10 Things That Are Not Soulwinning

I’m concerned that we have watered soulwinning down to such a degree that even those who are not actively soulwinning can come to believe they are obeying Mark 16:15 when in actuality they are not. Others may think that the command to win souls is not directed toward them when it actually is. Reasons for these understandings may include a lack of preaching and teaching on evangelism, Christians making excuses, God’s people believing the lies of the enemy, or Christians believing and doing things that look like soulwinning but fall short upon closer examination.

Here are 10 things that are not soul-winning:

  1. Soulwinning is not a gift. Oftentimes, Christians claim not having the gift of soulwinning as a reason for not sharing with everyone the only One who can save anyone. This justification does not hold water. The Bible speaks of the spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 among other places; evangelism is not listed as a gift anywhere in scripture. If it were a gift, it would be the first that is also a direct command. A command cannot be a gift, or else it would only be required of a few and not of all. When the Savior commands us to “Go,” He was commanding you, believer. He did not qualify it as only those given this “gift.” There is no such thing as the spiritual gift of evangelism. While some personalities may find it easier to interact with strangers than others, our Commander in Chief commands us to “Go,” so we must go!
  2. Soulwinning is not a ministry. “Ministry” is an misused term today. The meaning is now quite vast. However, the notion taking part in the music “ministry,” nursery “ministry,” or children’s “ministry” negates participation in the soulwinning “ministry” is, in my humble opinion, a cop-out. Soulwinning is a command, plain and simple! No matter what we do within the local body for the cause of Christ, we are also commanded to “Go.” The question is, despite all our busyness, are we also going? We can be busy in the work, but we should also busy going to the work He has commanded us.
  3. Soulwinning is not a calling. We do not need to spend hours in prayer seeking God’s will about it. We do not need to go to college or seek counseling with our pastors to discern this. If you are a born-again believer, you are commanded to share His saving grace with all. In Acts 1:8 and Mark 16:15, the Bible makes it clear that we are to win souls. Therefore, we do not need any extra revelation from the word of God, nor a special feeling or urgency. The command is enough, and we should “Go” as we are commanded to.
  4. Soulwinning is not an invitation to Church. See the related article: A Warm Invitation to Church. Too often, we would just invite folks to church and call it evangelism. Soulwinning is inviting folks to the Person of Jesus Christ, not to a location.  Too often, we prefer not to open our mouths and preach the gospel, so we substitute this with an invitation to church. I personally believe that every believer should know how to take the scriptures and show someone how they can be saved. The local church should teach this, and this should be a part of discipleship. Presenting the gospel is not just for the trained missionary or pastor–it is for every believer.
  5. Soulwinning is not only for extroverts. “I am an introvert.” Of all the excuses, this one is the most common. Explanations vary, but the bottom line usually goes back to, “I am an introvert, so I can’t or I have no desire to talk to people I do not know.” Though this fear is real, it needs to be dealt with. The Lord’s command is for introverts just as much as it is for extroverts. Refusing to engage in soulwinning because you are an introvert is an excuse, a lie of the enemy for disobedience. Seek God’s help through prayer and then seek to be obedient to His command.
  6. Soulwinning is not a something you can subcontract out. Perhaps we rest on our laurels in personal evangelism because we give to missions. We believe we have done our part because of our giving spirit. Somehow, we think we can pay for the “missionary” to obey the command on our behalf. While we should support missions, we must remember we are missionaries, too. We have the same command the missionary has. And we will be accountable to God for our local Jerusalem. So rather than subcontracting the mandate, let us take heed and spread His word to those we encounter daily.
  7. Soulwinning is not use of your talents in the church. Many of us are great assets to the local body. Perhaps you can play the piano, or sing a special, or are a gifted teacher of the scriptures. This is not only needed, but it is amazing that you are using your gifts and talents for the Lord. But using your gifts and talents does not excuse you from the command to “Go.” The question is: are you going?
  8. Soulwinning is not just being kind to your neighbors. If you are loving and kind to your neighbors, that’s great! Continue being that way. Know, however, that while you are obeying the command to love your neighbor as yourself, there is still another command to share the gospel with that neighbor. Obedience in one area do not excuse disobedience in another.
  9. Soulwinning is not just handing out a tract. This one may ruffle some feathers, but tracts can often become a crutch for Christians who want to share the gospel but are afraid to. To be sure, tracts are a good starting point. As we mature in the Lord, however, we must graduate from just handing out tracts and actually verbally share the gospel with others. After all, you have the Holy Ghost living in you, you can answer questions and remove barriers in ways a tract is unable to.
  10. Soulwinning is not lifestyle evangelism. Many Christians have boiled their soulwinning efforts down to living a holy and separated life before man with the hopes that one day they will be asked why they are so different. And while we are commanded to live holy and separated lives so men can see our good works and glorify God, we are also commanded to “Go.” So it is not enough that we live an exemplary life. We must also obey him in the area of evangelism and go.

(Acts 1:8) But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

(Mark 16:15) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Removing Barriers Blog

Apologetic argument doesn’t save people, but it certainly clears the obstacles so they can take a direct look at the Cross of Christ. -R

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