Praise the Lord for All He has Done

When Jay and I decided to start a podcast in the summer of 2020, we never imagined what impact it would have on our personal life. It has caused us to grow in the faith and grow closer to the God we desire to share more earnestly. Before buying mics, mixers, and recording equipment, we spent time in prayer to ensure that God was in this and this was not our own personal desire.


Twenty-one episodes later, we still did not expect the impact it would have in the life of others. After all, who are we, and why would anyone listen to us? But God has decided to allow our podcast to be heard in over 13 different counties to include: Sri Lanka, Romania, Netherlands, Singapore, Russia, Ireland, Italy, Australia, Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, and New Zealand. Most of our listeners are from the U.S., but the fact that we were able to share the gospel in different areas of the world through the lockdowns of 2020 is all because of God’s goodness. Join us in prayer that God will continue to use our efforts through the podcast to spread the gospel to the lost and to encourage Christians to share their faith.


The Removing Barriers Podcast can also be heard on over 15 different platforms, including the most popular ones like Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, YouTube and more. The podcast will come up in the top results of any web search, simply search for “The Removing Barriers Podcast.” Click here to see all our platforms.

If the Removing Barriers podcast is not available on your favorite platform, let us know. I am sure it is available on platforms that I might not even be aware of.


While our listenership is not to the level we would like (after all, we do not have the numbers of a Ben Shapiro), we are still thankful for the number of listens we have received. If one soul was saved or will ever be saved through our efforts, to God be the glory: it will have been worth it all.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our listeners and guests. I have reached out to a number of you to be guests on the podcast and the responses have been a blessing. We were able to have great conversation and foster friendship with a number of guests on the show. Many of you are in line to give your testimony on the show and are regular listeners. Thank you!


Happy New Year and God’s richest blessings for 2021.

Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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