didn’t know at the time, but what would end up being your husband? He sent him. How is it that the boy that you sat next to in computer? Class is the same one that God uses. To bring you to him through a series of events and the fact that he went to such great lengths to find you where you were when you were completely helpless and unable to reach out to, or to find him is a testament to how good our Lord is.


What would you say is your favorite hymn of the fate?


Oh, for many years it was. It is well with my soul because once I trusted Christ as my savior. As such, confidence that it was. Along with my soul and still. Is today, but a few years ago. You know that favorite song actually came in the place where we live on the field. It’s a very noisy, noisy place. And some of the noises are like, just annoying noises like car horns honking and. Neighbors coming in at 3:00 AM in the morning and being really loud or dogs barking at all hours of the night. But some of the noise. That we have to endure are much more oppressive. You have your Pagan priests and they’re on loud speakers preaching throughout the community. You have idle worship with bells ringing and chanting or gongs or songs. Even when we go into a store, they will play inside the stores these. In mantras that are so repetitious, they just get stuck in your head and and it’s just constant noise like. That and where we are Christians are affected. It just feels like. We’re just overwhelmed and the persecution there is real and very difficult. And we struggle sometimes that’s an understatement. But there are times when it is difficult. So one morning I had gotten up and I was going to do my morning devotions and all the religious noises were going on outside. All around, I could hear the gong ringing. I could hear neighbors ringing their bells and doing their morning worship to their. Titles and I just wanted some peace and quiet. I really did. And so I prayed and I asked God, I said, God, I need some help. This morning I really didn’t want to hear the wickedness outside. Suddenly a breeze came through and behind their house we have a bamboo grow and the breeze went through the bamboo Grove. And it was just so peaceful to hear it. And then after that, I started noticing the different birds outside that were singing. And there were several different melodies that I was hearing from these. Birds and they were so. Careful and it was like I completely forgot all the other noises and that’s when the song. This is my father’s world came to mind. And I had to look at the words I have not seen that song and so many years I had forgotten what it said. And so I looked it up and it says this is my father’s world, the birds. They’re carols raised the morning light, the Lily white, declare their makers phrase. My father’s. World he shines in all that’s there in the rustling grass. I hear him pass. He speaks to me everywhere. This is my father’s world. So let me never. Forget that though, the wrong seems off so strong God is the ruler. Yes, the problem wasn’t the noise that was going on side. The problem was my focus. I kept focusing on the wickedness around me. And not focusing on my God, my maker, my savior, and these birds outside, they were hearing all the same noises I was hearing, but they were still praising their creator. And I could do the same thing. I could focus on the wickedness, or I could join the. Birds and singing his praises. From that point on, that song became my favorite song because it helps me to refocus no matter how noisy this world gets. God is with us. He’s in control. He’s still on the throne and he deserves our praise. At all times.


Who is your favorite giant of the faith from the scriptures?


My favorite is giant is probably not one that anybody is going to consider a giant, but she is definitely a hero to me because of the example that she set and it’s the Samaritan woman at the well. Because he was a woman who doesn’t like to respect it and she had earned that dislike and that disrespect. But then she came face to face with Christ, and he changed her life. And I can so identify with this woman after coming face to face with Christ as changed life. And what was the first thing that she did? She left what she was doing behind. And took truth to her people. And that act. Impacted an entire city. He was bold. He was courageous. She was just a woman who simply did what she could. And I think she’s such a hero to me because it reminds me it’s not about my talents and my abilities or what I can or cannot do. It’s just this willingness to take what I know and to take the message out and let God use it how he will, because he’s really the one who’s going to change lives. I’m just the messenger. He can use people right where they are. To take his message.


Well, charity, let’s wrap it up. Tell us, by the way of sharing the gospel, how can barriers be removed in the life of others?


The barriers in our lives are not barriers. To the board. He can remove the barriers, but we have to identify what those barriers are. And in my life, that barrier was not understanding the gospel, and the gospel is so super simple for God to love the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have eternal life everlasting life. That is the gospel. God’s son came and paid the price for our him and we have to understand that we are sinners. For all have sinned and have short of the glory of God. I’m a Sinner, everyone’s a Sinner. We have all gone against God’s word. And when we admit that we are Sinner, we understand we need a savior and the only one who can be that savior is the sinless son of God who Fesus Christ, who he sent to us. And then we have to trust we have. To call out. And say because he promised, whosoever took call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved if we call out, he will keep his promise, because he cannot lie, and that barrier can be removed. If we trust God’s word and God’s way of salve.


Thank you for joining us on the Removing Barriers podcast.


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Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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