A Debtor to Mercy Alone

I wish I could say that a lot of prayer and thought went into the selection of the theme song that our kids now associate with the intro and outro of the Removing Barriers Podcast, but it was simply a battle to find something remotely acceptable and free. When I stumbled upon a site that offer free scared arrangements, I decided that we would choose something from there. It came down to two arrangements, and we settled on A Debtor to Mercy Alone because it fits Jay’s voice best. I guess we realized that no arrangement would ever fit my voice.

This lovely hymn was written by Augustus Toplady, author of Rock of Ages, and it summarizes why Jay and I are motivated to spread the gospel and win the lost. After all, we are indeed debtors to His mercy alone.
The first stanza reads:
A debtor to mercy alone,
of covenant mercy I sing;
nor fear, with your righteousness on,
my person and off’ring to bring.
The terrors of law and of God
with me can have nothing to do;
my Savior’s obedience and blood
hide all my transgressions from view.


If Christ’s sacrificial death upon the cross does not motivate you to do your reasonable service for him (Romans 12:1) which includes your obedience to the great commission, and to be a light and salt in this dark world, then Christ’s death has been of no effect in your life.


I know that with COVID, and by extension the current restrictions that are in place, have made it difficult to share your faith in ways we are used to, but I encourage you to find creative ways to obey our Lord and Savior’s last command to “go” and tell others about the joys of repentant faith in Him. Just like our constitutional rights should not evaporate during a pandemic, our obedience to His commands should not evaporate during a pandemic either.
Thank you for listening. Our numbers have more than doubled in the past two weeks. If you are enjoying the podcast, I encourage you to leave a review on your favorite platform, whether it be Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, or YouTube.

Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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